Samantha and Jerry Dwyer's Web Page
4/27/2004: Well Jerry is once again has to deal with the elimination of the Islanders from the playoffs.  Their first round loss was hard but at least they made playoff unlike the Rangers!  His own playoffs start next week.
Our big surprise is coming along well and will be ready to show soon......  We are both looking foward to summer to get back out on the water, and party more at our favorite haunts in Norfolk.

Anyone else going to the Perfect Circle concert?  We managed to get orchestra pit tickets maybe we can sneak ya in! We are hopefully going back out to Vegas in July/August timeframe... anyone wanna go?  Can any of you hang?  : P

We know we really need to overhaul the whole page but as always we have been busy.  We do have some cool surprises coming up in the near future and hope you will keep checking back to see them. 

Well changes are coming in our lives.  Sam is all but done with school, she is finishing up her last week of class and is doing an intern at NASA.  She just landed a really good job with a company in NN. We went to Vegas (again we know) in May and had another awesome time.  I became a dual champion in ice hockey winning the champioship cups in both Newport News and Cheasapeake. 

Drastic changes are about to happen to the web site.  Sam is redesigning the entire site to be much much better.  We will include all our pics in a much easier format (we hope) and I have already removed the movie page.  When some of her stuff from NASA is available we will have the links.  She is also starting up her own buisness so we will keep you all posted on that.  Oh yeah and one last sad note... this summer may have had a casualty.. our jet ski of 6 years decide that it no longer liked the engine it came with so it decided to strand me for an hour in the middle of the Cheasapeake Bay.  Waiting to find out if we should replace the engine or the whole sled.      

Now that the holidays are over it is time that we post all these pics and stuff that have been neglected.  Sam and I are back in school again, still playing ice hockey and sam has been picking up some free lance jobs on top of her school work and other job (little busy bee).  Had a nice time in NY Xmas (will post some pics soon) and came back here and had a really great New Years Eve in VA Beach with friends! 

Some people have emailed us about the inability to see pics in the photo album.  When you click on one of the photo albums on this site it takes you to and asks you for a login name and password.  Simply sign up and create an account on the site (its completely free and only takes a second) and then you will be able to view the pics.

We will be updating more frequently as Sam is developing an online portfolio with all of her best work for one of her classes. As soon as it is online we will let you know. 

11/2/02: Damn!
It has been 5 months since we  updated the site..... well expect to see a bunch of updates in the next couple days...mostly pics and stuff.  Since the last update we celebrated my birthday is classic fashion in Las Vegas, much partying and stories that probably shouldn't be shared, went to Matt Laurita's wedding just outside of New York City and went into the city for some more partying afterwards, and in a true sign of addiction we went back to Vegas in October.  We are taking a break this fall (at least by our standards), we are both still in classes, Jerry is only playing hockey one night a week after a 2 month hiatus.  We will be returning to Syracuse for Turkey Day and Xmas this year.  We should be posting pics from the 2 Las Vegas trips, NYC trip and pictures taken when Sam's mom was here two weeks ago.  Check back soon.....

Here are the pics from our last Vegas trip in May 2002.... Click here

Sam and I just got back from another fun trip to Las Vegas.  Sam finished up classes and it looks like she aced them all.  My team won the championship in ice hockey.  We have a lot more free time so we should be updating quite a bit.  Sam is going to upload more art work and pictures from her photography class and I am uploading the pictures from our recent Vegas trip.  Please check back soon!

Once again we have been slack in the updates.  Sam is doing some really cool stuff in her classes and
is entering some of her work in a competition soon.  In one of her classes she is editing video and adding sounds
She made a video of a bunch of hits from a bunch of my ice hockey games.  I am know playing in two leagues
for ice hockey and finding very little compettion.  I have had a couple hattricks and in the top five in scoring,
assists and points and I even missed 5 games.  Also one penalty minute shy of the goon list as I git ejected for fighting the other night.  Oh well, we got some pictures to put so we will update more frequently

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