Music                   - Waltz 3/4

Tempo                  - 52 measures of 3 beats per minute

                              - 156 beats per minute

Pattern                  - Set

Duration               - The time to skate 4 sequences is:


This waltz was inspired on the famous Dutch melody 'Tulips from Amsterdam', which originated in the 'Jordaan', an old neighbourhood in the centre of Amsterdam. Although the dance can be skated very well to Viennese Waltz music, its character is more flamboyant, less sophisticated. It could be said more like a folk dance. The typical rocking movements which are inherent to the Jordaan-waltzes can be accentuated in the change of edge sequence (step 23) and can be obtained by skating deep edges and by making a clear weight transference when skating from one curve to the other.

The dance is meant to make the beginning ice dancer familiar with both forward and backward skating. Moreover a three turn for both partners, and changes of edge are included. The timing of the three turns, progressives and chassé's is the same as in the Willow Waltz with the exception of the timing of steps 7 & 8 , and 16 & 17, which is rather unusual for waltzes on the ice. Here the first step of the slide chassé (steps 7 & 16) is performed on the musical count of 4, while the second (steps 8 & 17) is skated on the musical count of 5 and 6. Care should be taken that the timing of step sequence 5-8 and 14-17 is done accurately.


Inventor                - Peter P. Moormann

First Performance               - 's Hertogenbosch, Sportiom, 2000





Tulips from Amsterdam



Positions               Step               Man's                    Number of                          Lady's

                              No.               Step                      beats of music                    Step


Kilian                     1             LFO                                     2                            LFO

                                2             RFI-Pr                                 1                            RFI-Pr  

Closed                    3a           LFO                      2                            2+1               LFO3

                                3b           RFI-Ch                 1

                                4             LFO-Sw                               6                            RBO-Sw

                                5             RFO                                     2                            LBO

                                6             LFI-Ch                                 1                            RBI-Ch

                                7             RFO                                     1                            LBO

                                8             LFI-slCh                              2                            RBI-slCh

                                9             RFO-Sw                              6                            LBO-Sw

                              10               LFO                                     2                            RBO

                              11               RFI-Ch                                1                            LBI-Ch

                              12               LFO3                    2+1                       3               RBO

                              13               RBO-Sw                              6                            LFO-Sw

                              14               LBO                                     2                            RFO

                              15               RBI-Ch                                1                            LFI-Ch

                              16               LBO                                     1                            RFO

                              17               RBI-slCh                      2                            LFI-slCh

                              18               LBO-Sw                                             6                            RFO-Sw

                              19a               RBO                     3                            2               LFO

                              19b                                                                    1               RFI-Ch

Kilian                   20               LFO                                     2                            LFO

                              21               RFI-Pr                                 1                            RFI-Pr

                              22               LFO                                     3                            LFO

                              23               CR-RFO-Sw to IO               9                            CR-RFO-Sw to IO

                              24               XF-LFI                                3                            XF-LFI

                              25               RFI                                       3                            RFI