Brazilian Contemporary Arts
"increasing awareness of Brazilian arts and culture in the UK"

BCA Palingswick House, 241 King Street, London W6 9LP, ENGLAND.
Tel: 0044 (0) 20 8741 9579 Fax: 0044 (0) 20 8748 5601
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Why not become a BCA member ?
By becoming a member, you will be helping fund BCA's important work; you will receive regular information about events; and you will receive
'News From Brazil'-BCA's quarterly round-up of news, reviews and previews.
The cost is only £12 per year. (Cheques payable to Brazilian Contemporary Arts)

Since its foundation in 1981, BCA has made a significant contribution to the cultural life of the United Kingdom.

As a registered Charity their remit is clear:
To promote an increased awareness of Brazilian Arts and Culture within the UK.

BCA work on many levels to achieve their goals: through Brazilian Portuguese courses; sale of traditional arts and crafts; a varitety of publication projects; art exhibitions; readings and personal appearances; and small or large scale concerts and festivals.

With the promotion of arts events and festivals, BCA has established an enviable reputation by producing innovative events of the highest quality. Working with some of the biggest names from Brazil's cultural past and introducing the freshest new talent, BCA have opened the way for a resurgence of British interest in the culture and heritage of Latin America.

Major Brazilian celebrations of the past include:

1981 Festival of Brazil
1982 In Floodlight Brazil
1991/2 Brazil in Covent Garden
1994 Festival of Bahia
1995 Festival of Minas
1999 Since Samba has been Samba

BCA hold a unique cultural position within the UK. An understanding of and commitment to sponsors, partners, funding bodies and cultural agencies(in both the UK and Brazil), is balanced by an ability to harness the passionate support and enthusiasm of audiences from all communities.

Link to Previous Events:-
(1)Samba Evening
(2)Since Samba Has Been Samba

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