Hi Everyone ! I'm Sameera... 22yrs old... from the
 beautiful desert of United Arab Emirates.... Well
 nowadays you can't call it a desert, 'coz it has turned
into a paradise.... First of all let me introduce myself..
mmmm... So how should I start??? Ok here I go!!
I'll start with my nature, my personality... I'm a cool
kind of a person with a real cool mind, a loving
person... with a good sense of humor, Including a
sprinkle of soberness. I think everyone should be
like this, humor with soberness... Well I don't know,
whether you people agree with me or not .... but it's
just a simple thought of mine... so please don't go
serious on my thinking..... just be cool.... The reason
of this thought of mine is that, I believe that, I don't
love people 'coz they are good, they are good 'coz
I love them ... As love is the only thing which makes
you a simple person... Loving everyone! and that's
what I am !! Well making web pages is one of my
hobby.... so I thought why not share it with everyone.
Over here you'll find some of my favorite Quotes
and Poems So come on my friends.. Enter my
world of Feelings!! I'll be updating my website
most frequently!!!

<bgsound src="//sameera79.tripod.com/Careless_Whisper.mid" loop=true>