SamFranCrisco Disk / PhatBubba recording since its beginning in 2001 has made an effort to find and record great music that might otherwise go unheard ... to encourage artists to put thier work out there to an ever widening adiance.. At our stuios in Rochester Vermont (Dream weaver studio) and Daytona Beach fl. (Dream Weaver South) and at live venues and locations we try to create a comfortable environment to that lets the musician thrive ....$%$%#$%#&%^ produced by AKA/michael wayne - whose work has always been recieved with mixed reviews (one critic wrote of his solo album ..."aimless melodies ..trite lyrics.. and non-stellar production values " ...) AKA/michael waynes process of working might be described as taking a puzzle ,in a box with a picture on it, so you know what it looked like, then scattering the pieces on the floor and working with a talented group to put it together agian,in the process making it nicer than the picture on the box it came out of. for some this type of approach is a bit dissconcerting. a recent musicians experiance was such that after the sessions in question found himself unable to listen with his ears anymore ....left instead with only his anally critical negativity and general discomfort levelwith the process ...someone once said "the process is the product" ...i agree ... ... someone else once said " if it sounds good it is good " ... i also agree. .and one final thought , as Calvin said , ...goodbye,good luck and whatever you do - DON'T TAKE ANY WOODEN CONDOMS 'cause they can give you splinters" - bye for now - BUBBA