The magazine is available now (June 2004) in book stores.
Our heartfelt thanks to all who participated. Your generous support did a lot of good for Greenpeace, and the scrapbook and Love Beads showed Orlando the extent and variety of his fans. It was challenging and fun and we made a huge success of it together. Orlando has some really fine people as his fans and we are proud and pleased to be among them.
Nin has opened a site for her beads, called TouchStones, so you can have some Love Beads of your very own!
Orlando has expressed his thanks for our effort for the Orlando Bloom Birthday Project and for the Love Beads, but we've been told by the Fan Team that his management doesn't want any more fan groups collecting donations in his name for legal reasons.
In addition, due to the overwhelming amount of fan mail Orlando receives, gifts are very strongly discouraged and most will be given to charity.
Because of this, we are now closing the OBBP permanently and will do no future projects.
We will however be first in line for Ned Kelly and Troy!
Thanks everyone!
Stacie and Nin
March 2004
See what we did for Orlando's 27th birthday
If you donated an item for the auction and it wasn't used, and you'd like it back, please e-mail me. After March 2005, any unclaimed items become property of the OBBP. Thanks.
Orlando at a Greenpeace protest in LA on October 19, 2002.
I am not Orlando Bloom! I don't know him and I don't know how to contact him.