Memorial Page
Diamond's Waylon Willie
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Willie was THE first dog.
He was an AKC registered
Shetland Sheepdog.
He excelled in obedience and
was also a breed ring dog.
He fathered 54 puppies
which had varied talents,
including show, obedience,
herding, not to mention being
wonderful family pets!
Just a pup, Willie as a baby
Billy Boy, Willie's dad
Gina, Willie's mom..Dida to far left
pass mouse over pics to meet the family
Click on any image to enlarge
Dida, Willie's half sister
Teako, our puppymill rescue
email Willie's former pet
Sam's page
of Dogs
Willie was the one constant companion I could always count on until I was past 30 years old.
He shared my home with my family including a host of animals and pets, with whom he treated gently, with great protection.  He cherished my children as much as I did.
Willie would do anything for me,  knowing my moods and needs, often reacting to
what I needed of him almost before I asked.   Any dog I know is measured
by the yardstick Willie gave me.  He is missed every day.
He passed away in his sleep just after his 14th birthday.
email Willie's former pet
Teako, Dida, WILLIE, Gina & Bandito - Dida's litter brother
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