Here are some examples of PETA's ads.  Notice a common theme?  These are just some of their ads, in the others, they have a few furry, cute looking animals instead of naked celebrities and models.  Keep your legs crossed.
Go Home
That's low.
After seeing all these very pursuasive arguements, you might be thinking, "I want to be a vegetarian".  Settle down and think about it for a moment.  By showing pictures of little animals suffering and getting you horny about lettuce, Peta hopes to make you abandon your basic human instinct to eat meat.
  Our species has teeth to tear and chew meat, along with grind plants.  It's in our nature to eat other animals.  In fact, you might say we've been doing it for thousands of years and gotten along fine.  You can't show any of these pictures to a cat and make is stop eating rats.  A lion kills its prey without any regard to the other animal's feelings.  And some animals are just meant to be eaten, like pigs, chickens and bovine.  Pigs are one of the most destructive creatures on the planet.  They wipe out natrual species and consume every resource possible (kinda like humans).  They have no other purpose on Earth than to be food.  Don't let pictures of cute little piglettes fool you.
  There are problems with the way animals are raised for production into scrumptuous sausages, but we should work to fix the problem rather than join the trendy band wagon of hip celebrities who think they can tell the rest of how to live.  Most vegetarians are not that great looking anyway.  Trust me.
If for some reason you are a happy little vegetarian, why would you try to force your beliefs on other people?  I've been told that in America, we have rights, or something like that.  You have the right to not eat meat, not wear fur, or not use toothpaste with gelatin in it.  You can also protest, but peacefully.
  If I ever see one of Peta's or some other organization's publicity stunts on a street corner disrupting traffic or a bunch of vegans soaked in red paint rolling around in front of a Burger King when I'm trying to get a quick bite to eat, I'm gonna crack some skull.
  I sure as hell can kick the ass of some scrawny protesters, and if I get arrested for it, then I'll be going to jail for what
I believe in; people's right to choose and not be harassed by a minority of self righteous pricks.