18 Months to 2 Years

Learning the Alphabet (UPPER and lower case) in two weeks

This can be achieved by using an alphabet chart containing all the alphabets in UPPER case. Go through the alphabets (A to Z) with the child by saying out aloud each alphabet and asking the child to repeat after you, one letter at a time.

It is alright if the child makes mistake - it will happen; just keep the momentum going, one letter after another. You do not need to perfect one letter before going on to the next. Just keep going from A to Z and repeating the cycle and before long you will be pleased that the child has learnt all the alphabets. Spend about 15 to 20 minutes a day to do this. This is like fixing a jig-saw puzzle where you fix part by part, sometimes two or more disjointed parts at the same time, and only seeing the whole picture towards the end.

Do the same for the lower case. Do not attempt both cases at the same time; the poor child maybe confused.
The idea is to focus on one task at a time.     You can develop different skills at the same time but not two similar skills at the same time.

Do not focus on getting the child to remember the correct sequence at this juncture. This can be done later easily through ABC song for example.

Try the above out and email to me at samneo@pacific.net.sg on the outcome. I will be pleased to hear of your success or problems and assist where I can.

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Word Puzzle Method
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