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4 to 5 Years (Kinder 1 Year)

Reading Skills (Level 5)

1) At this age the child can start to read series such as the
Ladybird Keyword Reading Scheme series of readers. Book 8 to10 can be attempted.

This is pretty advanced reading for a child of this age. It can be done. I have done it.

You need to believe in the child and in yourself to achieve this.

By now the child might have learnt phonics subconsciously in the process.

Subconscious learning learning is very important as it uses the right mind, a very powerful but under-exploiteed part of our mind.

You see I recommend to stick to a good series over some time ( 3 years in thuis case) instead of changing from one to another. Any good series will do. There is really not much difference among good readers. The
key is in the teacher and the method.

Reading Skills (Level 6)

1)The child can be reading more Enid Blyton books such as Thirteen O'clock  etc.

2) The idea here is to get the child now to appreciate the usage of words in the context of a story.

3) If you have reached this stage, the child's foundation in reading the English Language is quite well established.
Give yourself and the child a pat on the back.   

Key Strategy :

Believe in the infinite capacity and capability of the human mind and you and your child can achieve much.

Stimulate the mind of the child but don't over-stretch it .

Coming ....:

1. Doing Pr 1 or Gd 1 Mathematics ( the child can do this at this age, ie before going to foraml school)

2. Abacus for kinder kids (the child can do +,-,x, / before going to Pr 1 or Gd 1, and know all the multiplitcation table)

3. Doing Pr 1 or Gd 1 English for kinder kid 

4. Science enrichment using encyclopedia

5. Remembering planets through association, atributes, uniqueness

6. Remembering water plants and animals using pictures

Email me at to share your success or difficulties.