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Andy Answers!

I get asked a lot of questions over the Internet, and the answers might be able to help you as well. So take a gander at the ones below! This week's question involves how to choose a college or grad school.

Dear Andy:
I am so confused. All my life I have played soccer and known that I was going to college through a soccer scholarship, although my passion has always been with acting. I love drama.

I need to know what I should do to start preparing for college.
How can I be preparing myself for auditions, and getting into college?

Well, just recently I decided that I would quit soccer and pursue my dreams of acting. The director of my play invited a NY director/producer who told me he thinks I could definitely hit Broadway with my talent. You see, my nickname in the drama world is Ethel Merman.
I need to know what I should do to start preparing for college. I have had many people tell me to start looking at schools like Juilliard, NYU and Columbia, and I will be visiting those schools next month.
What else do I need to do? How can I be preparing myself for auditions, and getting into college? My dream is to be accepted to Juilliard. I know I have a talent. How do I pursue it? Get me on Broadway!!!!!!

(Name Withheld)

Dear (NW):
If you're determined to try to make it in show business, a good college is a terrific place to start. Most undergraduate drama degrees, however, offer little professional advantage to the would-be actor. Concentrating on (or at least taking advantage of) your musical theatre gifts can give you some more opportunities than most.

The two best musical theatre programs in the country belong to the Cincinnati Conservatory of Music and the Boston Conservatory of Music. Each year, these schools' industry showcase attracts almost every agent and casting director in New York City. Their graduates probably have the highest employment percentage of ANY drama school, musical or otherwise, graduate or undergraduate.

Although Juilliard (thanks Lana)is, of course, one of the best programs in the country, it doesn't t specialize in musicals. Nonetheless many Broadway stars have gotten their start there (Patti LuPone and Kevin Kline). A number of other schools offer good programs as well, although they lack the prestige of the above mentioned three. Take a look at Carnegie Mellon, Northwestern, and to a lesser extent Michigan and NYU.

Most undergraduate drama degrees, however, offer little professional advantage to the would-be actor.
-- Andy Lawler

Questions you need to ask of any program you attend are:
  • 1. Does it offer a Bachelor of Fine Arts or a Bachelor of Arts degree? The BFA is what you need to aim for, as that's the sign of an actual professional training program.
  • 2. Does it offer a showcase in NYC or LA? There's little point investing in a degree if the industry doesn't see you at the end of it.
  • 3. What sort of performance options do you have?
  • 4. How recently have the faculty actually been participating in the biz?
  • 5. What sort of performance options do you have?

The two best musical theatre programs are...Cincinnati Conservatory of Music and the Boston Conservatory of Music...their graduates probably have the highest employment percentage of ANY drama school.....
-- Andy Lawler

A note of caution to close. Remember that everyone auditioning for these programs has been the star of their schools. Stature at your high school rarely guarantees success beyond. However, don't be intimidated by a lackluster resume either. What gets people into these schools is their audition and their look, and nothing else will really matter.
Good luck!

Check out last week's answer on choosing NYC or LA!

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