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In Loving Memory of My Son Aiden George O'Halloran
Born Still February 23, 1998

"How very softly you tiptoed into my world
Almost silently, only a moment you stayed.
But what an imprint your footsteps have left upon my heart."
From Little Footprints by Dorothy Ferguson

Poetry and Quotes | Links | Angels on the Net | My Spirit in the Sky - Aiden's Story | A picture of my Angel | What makes a Mother | The Original Sam's Angel Space | Aiden's Compassionate Friends Memorial Site | In Loving Memory of Carly Shane Ingersoll | My Sole Mate - Katie | About Me | A few Photo's | Awards I have proudly received | Apply for our Awards | Adopted on the Net | Webrings | Aiden's Certificate of Dignity

The above graphic was specially designed for me by Elizabeth
Thankyou from the bottom of my heart Liz!
You are one of the few Angels on Earth!

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©The above graphic was custom designed by Samantha

This is Hannah, Aiden's Guardian Angel.
She is watching over Aiden in Heaven for me until we are together again :)

You are listening to "ANGELS" by Amy Grant
With Thanks to CCM Midi Mega Site.
Click on their logo above for more information.


Firstly a big hello to everyone who is visiting my site.
And a big appology to anyone I haven't contacted or spoken too in such a long time!
Including all the lovely people who have taken the time to sign my guestbook!!
And secondly I have an announcement to make!!!
Aiden George is a big brother!!
Let me explain!! The past year has not been an easy one......in April '99 I found out I was again pregnant after another miscarriage. It wasn't an easy pregnancy after so many losses including our precious son Aiden. After we passed the 24 week mark things seemed to get a little easier and less stressful, although I was on medication for contractions I had been having since 17 weeks :P
Unfortunately I wasn't to see the 40 weeks of pregnancy through, our little baby had decided at 29 weeks that he had waiting long enough to meet us and after a week in hospital and two transfers Jacob David was born weighing 1710grams / 3lb 7oz & 41 cm long!!

Jake spent 49 days in NICU, a hard time as any parent of a premmie will understand.
Bringing Jacob home with us after all that time visiting him in hospital wasn't as easy as we had thought or anywhere near the same as bringing your new born babe home straight from the hospital after birth.
Our precious premmie had been through alot before he could join us as a family at home

You can read a little more about Jake at his site Our Little Miracle.
He truely is the light of our lives, our sunshine through the clouds and our reason for being.
We are truely blessed to have him and each day is a new learning experience for us and him!!
Jacob is now 17 mths actual age, 15.5 months corrected or adjusted and is doing so GREAT!!
Again thanks for taking the time to visit my Angel Space.
And always remember that Miracles can and do happen!!
Jacob is our proof!!

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This page is dedicated to ^ô^ Aiden George O'Halloran ^ô^
^ô^ Carly Shane Ingersoll ^ô^
*Rest in peace our tiny angels, You are forever loved and missed.*

Sammy 1998
Last updated: 14APR00
Many of the graphics I use are to ANNE GEDDES Please take the time to visit her site.

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