September 11 will stand as a defining moment in America's history -- the darkest day this country has ever endured.

This country is strong and we will dry our tears, turn to God for strength and we will support each other. As the workers sift through the unimaginable, our hearts and prayers go out to the untold numbers who lost their lives, to those who lost loved ones, to those in pain and to those whose lives will never be the same.

The pets of Pekehaven wish to commend those magnificent rescue dogs working alongside the humans in search and rescue at the crash sites. Unlike humans, dogs will work until they literally die and we know that one was lost. Such brave animals, serving their masters and all of us.

A rescue dog is transported out of the debris of the World Trade Center, September 15, 2001 in a photo released September 17. A week after the destruction of the World Trade Center, New York is facing the wrenching question of when to call off the search for survivors and focus instead on recovering the dead. At the mountain of rubble dubbed 'the pile,' an army of firefighters and other emergency workers toiling through the darkness under giant arc lights continued to pick cautiously through the debris seeking signs of life. (Preston Keres/US Navy vai Reuters)

U.S. Park Service officer D. McFadden and his dog Durac are part of the security at the Federal Hall, across the street from the New York Stock Exchange, Monday, Sept. 17, 2001. Workers returned to the financial district Monday for the first time since the Sept. 11 terrorist attack on the World Trade Center. (AP Photo/Ted S. Warren)

This is a quote from FEMA
"The crews were also busy trying to extinguish flames after a fire broke out of Tower number 7, which has been smoldering since Tuesday. Those rescuers climbing amongst the piles said the twisted metal was knife sharp, cutting them and the hundreds of search dogs."

A rescue dog is given a drink of water during a rest break from searching through the rubble from the fallen World Trade Center towers in New York September 13, 2001.



In response to the World Trade Center disaster, the ASPCA has placed a fully-equipped mobile veterinary unit on the corner of Houston St. and West St. at the Hudson River in NYC. The ASPCA is now working with other authorities to remove pets from homes in the buffer zone (south of Canal St.). The ASPCA is providing emergency relief services to any areas where they can gain access to pets in need.

8:45 a.m. (all times are EDT): A hijacked passenger jet, American Airlines Flight 11 out of Boston, Massachusetts, crashes into the north tower of the World Trade Center, tearing a gaping hole in the building and setting it afire.

9:03 a.m.: A second hijacked airliner, United Airlines Flight 175 from Boston, crashes into the south tower of the World Trade Center and explodes. Both buildings are burning.

9:43 a.m.: American Airlines Flight 77 crashes into the Pentagon, sending up a huge plume of smoke. Evacuation begins immediately.

10:15 am - A commercial aircraft later identified as United Airlines Flight 93 crashed near Pittsburgh. The flight had originated in Newark, New Jersey bound for San Francisco. The plane carried 38 passengers and seven crew members.

5:30 pm - Building 7, a 47-story structure making up part of the World Trade Center complex collapsed after being damaged by the fire and collapse of the twin towers. Other buildings near the World Trade Center continued to burn.

A "Call to Remembrance" memorial service was held for the 44 victims of United Airlines Flight 93 near the Somerset County, PA crash site. First Lady Laura Bush and Pennsylvania Governor Tom Ridge were among those speaking at the memorial service to honor the victims and comfort the 250 family members who were in attendance. Last week Pennsylvania's two senators, Republicans Arlen Specter and Rick Santorum, brought a flag to fly over the crash site that had previously flown over the U.S. Capitol. They also said on Friday that they are checking into the possibility of having the nation's highest civilian honor, the Presidential Medal of Freedom, posthumously given to anyone on the jet who fought the hijackers.

Operation Noble Eagle is the official name given to the homeland defense and civil support services to be provided by the 35,000 members of the military reserves now being called to active duty.

A week after the horrific terror attacks on the United States, the nation is trying to return to normal. But the markets are down sharply, and for many, "normal" has been permanently redefined.

Sept. 15 — A gritty resolve is emerging from the ashes of Tuesday's terror attacks, with broad majorities of Americans expressing support for military action against the groups or nations responsible — even if it means a protracted and costly war.

The death toll from the Pentagon attack reached 188 people, including 64 on the jetliner. Over 5,000 people were listed as missing at the World Trade Center site, with 201 confirmed fatalities.

CNN is usually on at Pekehaven and we came to know this lady well, from her appearances on Larry King Live. She always presented intelligence, fairness and a big smile.

Barbara Olson was a former federal prosecutor and served as Chief Investigative Counsel to the House Committee on Government Reform and Oversight during its probe into the Clinton Administration "Travelgate" scandal. She had appeared frequently as a commentator on CNN.

She was a passemnger on Airlines Flight 77, which was en route from Washington Dulles International Airport to Los Angeles and crashed into the Pentagon. She was thinking on her feet even in the face of death. She called her husband to tell him the plane had been hijacked.

One of the ABC show's four guest chairs was left empty to honor commentator Barbara. The memorial service for her was as much a time for healing, togetherness and reflection for her friends and family as it was a celebration of her life. A Supreme Court Justice said at the service: "Barbara strode boldly through life, full of cheer and verve, shying from no challenge or obstacle,'' Thomas said. ``She was irrepressible in the fullest sense ... ignoring all torpedoes and charging full speed ahead."

An open letter to a terrorist:

Well, you hit the World Trade Center, but you missed America. You hit the Pentagon, but you missed America. You used helpless American bodies, to take out other American bodies, but like a poor marksman, you STILL missed America.

Becket said, "I can't go on.
I'll go on"

Why? Because of something you guys will never understand. America isn't about a building or two, not about financial centers, not about military centers, America isn't about a place, America isn't even about a bunch of bodies. America is about an IDEA. An idea, that you can go someplace where you can earn as much as you can figure out how to, live for the most part,like you envisioned living, and pursue Happiness. (No guarantees that you'll reach it, but you can sure try!)

Yeah, we're fat, sloppy, easy-going goofs most of the time. That's an unfortunate image to project to the world, but it comes of feeling free and easy about the world you live in. It's unfortunate too, because people start to forget that when you attack Americans, they tend to fight like a cornered badger. The first we knew of the War of 1812, was when England burned Washington D.C. to the ground. Didn't turn out like England thought it was going to, and it's not going to turn out like you think, either. Sorry, but you're not the first bully on our shores, just the most recent.

You guys seem to be incapable of understanding that we don't live in America, America lives in US! American Spirit is what it's called. And killing a few thousand of us, or a few million of us, won't change it. Most of the time, it's a pretty happy-go-lucky kind of Spirit. Until we're crossed in a cowardly manner, then it becomes an entirely different kind of Spirit.

Wait until you see what we do with that Spirit, this time. Sleep tight, if you can. We're coming.

The way we were

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