In Memory of Mickey

We humans are prone to chase rainbows,
always wanting that pot of gold.
But the wisest of us remember the joy
of just a small creature to hold.

Allow yourself to accept their great gift,
and know what devotion is worth.
If you've been loved by a dog or a cat,
you're the richest person on earth.

But their lives are lived in miniature-
bright sun to palest moon.
They bless our days with innocence,
and faithfulness that's stilled too soon.

These precious lives are fragile,
as fleeting as a baby's smile.
So give them all the love you have.
They're only ours for a little while.

And in the lonely moments
when you pause to wonder why,
hold close those brightest shooting stars
that burn so briefly in our sky.

But then look deeper in your heart
to know all love must intertwine,
and when the night sky seems the darkest,
you'll see their light forever shine.

The Menagerie's Page for Mickey
From Mona,Servo and Gypsy
Lord Mickey's Memorial Candle at Forever Friends

Sandi. Fred and I are so shocked and sad to hear of your great loss of Handsome LORD PEKE *MICKEY*:(!

I will mention him and put "his" candle on my Rainbow Bridge page. If you feel like it, Sandi, send me his picture and I will add it too so that other Pet Lovers can say some prayers and/or think positive thoughts for the precious baby. Doris of Absolute Best Dogs

Dearest Sandi, I'm so sorry for your loss. I know how much Mickey meant to you and Larry, and I'm sure both of you will miss him horribly. He'll be with Toot, and my Tawny Rose at the Bridge waiting for you :)SuSue

Sandi, I am so very, very sorry by your profound loss. All I can say is that I do know how you feel. We have all lost pets, who we love like our children, suddenly and unexpectedly. This makes the sorrow even worse.Please know that my heart is with you at this time and if there was anything in the world that I could do to help you, I would.

All of My Love, Eleanor


I am so sorry about Mickey. I know he was very sick, we've been saying very many prayers and purrs for him and you. If there's anything I can do for you, please let me know. My IM name is JazzyBubba, if you need someone I'll pass along your condolences to the Poisson's

Hugs, Barbara

Mickey is so special because he is the first both you and Larry had together. He is not gone from your hearts and he will be there forever. There is no place better for him to be.

I picture him running and playing like he has not been able to do for years. What a wonderful sight it is:) He can play with Toot and my Abby. Can you imagine those smiling faces. Celebrate his life don't morn his passing. He is breathing strong and having the best time. I know it:)

So sorry to hear about you beautiful little peke, Mickey, passing away. The pekes are such treasures. We're lucky to have them for the little time that we do.

Mew Sir Wally,
We are furry sorry to hear about your furriend Mickey. It is always so sad when one crosses offur to the Rainbow Bridge. Tell your Meowmie we are purring and praying fur mew family.
Zena, Scraps and Neek

~~Thinking of you.....and saddened by the loss fo your dear Mickey. *sigh* Anyone who has had and lost a pet...has lost a member of their family...and the pain is just the same.
My heart goes out to you and Larry.~~
With Love and Warm Hugs..~~Ebbie~~

Dear Sandi...i am so sorry to hear of the passing of your little furbaby...know that i am only a email away and i will try to comfort you the best way i am able sure that he gave you some very treasured moments and those you will never forget. warm caring hugs to you Sandi ((((( ))))))))(From Smartie)

Dear Sir Wally,
My family joins me in sending comforting purrs on the loss of your precious Peke Mickey. We appreciate your meowmie's thoughtfulness, even during this time of grief. Please accept our Rainbow Candle in memory of Mickey.


We received notes from Lisa, Uwe, Rosemarie, Ferd, Sharon, Boomer, Lady, Granny415, Lyn, Joan, Dawn, Smartie, Lisa (wolfkat) and so many cat friends: Genghis Kahn, Nikita La Femme, Queen Midnight, Servo, Bubba, Tabitha and Tequila Sunrise. We also heard from many ladies at Serendipity Place.

Mickey's sister, Amber

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