jay lynch once said that it is figured that images that you come across in your childhood are ones that may have the biggest impact on you for the rest of your life. thirty years ago a great restaurant ceased to exist overnight. it became apparent soon after that things were just not going to be the same and that it would be great to see the building and sign, to experience sandy's one last time. two and one-half decades later, the internet came around but sandy's information was still extremely hard to find. the quest to find at least one picture of the building and the sign of sandy's and the thought that it should be captured for future generations led to this website and more information and pictures that one could ever dream of.
sandy's is a registered trademark and is still an active company. you can see this in legal documents which list hardees as sandy's doing business as hardees. all images of sandy's are copyright sandy's. any text or images provided by viewers of this site are assumed to be copyright of the provider of those text and images. This is an unofficial fan website and is in no way connected to or affiliated with sandy's in any way.
thank you.... special thanks to Mr. Larry Lock... much of what is on the first page is from conversation with him. this information is also summarized in the "History of Kewanee" section by Larry Lock in the book "Henry County: History and Families."
special thanks to the the kewanee historical society
special thanks to my ol buddy Cindy Steele who taught me html code from ground zero.
many images on this site were taken from east moline, illinois, moline, illinois and davenport, iowa high school yearbooks 1960 thru 1973
this website is for informational purposes 2004 email sandyshamburgers@yahoo.com