<BGSOUND src="//www.oocities.org/sanosuke_fan//userfiles:/user/http://www.animewar.com/kenshin/music/midis/rk_namida_wa_shitteiru.mid" LOOP=INFINITE>
!The Kamatari Honjo(u) Totally Tribute Site!
One of Kamatari's kawaii pose*lol*...lovely^^
At last! Someone who really loves & understands me*giggles*. It's been a long time since anyone dedicated anything to me,besides Kamatari no Miko. Thank you,my dear loyal fans! I feel like I'm young again*lol*. There's hardly sites dedicated to me on the web*sigh*. But I hope it'll eventually grow. I'm so pretty,sexy & adorable...who won't like me*grin*? Now,now...try not to waste your time on reading my article here so help yourself & scroll down>>>
Who In The World Is Kamatari??!!
Real name:Honjo(u/h) Kamatari(pls note, for the Japanese,sir names comes 1st)
Her name meant:Girly-man(huh? see below)
Code name(used in her community):Kamatari Ogama
Height:No idea...yet
Weight:Must be as light as Kaoru or Megumi^^
Age:29(Kenshin Himura^_^)or is she as old as Soujiro Seta? Or is she 18*oro*?
Weapon:A sycthe with chains & 2 sharp points at the end of the stick
Midare-Benten a.k.a Random Spinning Attack & Benten-Mawashi
Hair color:Dark purple(anime)/Black(manga)
Eye color:Red/Dark purple or marron*boff*(or was it blue?)
Crush(a terribly crazy one*lol*):Makoto Shishio-yep-
Enemy:Probably Yumi
First appearence:Rurouni Kenshin Manga Volume 12 & RK Episode 22,I guess
Seiyuu(Japanses voice-caster):unknown
English Dub voice-caster:unkown
He purposely doing this pose*grin*...looks slim here,right*lol*?
Personality truits:You have to admit,he looks beautiful,cute & sexy(Yahiko said that*lol*! That makes Misao & Kaoru mad^^)...and wait a sec! You don't mean...KAMATARI'S A MAN??!! ***Aaaa???*** That's right! A pretty one*lol*. He works for Mr. Shishio in his group called the Juupon-Gatana a.k.a Ten Swordsman. He's the girly swordsman in his gang & always fights over Shishio with Yumi & Hoji. He also admires Soujiro Seta. He once said that no matter how good he is,he can't be as great as Soujiro & no matter what he do to change,he can't be a female like Yumi. His mission is to do his best on his battle in Iowa for Shishio & when he says he does,he's good at it.
Kamatari's in purple^^
  Unfortunately,he was beaten by Kaoru & Misao because of their strategy & was about to commit suicide instead of facing Shishio but Misao stops him. He was later sent to work with the police as an international student spy. Good as disguising as a lady*lol*. He's one of the survivors of the Juupon-Gatana besides Cho,Soujiro,Anji etc. And believe me,if you are a man,you can easily get attracted to him besides Megumi*lol* You can considered him as a gay-i guess-or maybe a bi*oro*. Oh,well! What to do? How would you feel if you are a man or woman and have looks which is totally opposite your sex? Like how Kamatari feels of course! Another things you should know about him is that he likes to lick his fingers or does a kawaii pose*lol* and enjoys blood splash scenes*yuck*. Japanses warriors those days*shaking head thinking gross*...
Kamatari looks red here^^
And Why Do I Like "Him"?
Chibi-Kamatari doing the famous kawaii pose^_~!
Now he doesn't look like a woman in here,huh?
  I actually hate gays & bis-spelling?-! But why Kamatari? It's not b-coz he's a girly-man or gay,it's probably b-coz of his cool,calm & interesting character. He's not an usual man alright,but he's really feminine & cool. I actually didn't know that Kamatari was a "he" until I read the RK Manga volume 15 & read some articles on the net*ekk*. I was upset when I knew that Kama is a guy. They just shouldn't mess this up*sob*. Anyway,I wanted to treat "her" as a lady but I'm afraid some of you fans might say I'm confused*oro*.  But anyway,he's one of my fave Juupon-Gatana member besides Cho-I guess-. Did I ever mention that Cho & Kamatari somewhat...aaa...how do I explain it...hmm...I dunno...men who care for each other? I think both of them can get along well but...sigh...they can't get married. You know,I think Kamatari should forget his gay buisness & be a real man. He can maybe date Megumi for she's a foxy-lady & nobody's gonna marry her(unless if Sano's that dumb enough to). Besides,their both same age*lol*. Another reason why I like him is maybe because of his costume & weapon...they're way far awesome than the rest of the Juupon-Gatana's^_^! And I'm still not a gay or bi,ok? I'm a 100% pure woman! Don't get me wrong please.

BTW:Did I told you guys that I dressed up as him this Halloween(2001)? And even tried to mimic his English Dub voice(scroll below)? Psst...I realize that my hair sorta looks like him sometimes this year(2001)*lol*!
Kamatari's Pics(Manga & Anime)
Nobuhiro's so happy of me that he cried*lol*!
  See? At least someone was amused of me*grin*. See how happy my creator was when he drew this cute pic of us. Notes from Nobuhiro Watsuki on creating me^_^:

This one is in Malay-or Jawa?(the "pasar" or broken type)
This one is in English(just scroll right at the bottom of the page and you'll find it!)
..:COMING SOON:..~Finding Nobuhiro's notes on Kamatari in Japanses & Chinese & possibly other languages besides Malay or English~
***I don't know,but according to the informations I got from the Malaysian RK comics I read,it's way far different than the ones above. Go here to check it out...***
Japanese Manga Scans:
Kamatari catches Misao's weapon bare hands without even looking at it!
One of his famous pose
Kamatari's pose like he's avoiding the sun light or relaxing
Kamatari's placing his hands in front of his lips(trademark laugh)
A nice pic of him & his weapon
Another Kamatari pic(with his weapon)
Another Kamatari pic(with his weapon)with different angle
Doing his famous trademark "licking-buisness"*lol* a.k.a one of his famous pose
Also another one of his famous pose(kawaii)

Malay Manga Scans:
When Kamatari's back at Shishio's underground hide-out & Yumi's like disliking her arrival
>A pic along with some of the Juupon-Gatana(mainly focusing on her^^)
Kamatari's teasing["Can they arrive in time?"]
Kamatari's ready to face Kaoru's attack(one of my fave Kama pose^_^)
Kama's facing side["It's ok if you...*not clear* from me. You too can attack me together."(means she's allowing both Kaoru & Misao to attack her at once)]
Kama's ready to face Misao's attack now["Come on & attack!/Attacklah!"(my country's slang*oro*)]

Anime Screenshots:
He & his Juupon-Gatana pic

>Kama cosplayer no.1(probably holding a Kenshin or Shishio doll^^)
Kama cosplayer no.2(holding her famous weapon)
Kama cosplayer no.3(wow! what a pose with her weapon!)
Kama cosplayer no.4-pic 1(there's a whole Kenshin gang behind)
Kama cosplayer no.4-pic 2(holding her weapon from a far & grin)
Kama cosplayer no.4-pic 3(a pose with her weapon,grinning again)
Kama cosplayer no.4-pic 4(a more interesting pose & a grin)
Kama cosplayer no.4-pic 5(she & a Ken-san cosplayer)
Kama cosplayer no.4-pic 6(now a pose with a Tomoe cosplayer)
Kama cosplayer no.4-pic 7(a pose with her weapon...still manage to grin~boy does she like to grins^^)
Kama cosplayer no.4-pic 8(a very small pic where she is with Ken-san again)
Kama cosplayer no.5-pic 1(there's a Kama cosplayer in the background---can't miss the weapon^_-)
Kama cosplayer no.5-pic 2(gee,no one can seems to run away from her!)

Doujinshi Covers
>1(Look sort of weird in here. Well,at least someone drew me*grin*)
>2(Soujiro's offering me something. How sweet of him^^!)
>3(I'm with Soujiro & dress in green. Very cute!)
>4(I'm very small in this background thought there's onl Soujiro & me here)
>5(Misao's just jealous that she can't pose with Yahiko*giggles*)
>6(Look cute in here with Soujiro,don't you think?)
>7(You can see that I'm in the background with brown hair. Oh,great! Yumi looks bigger than me*er*!)
CREDITS:Chibi-Kamatari Kawaii GIF is from Kaoru-Sensei's,Japanese Manga scans from Danielle,and some stuff from Kamatari no Miko,Malay Manga scans from me^^,some color pics & other cool stuff is from various RK sites & of course,Nobuhiro Watsuki for creating an interesting RK character. Thanks you guys! Arigatou^^! *Hint hint*~Think you deserve a credit? Like I didn't list you here for using your stuff? Mail me & I'll type your name here^_^.
Kamatari's Fan Arts
>I like this one :)! It's a fan art drawn by Emily about Kamatari & Chow doing a Tango dance I supposed*lol*. Very creative & cool! Luv it!
This one is nicely done by Kamatari no Miko. I luv it too^^.
Done by an unknown artist. If you are there somewhere & browsing my site right NOW plz mail me so that I can give you credit on your Kamatari fan art. And if anyone know who did this,mail me pls!
>This one is done by me*grin*.
>Also by me. Looks sorta kawaii,huh?
>By me too! I think I'm giving him the "ORO" pic*lol*!!!
>Done by me. Looks like he's upset. Kawaii too^^!
>Also done by me. What do you think??!
A deformed Kama-chan(cute! but her right hand seems to be weird,ne?)
Kama-chan,the spy(very nice! ever imagine how she'll look like when she's an exchange student spy?)
Kamatari's Goodies^_^

Sound clips
"Hi! I'm Kamatari."
"You'll see,I'll make chop suey outta you."

Kamatari & other related Links
Rurouni Kenshin Tribute Page---My tribute page for the RK show.
AniMania---My Main Site^^.

The Kamatari Shrine---the 1st Kamatari shrine on the net & a great site too!

Yersi Fanel's Kamatari//kenshingumi fan site---nice Mexican RK fan site^_^x;!
A Small Shrine to Kamatari
---Is good to see that there's someone out there who likes him!

                                                   Okama no Kama-tsukai-a neat mini Kama site^_^.

Grab my "Kamatari Totally Tribute Site" banner(black & white)
My other banner in colour(the same design as the above)
If you steal anything from my webmistress's site,you'll be sorry that I'll make you regret!
But before you leave,would you kindly sign my guessbook? Arigatou!
Loyal Kamatari Fans Visited This Site!
Luv ya all,fans*wink*!
Look at all those cool fan arts they did for me^_~. Thanks,guys!    You guys make me a
    happy Kamatari!!!
This site is still under heavy constructions! If you want to use anything from my site,please mail me before you do. But if you're just lazy to then please link & credit me if you don't,ok? Thanks!
DISCLAIMER:"Rurouni Kenshin","Samurai X","Kamatari Honjo(u/h)" & other related stuff to "Rurouni Kenshin" is created & owned by Nobuhiro Watsuki. Copyrights of Jump Comics,Shuesha,FUJI TV,Columbia Pictures,etc. All materials offered on this site is for fun & enjoyment purpose only and I don't intend to infringe the copyrights of the respectful people/company. Many thanks to Mr. Watsuki for creating such a great manga/anime(which-ever)[Rurouni Kenshin] and to my parents who let me use the net*grin* to build this page.
NOTES:"The Kamatari Honjo(u/h) Totally Tribute Site" is designed and build by me. If you want to use anything from here,please mail me. Also,if there's any broken link,please inform me,ok? The music which is playing now is "Namida wa Shitteiru" a.k.a 2nd END Theme for RK. Wanna link your site here? No problem,mail me! You know,it funny that most of the time I type about Kamatari,I don't type that he's a "he",I always mistyped him as a "she"*lol*!!! Have to read my articles double time to correct everything^_^! BTW:Most informations are from Anime instead of Manga.
I WAS beaten by a man(for beauty purpose?)???!!!
Aw...look at Misao. She's just jealous & shocked that she was defeated by me*lol*. No,not power or strenght,but beauty or sexy*lol again*. Yup! I sorta beat her in a beauty-contest*smile*. Yahiko says so that I'm much more sexier than her(even Kaoru). And she's also jealous that I also have alot of fans out there*hehe*!!!
I'm a member of the RuroKen Lovers-_^!