T o u r i s m |
General Overview |
Total land
Population density
Maximum and Minimum Temperature (Average)
Annual Temperature (Average)
Annual Rainfall (Average) |
9,290.13 km2
91,421 hab.
9.84 hab/km2
Dry and Warm
42 / 0 Celcius degrees
18 / 22 Celcius degrees
200 mm |
The Municipal Building at the San Pedro's downtown, almost every administration has tried to improve the image of building. |
General Services |
Hotels Restaurants Cultural Centers Parks Sport Clubs Gyms Hospitals and Clinics Banks Libraries |
5 5 1 18 2 1 14 5 4 |
Antique building, arabic style at San Pedro's downtown, sometimes this building is lease to use like offices or anothers things. |
Centenario school, almost a hundred years old and in service. |
The day that snowed on San Pedro. It was on December 12th, 1997. |