List of Publications

Journal Publications

14. “Dynamic contact angles on PTFE surface by aqueous surfactant solution in the absence and presence of electrolytes.” Rajib Ghosh Chaudhuri and Santanu Paria. Accepted in J. Colloid and Interface Sci. .

13. “Solubilization of Naphthalene in presence of plant - synthetic mixed surfactant systems.” K. Jagajjanani Rao and Santanu Paria. Journal of Physical Chemistry B. 113, 474-481, 2009.

12. “Surfactant-Enhanced Remediation of Organic Contaminated Soil and Water.” Santanu Paria. Advances in Colloid and Interface Sci., 138, 24-58, 2008. No. of Citations: 03.

11. “Adsorption of Non-ionic Surfactants onto Sand and its Importance Naphthalene Removal.” Santanu Paria and Pak K. Yuet Indistrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 46, 108-113, 2007. No. of Citations: 01.

10. “ Solidification/Stabilization Treatment of Organic and Inorganic Contaminants using Portland Cement: A Review.” Santanu Paria and Pak K. Yuet. Environmental Reviews, 14,217-255 2006. No. of Citations: 05.

9. “Solubilization of Naphthalene by Pure and Mixed Surfactants.” Santanu Paria and Pak K. Yuet. Indistrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 45, 3552-3558, 2006. No. of Citations: 03.

8. “The mixing behavior of n-alkylpyridinium bromide - NP-9 mixed surfactant systems.” Santanu Paria. Colloids and Surfaces A: Physiochemical and Engineering Aspects, 281, 113-118, 2006. No. of Citations: 01.

7. “Effects of Chain Length and Electrolyte on the Adsorption of n-Alkylpyridinium Bromide Surfactants at the Sand-Water Interfaces.” Santanu Paria and Pak K. Yuet. Indistrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 45, 712-718, 2006. No. of Citations: 04.

6. “Kinetics of Adsorption of Anionic, Cationic and Non-ionic Surfactants.” Santanu Paria, C. Manohar and Kartic C. Khilar. Indistrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 44, 3092-3098, 2005. No. of Citations: 05.

5. “Adsorption of Anionic and Non-ionic Surfactants on a Cellulosic Surface.” Santanu Paria, C. Manohar and Kartic C. Khilar. Colloids and Surfaces A: Physiochemical and Engineering Aspects, 252, 221-229, 2005. No. of Citations: 08.

4. “ Review on Experimental Studies of Surfactant Adsorption at the Hydrophilic Solid-Water Interface.” Santanu Paria and Kartic C. Khilar. Advances in Colloid and Interface Science, 110(3), 75-95, 2004. No. of Citations: 71.

3. “Effect of Cationic Surfactant on the Adsorption Characteristics of Anionic Surfactant on Cellulose Surface.” Santanu Paria, C. Manohar and Kartic C. Khilar. Colloids and Surfaces A: Physiochemical and Engineering Aspects, 232, 139-142, 2004. No. of Citations: 06.

2. “Experimental Studies on Adsorption of Surfactants onto Cellulosic Surface and its Relevance to Detergency.” Santanu Paria, C. Manohar and Kartic C. Khilar. J.IES (Journal of Institution of Engineers Singapore), Chemical Engineering Issue,43(2), 34-44, 2003. No. of Citations: 01.

1. “Removal of Surface Adhered Particles by Surfactants and Fluid Motions.” Ashish Batra, Santanu Paria, C. Manohar and Kartic C. Khilar. AIChE Journal, 47(11), 2557-2565, 2001. No. of Citations: 07.

Total Citations Received: 115. (Source: Scopus, SciFinder, and Google Scholar)

Conference Paper

5. “Synthesis and characterization of nano to micro size sulfur particle in presence of surfactants. ” Rajib Ghosh Chaudhuri and Santanu Paria.
International conference on Environmental Research (ICER-2008), BITS � Goa, Dec. 18-20, 2008.

4. “Mixed micellar and solubilization behavior of Sapindus mukorossi � synthetic mixed surfactant systems.” K. Jagajjanani Rao and Santanu Paria.
International conference on Environmental Research (ICER-2008), BITS � Goa, Dec. 18-20, 2008.

3. “Biodegradation of Naphthalene in presence of plant, synthetic and mixed surfactant systems.” K. Jagajjanani Rao andSantanu Paria.
International conference on Environmental Research (ICER-2008), BITS � Goa, India. Dec. 18-20, 2008.

2. “Adsorption of Nonionic Surfactants on Sand for the Application of Organic Contaminated Soil and Groundwater Remediation,” Santanu Paria, and K. Jagajjanani Rao.
International Symposium on Recent Trends in Surface & Colloid Science, held in Indian Statistical Institute, Kolkata, November 15-16, 2007, India.

1. “Adsorption of Surfactants on Cellulosic Surface: Experiments and Theory,” Santanu Paria, Kartic C. Khilar and C. Manohar.
Indo-French Workshop on Advances in the Understanding of Adsorption Phenomena at the Solid/Liquid Interfaces held in TRDDC, Pune, February 11-16, 2001, India.

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