Santa Teresa County Park

Bay Area

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Wildflowers - Spring 2002

Wildflowers along the Bernal Hill Loop Trail Overlooking the Joice-Bernal Trail and Rancho

For a brief period each year, Santa Teresa Park becomes ablaze in wildflowers. Flowers can be seen all over the park, but the best trails for viewing wildflowers are the Stile Ranch Trail, the Rocky Ridge Trail, the Joice-Bernal Trail, and the Bernal Hill Loop Trail. These pictures were taken between 3/16 and 4/14/2002. If you missed the wildflowers this year, there's always next year. I'm a photographer, not a botanist, so identifying these flowers is not my thing. I appreciate them for their beauty. But, if you can help identify them, I would appreciate it.

(Click on the thumbnails below to see a larger picture.  Hit your browser's "Back" button to return)

Buttercups along Santa Teresa Creek Flowers along the Mine Trail Flowers along the Fortini Trail Poppies along the Stile Ranch Trail
Poppies along the Stile Ranch Trail Goldenfields along the Stile Ranch Trail Buttercups along the Stile Ranch Trail Stile Ranch Trail west valley
 Flowers on hillside along the Stile Ranch Trail west valley Flowers along the upper Rocky Ridge Trail Flowers along the upper Rocky Ridge Trail Buttercups and shooting stars along the lower Rocky Ridge Trail
Bluedicks along the Joice - Bernal Trail Flowers along the Joice - Bernal trail above Santa Teresa Springs  Poppies and creamcups along the Joice - Bernal trail Flowers above the Joice - Bernal trail
Poppies on hillside by the upper Bernal Hill Loop Trail Johnny jump-ups along Vista Loop Trail Johnny jump-ups on Bernal Hill Flowers on hillside above the lower Bernal Hill Loop Trail
Flowers on hillside by the lower Bernal Hill Loop Trail Flowers on hillside along the lower Bernal Hill Loop Trail Flowers on hillside below the lower Bernal Hill Loop Trail Flower along the Laurel Springs Nature Trail

Wildflower Links:

Pictures taken 3/16/2002 - 4/14/2002

Created 4/24/2002 by Ronald Horii