de Venezuela, C.A. was established
in June 1996 as a joint venture and technical tie-up with SanyChem
Company U.S.A., specializing in manufacture of heavy
protective coatings used in such fields as marine, offshore, power
plant and architecture.
ahead in coating industry of Venezuela, SanyChem de Venezuela,
C.A. has been providing a great numbers of ships and
offshore plants at shipyard, power plants, bridges, highways and
architectures with qualified coatings.
order to go ahead in fierce competition in the advanced technology
of the world, SanyChem de Venezuela, C.A. has
sent technicians to U.S.A for education and training regularly
and invited upervisors of SanyChem U.S.A. for
consultation. That is to say, SanyChem de Venezuela, C.A.
is always concentrating more in research and development to satisfy
our clients all around world.