The Scots, Welsh & Irish Actors Webring
This webring has been created to link websites owned or dedicated to Scots, Welsh & Irish Actors on the net.
To join the ring, your site should be about an actor or actress of Scots, Welsh or Irish background, or who claim descent from these backgrounds.
Sites must contain a substantial amount of information about their subject choice. Both commercial and non-commercial sites are welcome to apply.
If you wish to apply to the ring, then please click here to be taken to the ring application form. Once you have submitted your site, you will be sent an email that gives you the ring code. This is how the code will look once placed on your page:
You will need to add the code to your site on the page you specified when you signed up for the ring. Your site will then be queued to be visted. If your site meets the criteria of the ring, you will recieve an email notification welcoming you to the Scots, Welsh & Irish Actors Webring.
The ring will be checked for dead or incorrect links once every eight weeks. If your site is visited, and no ring code is found, or it is not on the page you specified when you applied to the ring, you will be issued with an email notice asking you to rectify the problem. If you have not fixed the link within two weeks, your site will be removed from the ring.
Apply for membership of the Scots, Welsh & Irish Webring HERE.
Móran taing airson cur céilidh. (Many thanks for visiting).