Jyuku WebQuest
Evaluation Rubric:

Student is on-task: looking at recommended websites or alternative sources of information on
jyuku or the Japanese educational system, organizing data, discussing ideas, writing or revising letter
      Always: 3 points      Sometimes: 1 point      Never: 0 points

Letter Form: letter has an introduction, body, and conclusion as described in the "Process"
     Always: 3 points       Sometimes: 1 point      Never: 0 points

Letter Content: letter has a recommendation to Mr. Kosaka, two or three main points, and supporting evidence
     Always: 3 points       Sometimes: 1 point      Never: 0 points

Letter Spelling/Grammar/Punctuation: letter follows conventions for grammar, spelling, and punctuation
     Always (3 or fewer mistakes): 3 points      
     Sometimes (4 to 7 mistakes): 1 point     
     Never (8 or more mistakes): 0 points

Crediting Sources: bibliography follows MLA format, citations are included for ALL statistics and quotes
     Always: 3 points       Sometimes: 1 point     Never: 0 points
Introduction      Task      Process      Evaluation      Conclusion      Credits