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Culture Club
That December I was invited to sit for Madame Tussaud's and become a wax legend.  I was  worried they might want to strip me down to my bare assets and cover me from head to toe in goo.
"Can't they just do it from photographs ? " They barely managed to get my shirt round my shoulders to cast a mould of my neck and face.  i asked them not too much attention to detail and give me a nice strong jawline.  They were familiar with such requests.  Photographs were taken from all the worst angles, back shots, profiles, up my nose.  I felt more like a criminal than a pop star. I couldn't wait to get out of there.  I was disappointed to learn I might be boide down as soon as I went out of favour.  madame Tussaud's  had a recycling policy long before it was fashionable.  I was told I could end up as the next big thing. When my likeness was finally unveiled at Madame Tussaud's,  I looked like Penelope Keith in drag.  I made a tape to be played to visitors.
"Hi, this is Boy George. I prefer a cup of tea to sex. And if you belive that, you'll believe anything"
                                                               Boy George - Take It Like A Man