Ayelet's and Yoram's Wedding Photos

Sari, Shoshana and Ayelet
Ari's Mom, Dad and brother Stephen
Sari's Mom with Daniel, bride's brother
Brothers of the Bride, Shalom and Hillel
Maid of Honor- Deena
Sister of the Bride - Shoshana
The Bride with her Parents - Sari and Ari
Walking around the Groom 7 times
Sari's brother Benjie Making a Blessing
Under the Chupah
Aunt Sara and Cousin Tsvi of the Bride
Brother and Cousin of the Bride
Ari and Shoshana
Rona and us
Aunt Debby - Sari's sister and Bret, the friend.
The happy couple
who are these people?
This is great
Picture Credits: Most of them taken by Steve Geller! Excellent friend!