Season 2...Sailor Moon R...

The next season of the show starts, and everyone gets his or her memories restored, except for Darien/Mamoru.  Two aliens, Alan/Ail and Ann arrive on Earth and start stealing people's life energy for a tree called "The Doom Tree."  At the end of the saga we find out Moonlight Kinght/Tsukikage no Knight, which is Darien, is the split personatlity of Darien/Mamoru becuase he didn't get his memory back.  The Moonlight Knight/Tsukikage no Knight ws sent to help Sailor Moon, the same way Tuxedo Mask/Tuxedo Kamen helped Sailor Moon and the Scouts/Senshi when they were in danger.  Serena/Usagi revives the Doom Tree by using her crystal and all's well. 
Just when things start to get comfortable, all of a sudden a strange kid who looks an awful lot like Serena/Usagi falls out of the sky with a quest to find her mother and the Imperium Silver Crystal/ginzuishou.  She's Rini/Chibi-Usa, and she's from the future, but she didn't come alone.  She's followed by some agents of the Black Moon/Negaverse, namely Rubeus, and the four sisters, Catsy/Cooan, Berti/Beruche, Avery/Petz, and Prisma/Karabers.  In an interesting change from the usual, the Sailor Scouts/Senshi were able to heal the sisters of their evil rather than just kill them.

Soon after Rini discovers that Serena is really Sailor Moon and gets the Silver Crystal, Rubeus finds her when she tries to get back to the future and starts to attack her.  The Scouts arrive and Rubeus captures them.  Serena gets the Silver Crystal back from Rini and they manage to get onto Rubeus's ship.  The Scouts are freed and the ship's destroyed, with Rubeus still on it.

At this time Emerald/Esmeraude takes Rubeus's place.  She is lead by Sapphire/Safiire and Prince Demando/Prince Diamond on the Black Moon.  The Scouts figure out that Rini is really from the future and plan to travel there with the help of Sailor Pluto who is introduced as the Guardian of Time.  In the future they meet up with King E/Endymion and Neo-Queen Serenity, Serena/Usagi and Darien/Mamoru of the future.

Rini is captured by Wiseman and turned into Black Lady soon after her arrival in the future.  Sapphire/Safiiru learns of what Wiseman has planned and warns his brother before his death of what Wiseman was planning to do.  Diamond/Demando then realising what had really happened saved Sailor Moon from Wiseman by taking his attack intend for her.  He died, and Sailor Moon destroyed Wiseman.

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