Season 5...Sailor Moon Sailor Stars...

A disembodied voice calls out to the banished Queen Neherenia to make a final strike against the Senshi, and with this final strike, Mamoru falls under an evil influence and Hotaru is aged back to her normal self.  But this last strike does not succeed in getting rid of the senshi.  Queen Neherenia's demise is quick.

Suddenly there is the appearance of three new Senshi, The Sailor Starlights, Chibi-Chibi, who is a small child of unknown origin, and Galaxia, the deadly enemy to date.

The Starlights are the Senshi from another planet.  They are on earth in search of their long lost Princess.  They fear that Galaxia may have already destroyed her.  The Starlights hide themselves as an idol group known as "The Three Lights".  They sing and have LOTS of fans.  The Starlights soon join forces with the Senshi, for a common cause.

Galaxia has taken over almost 80% of the Universe.  Every planet she goes to she takes the "Star Seed" for then Senshi of that world.  She also has the ability to keep a Senshi alive without its Star Seed, using special brecelets.  Galaxia goes about looking for humans with Star Seeds that can yield power for her.

Once Galaxia has enough power she starts to destroy the earth.  The Senshi team up and go do battle.  The Inners are quickly eliminated as their Star Seeds are removed.  The Outers are soon to follow, but not after the Outers find out that Galaxia has no star seed herself.  Sailor Moon is the next to go down.  But as soon as the seed is removed Chibi-Chibi powers up and a new Star Seed appears above Sailor Moon.  She holds up her hands and the seed turns her into Princess Serenity, with wings (she looks like an angel).  After a short fight, where we learn that Chibi-Chibi is Galaxia's Star Seed and that he whole story of the Senshi wars, Galaxia is freed of Chaos trapped within her.

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