First Name: GMA Sandy
Comment: hi sweetie, GMA here sending you GREAT BIG HUGS and ESKIMO
KISSES. Miss you sweet baby girl, you would be 4 on 6/25, I love you so much GMA

First Name: TONYA
URL: http://www.taraswilley.com

First Name: GMA Sandy
Comment: Hi sweetie, sending you Hugs and Eskimo kisses today LOVE YOU
First Name: GMA Sandy
Comment: Hi sweetie Happy Easter in heaven. I love your headstone, it is a great
memorial to your life Hugs and Eskimo Kisses GMA Sandy

First Name: GMA Sandy
Comment: Hi sweetie, Erica is 1 today, remember your 1st b-day? your special chair.
How I miss you, your smell, your smile I love you so so much Saria. HUGS and ESKIMO
Kisses GMA Sandy

First Name: GMA Sandy
Comment: Hi sweetie Saria, Erica is
First Name: GMA Sandy
Comment: Hi sweetie, Happy Valentines day to you in heaven!! Hugs and Eskimo
Kisses I miss you Love GMA Sandy

First Name: GMA Sandy
Comment: Hi little one, just wishing you an early Happy Valentines Day. I miss you
bunches and bunches. HUGS and ESKIMO KISSES

First Name: GMA Sandy
Comment: Hi sweetie, just sending Hugs and Eskimo Kisses to you!! I miss you
sweetie, Love GMA Sandy

First Name: GMA Sandy
Comment: Hi sweetie, just wanted you to send some extra care and hugs to Sammy
and his family. Hugs and Eskimo kisses GMA

First Name: Berneice Ross
URL: http://www.oocities.org/hlcmstars3/CharleneRoss.html
Comment: Thank you for visiting my Charlene's website. Your precious angel is just
beautiful. My prayers are with you.

First Name: GMA Sandy
Comment: Hey sweetie GMA Loves and misses you, on this new year 2005, hope you
are runny and playing to your hearts desire in heaven LOVE, Hugs and Eskimo Kisses
GMA Sandy

First Name: Our last msg was cut short...
Comment: Were thinking of your loving family on your second Christmas in heaven,
and we know you are having a blast with Jesus, Saria, Merry Christmas baby!!!

First Name: Liz and Princess Kalair
URL: www.ourSMAangels.com/Kalair
Comment: Merry Christmas sweet Saria! What a wonderful early Christmas present
your visit was for your Grandma Sandy, we know she misses you SOOO much. Keep
making Magenta sing sweet angel! Were thinking of your loving family on your second
Christmas in Heaven, your 2nd angel Christmas. I miss you bunches HUGS AND

First Name: GMA Sandy
URL: clalands@pldi.net
Comment: Happy 2nd angel day sweetie. GMA misses you so much. HUGS and

First Name: Susie
URL: susieq@swvnet.net
Comment: Your little angel is so beautiful, and I know what you are going through,
My little nephew went to be with Jesus in April, 1999 from SMA Type I and I to created
a website for him . His name is Cody Lee Payne. Go to it and sign it if you want to . May

First Name: GMA Sandy
Comment: Hi precious. GMA Sandy here. Saria GMA loves you and misses you so much.

First Name: GMA Sandy
Comment: hi sweetie, GMA Sandy here .. miss you bunches, I know Taleah is with
you running and jumping, give her lots of hugs from me. HUGS AND ESKIMO KISSES
GMA Sandy

First Name: Colleen
Comment: God bless you all, I Am very sorry for your loss.

First Name: GMA Sandy
URL: clalands@pldi.net
Comment: Hi precious, I KNOW you welcomed our new angel Taleah to heaven, you
have done that many times I am sure since 12/02/02 HUGS AND ESKIMO KISSES I
love you

First Name: GMA Sandy
URL: clalands@pldi.net
Comment: Hi sweetie, GMA Sandy here, hope you had a happy 4th of July in Heaven.

First Name: GMA Sandy Comment: Thank you Aunt Debbie for clearing
the guestbook. Happy 3rd birthday Saria HUGS and ESKIMO KISSES!! GMA

First Name :   Aunt Debbie
Comment :   Dear Saria, You are in our prayers and in our hearts. Your Grandma Sandy
and I made this page so more people would learn about SMA. Love and Prayers, Aunt

First Name :   Aunt Judy
Comment :   Saria, my heart goes out to you and all your family. God is taking care of

First Name :   Whitney Brant
Comment :   I am a friend of Lacy Settle. I am praying for Saria's family--please keep the
faith and know that her little body is in God's hands!

First Name :   Paula
Comment :   Billie - We are keeping Saria in our prayers. We miss you!

Comment :   You are a precious little girl, we are all praying for you, to get better soon
and can go home.

First Name :   Nancy
Comment :   Thank you for this website. My prayers and thoughts are continually with

First Name :   Krista
Comment :   God Bless You!

First Name :   Tim, Kris, Kala and Grayson
Comment :   Saria- You are a precious angel. You are constantly in our prayers.

First Name :   Saria
Comment :   Our prayers are with you and your family. All our love, Kenneth & Jan Gage

First Name :   Karen Foale
Comment :   god bless you and your family. i will be praying for your little angel. she is
such a cute little baby. Karen Foale of Woodward, Ok

First Name :   MISTY & DUSTIN TUCK

First Name :   Tina Whitworth
Comment :   You are such a precious angel, you are in our prayers. Love, Carl, Tina,
Austin & Karlie

First Name :   LILA

First Name :   Libby
Comment :   I am a friend of Lynn Hamm. I met her daughter, Emma, at OU and we are
close friends. I am a nurse in the NICU at St. John's in Tulsa, OK. You are in my prayers.

First Name :   Misty Bischoff (Navratil)
Comment :   Tara, Saria is a beautiful little girl. You & your family are in my prayers.

First Name :   Gordon & Evelyn
Comment :   We love you Saria and pray for you every day. We loved holding you and
playing with you to.

First Name :   Dawn Foster
URL :   dawndcfoster@aol.com
Comment :   Our thoughts and prayers are with you all. May God be especially near
during this time.

First Name :   Taylor Gilreath
URL :   Sweetchick_152@hotmail.com
Comment :   Saria, I am one of Mandy's friends and in class we are learning about genes
and i wanted to learn more about SMA and i had heard about your storie. To you and all
of your family my heart and my prayers go out to you all

First Name :   Kristen
Comment :   My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. God bless you!

First Name :   Dustin Hogue
Comment :   I love you Guys and I am praying for you. See you soon

First Name :   Greg & Misty
Comment :   Saria, know that you are in our hearts and prayers. You are beautiful child.
Thank God for the loving family around you and their desire to share your story.

First Name :   Gina Fimbel
URL :   ginafimbel@yahoo.com
Comment :   Dear Saria, You are so gorgeous! Your eyes are so sparkling and beautiful. I
thank your Mommy for sharing you with us through this website. Please know you are in
my thoughts and prayers so, so much. My little angel, Andrew, died of SMA, Type I. This

First Name :   Camille
URL :   camiholt@yahoo.com
Comment :   Enjoyed your website. Saria is a precious angel! May God bless you and your
family and the pain you are facing. We send our love.

First Name :   Dr. Tim Russell
URL :   RevTruss@nwoknet.net
Comment :   Praying for you. Bro. Tim

First Name :   Carolyn
Comment :   What a beautiful little angel. May God look over all of you in the coming
months. Hugs and Kisses

First Name :   Tracy and Skylar
URL :   www.our-sma-angels.com/Skylar
Comment :   Saria, you are such a beautiful little girl! I am so glad your Mommy gave me
your site to look at. Stay strong and keep fighting!

First Name :   UNCLE REX & AUNT PAT
URL :   rexpat@msn.com

First Name :   Trae, Nick, Mattie and Mackenzie
Comment :   Saria, from your cousins in Texas that just know you through pictures and
from hearing your grandma Sandy talk about you all the time. You are one of God's
special little girls and everyone loves you so much. We will continue to pray for you, your
mommy and daddy and sister to be strong.... We Love You!!!!!

First Name :   Tracy & Skylar SMA1 25 mo
URL :   www.our-sma-angels.com/Skylar
Comment :   Hi Saria, We are praying you get better really soon. Keep fighting sweetie!
Skylar sends you BIG (((hugs)))

First Name :   Cathy
Comment :   Hello, I work with Saria's great-aunt. (Debbie Hatterman and am always
anxious to hear updates on Saria. Please know that she is constantly in my prayers. She is
a very beautiful little girl and I encourage you to rely on God for comfort and support.

First Name :   Grandma Sandy
URL :   clalands@pldi.net
Comment :   thank you Debbie for all the updates. Saria we are getting started on March
of Dimes for you. Hugs and (Eskimo) Kisses GMA Sandy

First Name :   Joanne
Comment :   This is a great webpage, Debbie

First Name :   Tracy and Skylar (SMA1, 25.5mo)
URL :   www.our-sma-angel.com/SKylar
Comment :   SARIA, You are getting so big. You are a beautiful little girl. Your sister is
also a charmer! Skylar sends you BIG (((hugs))). We love you!!

First Name :   GMA Sandy & Sister Sage
URL :   clalands@pldi.net
Comment :   Hi precious Saria. Sage and I are busy playing tonight on the slip & slide and
we miss you watching and laughing at us See you tomorrow for our "OVERNIGHT

First Name :   Cindy
URL :   cchhenry@aol.com
Comment :   Saria is beautiful! Thank you for your e-mails and your invitation to get to
know Saria. God Bless!

First Name :   Julie
URL :   http://mygirl46.tripod.com/myfavoriteshinningstars/
Comment :   My heart goes out to you. I pray for you all. You have a very nice site.

First Name :   Grandma Sandy
Comment :   Hi Precious. Well we have had a very busy week. We were on TV with local
television station in Woodward to promote March of Dimes. You were not very happy
with the situation and GMA Sandy tried and tried to make you comfortable. BUT there
were too many strangers.

First Name :   Grandma Sandy
URL :   clalands@pldi.net
Comment :   But the video was great. we love you baby Saria. See you Friday G-ma
Sandy PS I think the best pictures were of you and big sister Sage

First Name :   Grandma Sandy
URL :   clalands@pldi.net
Comment :   THANK YOU everyone (especially my family and friends) who contributed
to MDA and March Of Dimes. Saria will be featured on September 2 at 2:30 pm We Love
you for remembering our precious baby. Sandy

First Name :   Grandma Sandy
Comment :   HI everyone, Saria is doing great, spending the Day at Sonic for March of
Dimes. For Muscular Dystrophy Saria will be on T.V. MON at about 2:30 pm so tune in
your TV to channel 9

First Name :   Stephanie Soucek, director of March of Dimes
URL :   ssoucek@marchofdimes.com
Comment :   Thank you to the Clark & Meadows' families for sharing your life with the
March of Dimes. You have blessed me abundantly. Saria, you delight my heart and soul!

First Name :   Mildred
URL :   http://www.our-sma-angels.com/Amanda
Comment :   Hi Sandy, I am Amanda's Nana and just stopped by to see your beautiful little
Saria's website. It is so beautiful. Saria is a little doll and her sister is a beauty too. She has
the beautiful smile and the wise eyes of all our SMA Babies.

First Name :   Mildred
Comment :   I am so happy that she has such a loving family to care for her. May God
Bless each of you and continue to comfort you. Thanks for visiting Amanda's website and
for the sweet message you left in her guestbook. Hugs from Amanda's Nana

First Name :   Trae, Nick, Mattie and Mackenzie
Comment :   Hi sweet baby from your cousins in Texas. We are so excited that you got
your Kid Kart!!!! And that you are doing well!!! Big hugs and kisses to you and Sage!!
We Love you!

First Name :   Shawnna Brummett
Comment :   I am so glad to hear that things are going better than expected. My boyfriend
has SMA type 3 so I can somewhat relate. Don't ever let the prognosis get you down.
They told him he would be in a wheelchair at 16 and wouldn't make it to 18. He's 22 and

First Name :   Grandma Sandy
URL :   clalands@pldi.net
Comment :   This message is to Shawnna Brummett who signed Saria's Guestbook.
Shawnna are you from Shattuck? Please let me know I could not find you email address
on your message. Your name is spelled like the Shawnna from our town. PLEASE email
me back. Sandy

First Name :   Grandma Sandy
URL :   clalands@pldi.net
Comment :   Hi baby Saria. Grandma is getting ready for the March of Dimes Walk
tomorrow. OH MY we had so many people in Woodward who love you. You are so
special. I LOVE YOU BABY GIRL. See you and Sage tomorrow P.S. When I take
pictures tomorrow of you and Sage, please

First Name :   Grandma Sandy
URL :   clalands@pldi.net
Comment :   please don't cry because Sage loves to have her picture taken with you.
GOODNIGHT Baby girl, hugs and Eskimo Kisses Grandma Sandy

First Name :   Trae, Mattie and Mackenzie
Comment :   Saria we had so much fun playing with you this weekend! Mackenzie just
loves you! We love you so much and we will see you again very soon! We love you, you
silly bug!!!! Hugs and kisses from us!!!

First Name :   Grandma Sandy
URL :   clalands@pldi.net
Comment :   Hi everyone. Saria's guestbook is back on thanks to Aunt Debbie. Thanks
Debbie!! We are getting ready for Halloween. Saria is doing a lot better, but wont be out
tomorrow night in this weather. Will send pics of the girls for all to see when I get them

First Name :   Trae, Mattie and Mackenzie
Comment :   Hi sweet baby! We are getting ready for Halloween, Mattie is going as a
witch and Mackenzie is going as a cow! We hope you and Sage have a good Halloween
and stay warm! We Love You and Sage, Big hugs and kisses!!!!!!

First Name :   Saria
URL :   clalands@pldi.net
Comment :   This is to my new cousin Mackenzie, HAPPY 1st BIRTHDAY on Halloween
10-31-02!! Love Saria

First Name :   Grandma Sandy
URL :   clalands@pldi.net
Comment :   Hi precious, GMA just left Woodward where you are in the Hospital. I am
glad you feel better tonight. See you tomorrow Hugs and Eskimo Kisses

First Name :   Grandma Sandy
URL :   clalands@pldi.net
Comment :   Hi precious baby Saria, my what a busy week we have had!! I am so glad you
are home from the HOSP!! YEAH spending the night with GMA tonight!! Hugs and
Eskimo kisses

First Name :   Trae, Mattie and Mackenzie
Comment :   Saria I am so glad that you are feeling better! We Love you so much and
Mackenzie thanks you for the Happy birthday...We love you and miss you! Bug hugs and
kisses to you and Sage!! PS. Sage, Mattie says HI!!!

First Name :   Mattie and Mackenzie
Comment :   Hi, Saria. We hope that you are feeling better and we just wanted to say hi
and that we love you!!! big hugs and kisses to you and Sage. WE LOVE YOU!!!

First Name: Lynda Appell
URL: http://appellcore.internations.net/index.htm
Comment: Warmest welcome to SEA. Your site is very caring, supportive. My site is
Appellcore DisABILITIES Resources. It includes resources for people with SMA and
their families. I also have an add link section if you want to add your site. Also have a

First Name: Tracy
URL: www.our-sma-angels.com/Skylar
Comment: Hi Saria.. I was thinking of you today and wanted to stop by. Love you tons!!

Grandma Sandy
URL: clalands@pldi.net
Comment: Hi Precious, well 4 months ago I last kept you and spent the night awake with
you singing and playing. I miss you so much. Hugs and Eskimo kisses

First Name: Grandma Sandy
URL: clalands@pldi.net
Comment: Hi precious, been thinking about you a lot. I miss you so much. Soon we will
have everything back in order and will bring you your bunny sprinkler HUGS and

First Name: Grandma Sandy
URL: clalands@pldi.net
Comment: Hi precious, got you a LadyBug sprinkler to remind you of Aunt Billie Hope
you like it. Miss you Hugs and Eskimo Kisses GMA Sandy

First Name: Grandma Sandy
URL: clalands@pldi.net
Comment: Hi precious. MeMa and Daddy was working on the cement yesterday, sorry I
missed that. Cant wait to get your stone!! Got some new water flowers for you today I
MISS YOU Hugs and Eskimo Kisses GMA Sandy I MISS YOU SOOO MUCH

First Name: Arianne
URL: asldh@swbell.net
Comment: Hello Tara, Jennalee sent me this web link. I sure enjoyed the beautiful pictures
of your little angel. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. Love ya-

First Name: Trae, Mattie and Mackenzie
Comment: Hi sweet baby we were thinking of you today! We love you and miss you so
much you silly bug! Me, Nick, Mattie and Mackenzie send hugs and kisses up to you!! We
Love You!!!!!!

First Name: Grandma Sandy
URL: clalands@pldi.net
Comment: The sun is out today, Magenta is singing up a storm Thanks for that Saria.
Hugs and Eskimo Kisses Grandma Sandy (1,2,3,4, 5 o'clock rock) 6,7,8 o'clock 9 o'clock
rock were gonna rock around the clock tonight! HUGS and ESKIMO Kisses

First Name: GMA Sandy & Sister Sage
URL: clalands@pldi.net
Comment: Hi Precious GMA Sandy misses you soooo much. Got a new flower holder for
you Do you like it?? Sent pennies from heaven to you yesterday. Miss you sending HUGS
and Eskimo Kisses Grandma Sandy

First Name: Aunt Debbie
Comment: Jeff and Tara. Thank you so much for letting me be a part of Saria's life. I feel
blessed that I knew her and was able to tell her story. Love and Prayers, Debbie

First Name: Grandma Sandy
URL: clalands@pldi.net
Comment: HI Precious Baby Saria. Sunday 3/2/03 will be 3 months without you. I miss
you precious. Hugs and Eskimo Kisses G-ma Sandy (i love you baby Saria) Don't you
love the Bunny sprinkler I found??

First Name: Grandma Sandy
URL: clalands@pldi.net
Comment: Hi precious Saria. It has been 3 months today since you left us and when to
Heaven. I miss you very, very much. Give Jimmy a kiss from his sister-in-law Kari and
Aunt Kari says hi to you also. Hugs and Eskimo Kisses

First Name: Tracy and Skylar
URL: www.our-sma-angels.com/Skylar
Comment: Hi Saria! We wanted to stop be and let you know that we were and always are
thinking of you. I know you are helping the other angels watch over Skylar and the others.
Thank you. Miss you tons.. Love you even more

First Name: Grandma Sandy
URL: clalands@pldi.net
Comment: Hi Precious, hope you enjoyed all the Valentines we sent to you. Miss you
sweet little Saria HUGS and ESKIMO KISSES

First Name: Grandma Sandy
URL: clalands@pldi.net
Comment: Hi my precious baby, today is 2/1/03, tomorrow marks 2 months without you.
I miss you baby Saria HUGS AND ESKIMO KISSES Watch for the bubbles today I am
sending YOU. I MISS YOU SO MUCH G-MA Sandy

First Name: Grandma Sandy
URL: clalands@pldi.net
Comment: HI PRECIOUS. GMA Sandy brought you a bumblebee to enjoy (bumble bee
come out of the barn with a piece of pie under his arm, he is gonna get you!! Hugs and
Eskimo Kisses Saria I miss you GMA Sandy

First Name: Grandma Sandy
URL: clalands@pldi.net
Comment: Hi Precious. Precious baby Saria. I MISS YOU.... Saria precious BABY GIRL
I found out today you joined Martina in Heaven. I MISS YOU HUGS AND ESKIMO

First Name: Grandma Sandy
URL: clalands@pldi.net
Comment: Well tomorrow is 1/25/03, tomorrow Saria would have been 19 months old!!
So tomorrow will blow bubbles up to her, if anyone wants to join let me know! Saria GMA
sends hugs and Eskimo kisses. I MISS YOU

First Name: GMA Sandy
Comment: Hi precious. Today is 1-1-03, tomorrow marks a month without out. I MISS
YOU SO MUCH. Hope you like the SLED with rubber duckie I left you. RUBBER
DUCKIE YOUR THE ONE!! You make bathtime lots of fun!!!! Hugs and eskimo kisses

First Name: Marlo and Steve
URL: jakersmomma@yahoo.com
Comment: Saria's website is beautiful, just as she was. She was such a special blessing. We
are glad we got the chance to know her!

First Name: Grandma Sandy
URL: clalands@pldi.net
Comment: Hi Precious. Tomorrow is Christmas.. we miss you so very much, Hope you
liked your tree MOM and DAD got you and your TRAIN from GMA and Gpa HUGS and


First Name: Emma
URL: emmapeterson88@hotmail.com
Comment: Your little baby is really cute . sorry to hear the bad news .

First Name: Jaime
URL: jaime.clark@expresspersonnel.com
Comment: Hi everyone! I just logged on to see the new web site. It is a great memory to
our precious Saria! As always, you are in my thoughts and prayers. I love you all.

First Name: Tina
Comment: I am sure everyone that you touched will miss you very much. You were truly
an angel on earth, and now you are an angel in heaven. Please send comfort to your family
You were and still are, very loved.

First Name: Great Aunt Billie & Cousin Mendy
Comment: Dear Precious Saria, You are in Heaven now, running and playing with Beth,
doing all of the things you couldn't do while you were here. We love you and miss you,
but know you are in a much better place. You'll always be in our hearts.

First Name: Nancy
Comment: As I sat here and looked at all the pictures of your beautiful daughter, I
couldn't help but think how very fortunate Saria was to have such a wonderful and loving
family. I send my heartfelt condolences to you.

First Name: Tracy and Skylar
URL: www.our-sma-angels.com/Skylar
Comment: Saria, I was thinking about you today. Skylar seems to talk to you a lot. I ask
her when she is looking up and babbling if it is you. She says YEAHHHH.. We linked
your site on Skylars page so we could keep your memory alive. Big (((HUGS)) coming
your way

First Name: Trae, Mattie and Mackenzie
Comment: Saria you will always be our silly bug. Your cousins love you and miss you so
much. You are truly our little angel.

First Name: Trae, Mattie and Mackenzie
Comment: Sweet baby you left us, so you could go to heaven and run and play and jump
and do things that you would never get to do here with us. Your cousins love you and
miss you so much. You watch over your mommy, daddy, sissy and everyone else in the
family. We Love

First Name: Jamie
URL: snjcox@gbronline.com
Comment: Hello, and I am so sorry to hear about your loss. I am Curtis and Debbie's niece
on his side, and she told me of Saria's condition many months ago. You have touched
many lives with your story. I asked my church for prayer for Saria and your family. I pray

First Name: Grandma Sandy
URL: clalands@pldi.net
Comment: To my sweet baby who left us and went to heaven 12/2/02. I MISS you so
much. Give Gp and Gm Dale hugs from us, AND have fun running and playing. Hugs and
Eskimo Kiss from GMA Sandy and Gpa Lloyd

First Name: Carolyn
URL: gramiemohun@webtv.net
Comment: I was one of the unlucky people who never got to meet you, but I heard so
much about you from your great-grandma Evelyn. She would send me pictures and tell me
all about you. I know you'll watch over Mommy, Daddy and Sage and all your Gramies
and Papas.

First Name: Cyn
Comment: With heartfelt sympathy on the lose of your beautiful Saria

First Name: Gloria & Aimee Hernandez
URL: hernandezjuanillo@netzero.net
Comment: Saria, You are a angel. Now you are playing with other angels. Please take
care of us .All the babies with SMA. And watch over your family and sister. Aimee

First Name: Tracy and Skylar
URL: www.our-sma-angels.com/Skylar
Comment: Saria, I heard you went home to God the other day and you took a piece of my
heart with you. You have touched many lives your time here on earth. We will miss you
very much. Watch over your Mommy and the rest of your family. There need you. Also
watch over




Copyright © 2001-2005 by Debbie Hatterman