Contact Me
If you want to talk to me for any reason at all, like to ask me questions regarding Newsies, my website, or anything else, you'd like to submit anything to my site, or you just feel like talking, feel free to do any of the following things. I'll try really hard to get back to you (I can't promise I always will since I get a lot of email, but I'll try)

Email Me
**If you'd like to email me, put something about newsies in the subject box or I won't even open it. I'm a little paranoid about junk mail and viruses...

Instant Messenger

I never ever go on instant messenger. Over the past year and a half, I've gone on instant messenger maybe 2 or 3 times, and that was just so I could talk to my friends when I stayed up all night writing stupid English papers. So don't even bother trying to talk to me on aol or yahoo, since I haven't gone on those in a few years. You might have a chance of catching me on msn though if you're lucky.

If you'd like to add me to your buddy list, that's okay, but please just email me and tell me you're adding me, because it freaks me out when people I don't know do that.

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