i have noticed that when one communicates about UFOs or ETs, one inevitably touches on other things mysterious, especially when the person or group being communicated with, had no personal experience or is not directly aware of someone who did... this page i am starting with these miscellaneous accounts of local South Africans with the purpose in mind of exposing these local stories 2 a wider audience in order 2 establish more possible witnesses & WHO knows, maybe someday there will b a reference 2 SAUFOR who reported these happenings without judgement... the 1st account being anonymous as per request by the experiencer...
This account is in Afrikaans, one of the 11 official languages of South Africa, shared with me on 11 May 2002 by the experiencer via email, who whish 2 remain anonymous... i will do the translating myself of which the translation can b found below the Afrikaans version...
Ek en 'n vriend het een aand (so 03:15) in die bos hier onder in die dorp rond geloop en toe later tussen 'n spul riete in gevoeter..
Ons het 'n lekker oopkol op 'n rots gekry waar ons gaan sit het. So 15 minute later hoor ons hoe raas iets verskriklik in die riete (soos iets wat deur 'n helse groot spoed deur die riete beweeg). Dit het gestop en ons het weer begin gesels. Binne 'n omstand toe eweskielik is die geraas plus minus 10 meter agter my pel se rug in die riete. Ek kon bo bby die riete se toppe sien hoe dit rond ruk en dit het met 'n moerse spoed nader gekom. Toe dit amper by ons was, waar die riete eindig en die rots begin het ons maar die hase pad gekies deur die pad wat ons uit getrap het in die riete. Die hele ding hier is: Die geraas was so hard - betekende dit moes iets groot gewees het (soos 'n mens) MAAR die riete is vrek dig. Ek en my pel het seker 15 minute gevat om deur 20 meter se riete te beweeg toe ons die pad uit getrap het. Daai "ding" het deur dit beweeg met 'n merkwaardige spoed. En dit geraas het vir 'n tydperk gestop en toe net eweskielik weer agter my pel begin. Hoe het die "ding" dan nader gekom sonder dat ons eers iets gehoor het? Ons het die volgede middag gaan rond loop en kyk waar dit gebeur het...daar was NIKS openinge waardeur die "ding" sonder geraas kon beweeg het tot by die plus minus 10 meter afstand vanwaar ons gesit het nie. Daar was padtjies getrap in die riete waar ons die ding gehoor het. Omtrent so groot soos die padtjeis wat ek en my pel getrap het. Maar die riete was nie kant-toe of plat gedruk soos ons sin nie...dit was uitgele oor die grond. Duidelik dat iets met 'n fors daardeur beweeg het. Dit het so vinnig soos 'n hond deur die riete beweeg, en die geraas was te hard om iets soos 'n hond of rooikat te wees. Die pad was ook te groot vir so iets. Hier in Malmesbury is die grootste wilde dier wat jy kry seker duikers, ystervarke, bakoor-jakkalse en die rooikatte is in die dorps gebied al heeltemal weg... GEEN MENS KAN MET SO SPOED DEUR SULKE DIGTE RIETE BEWEEG NIE!!!
Ek wonder maar tot nou nog wat dit was... Dis seker nou nie veel interresants om na te hoor nie, maar as jy dit self beleef het is dit nogals iets om oor te dink..
English version of above account:
Early one morning (around 03:15), a friend and i went walking around in the bushes downtown & later found ourselves wading thru some reeds... we found a clearing with a large rock where we decided to sit. After about 15 minutes, we heard something making a really loud noise amongst the reeds (like something moving at an hellish speed thru the reeds). It stopped, so we continued our converstaion. Within a moment, there was a very loud noise about 10 meters behind my friend's back. By watching the tops of the reeds, i could see the thing moving & how it approached with a tremendous speed. As this thing approached the clearing where the reeds ended & the rock began, we decided to scramble back along the path that we have cleared. The whole thing is this: the loud nature of the noise indicated that it was something big (like a human) BUT the reeds are extremely thick. My friend & i took approximately 15 minutes, just to clear about 20 meters of our initial path. That "thing" moved thru it at a marvelous speed. And the noise stopped for a period and then just re-started close behind my friend. How did this "thing" come so close to us, without us hearing? The next day we went back where it happened to look around... there were NO openings where the "thing" could have approached to within approximately 10 meters to where we were sitting, without being heard. There were paths trampled where we had heard the noise. But the reeds were not pressed sideways or down, like ours. It was spread out over the ground. Obvious that something moved with force through it. It moved as fast as a dog through the reeds and the noise was too loud to be a dog or rooikat (...small wildcat found locally...). The path was evidently too large for something like that. The biggest wild animals found in Malmesbury, are probably small buck, hedgehogs, jackal and the rooikat has disappeared from the town area alltogether... NO HUMAN BEING CAN MOVE WITH SUCH SPEED THROUGH SUCH THICK REEDS!!! I still wonder to this day what it was. Maybe it doesn't sound too interesting, but if you have experienced this yourself, it leaves one pondering..
2002/05/17 - LATEST: Mystery Metal Spheres of South Africa
while searching the internet on mysterious objects found in South Africa, i came across numerous reports of small enigmatic metal spheres found by a mining company in sedementary rock layers of pyrophyllite, or more commonly known as "wonderstone"... these spheres r as hard as steel, opposite the scale of hardness to the soft wonderstone & even stranger is the fact that they have perfectly concentric grooves, which is ONLY found around the centre... according 2 the information i received via fax from the Klerksdorp museum assistant, these spheres sometimes cause the mining equipment 2 get stuck & this is PROBABLY how they were originally discovered... the museum's take on how they were 1st discovered, says that the curator of the musuem, Roelf Marx, was removing endangered rock engravings in the area of Ottosdal, about 110 kms from Klerksdorp, the exact date unclear, but awaiting confirmation... probably around 1984/85... - this is the preliminary report, as we r awaiting more information & possibly a picture...