When it becomes a challenge to share info that challenges mainstream ideas, facts need to be disguised...
DiSGuiSeD FaCTS in the movie industry & suggested movies to study
DiSGuiSeD FaCTS in publications
DiSGuiSeD FaCTS in historical myths
DiSGuiSeD FaCTS in technology
DiSGuiSeD FaCTS in pictures & symbols
DiSGuiSeD FaCTS in palindromes
DiSGuiSeD FaCTS in games
The Movie Industry
The most WONDERFUL truths become clear when ideas filter through the movie & film industries... ...and is it RRREALLY so difficult to believe when one looks at pshycology & how the sub-conscious processes information of how people cling TIGHTLY to their beliefs? - it is commonly believed of human nature that people feel uncomfortable with change... everyone MUST look/eat/drink/think etc. etc. the same, otherwise one is not "NORMAL"... ...aah, "NORMAL", what an interesting word... ...although EVERYONE is unique as individuals, we are LED to believe that "SOCIETY" (another VERY interesting word...) needs us 2 act the same... ...you know, be born, grow up, go to school, get a job, get married, have children, die. And it appears from an objective point of view, that the individuality is being ignored or suppressed!! - David Icke call people that believe in this "system", sheeple... ...you know, move, BUT ONLY when the herd moves... ...how can a sheep POSSIBLY move out of his own will?? ...it's SOOO scary... ...i am RRREALLY afraid of discovering something that is not already known, going BEYOND...
...but wait, i digress... ...ideas that do not fit "the mold" & that can offer alternative ways of looking at ones' reality , can only be shared with the closed-minded ones in a subliminal manner... NOT ONLY because the information is sensitive, BUT because the info is sensitive AND challenging... ...i'll give an example: imagine that one is born into a deeply religious family... say the religion is christianity... one is brought up to believe that Jesus is the ONLY way to "save the soul" and say, just as an example, that there is MORE than only one way to "save the soul", the WHOLE belief-structure crumbles... not a very stable belief... i suggest the open-minded approach to LIFE & this includes the belief that ANYthing is possible... think about it... ANYTHING IS POSSIBLE!!!
...so anyway, believing that ANYthing is possible & using THIS as a perspective to understanding reality , one looks at & sees the world from a different angle/perspective...
Suggested Movies
SAUFOR suggests the following movies that share some interesting beliefs:
Contact with Jodie Foster & Matthew McConaughey
the Arrival with Charlie Sheen
AI with Haley Joel Osmon, directed by Steven Spielberg
Independance Day with Will Smith
K-Pax with Kevin Spacey & Jeff Bridges
Close Encounters of the Third Kind, directed by Steven Spielberg
Dark City - reality buster!!
Battlefield Earth with John Travolta and Forest Whitaker
Alien series with Sigourney Weaver
E.T. The Extra Terrestrial, directed by Steven Spielberg
Evolution with David Duchovny & Julianne Moore
Men in Black with Will Smith & Tommy Lee Jones
X-Files Movie: Fight the Future with Gillian Anderson & David Duchovny
Postman with Kevin Costner
Star Trek series
Star Wars series
...for more detail, please email the webmaster at saufor@yahoo.com
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In the Publications
Observing what is published in the "main-stream", can be quite fun!! - in newspapers, tabloids & magazines, one can find such interesting truths & half-truths & i relate reading these to gathering small pieces of a VERY large puzzle... the fun part comes in where EVERY single person will look at exactly the same amount of pieces, however, will see a different bigger picture!
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a Long long time ago...
Historical Myths & Legends have been around since basically when verbal language was developed (or inherited as some believe...) & i believe that ALL stories r based in fact... exactly how MUCH fact, well, that's open for interpretation... ...and even from a pshycological point of view, a lie or ANY fantasy is influenced by fact... ...i mean, imagine where someone could b telling a story that is made up of NO facts, meaning a story that uses words/phrases/things that don't or have never existed... then, how does our mind get hold of such thoughts? - i share a belief that ALL thoughts come from a central source & that somehow our mind has the ability to tap into this source & draw from it... ...to me there is something even more Xtraordinary and THAT is where a person can develope the ability 2 be in relative control of, at least the flow of, thoughts from wherever the source is, basically like gaining specific access to a database...
take creational myths & legends, 4 instance... these r (what westerners call) stories that whole cultures BELIEVE in their whole being, every breath that is taken, every movement that is made, these people revere LIFE & also has a tendency 2 RESPECT other cultures & beliefs... what went wrong with the modern world where we tend 2 walk on the earth, but somehow 4get that we do? - we r of this earth & the history & evolution of this earth is OUR evolution & history too!! - it fascinates me 2 think that there r so many people walking & NOT remembering how or why... after all, it comes naturally, so why must i waste my time 2 think about walking? - i have an answer 2 offer... maybe, just maybe, we have come into contact with something called "power" & as we all should know, power IS corruptive! ...especially power over others... - being able 2 influence another mind is something that has 2 b taught when we r young & in the modern era, we have forgotton how 2 teach & guide our children on power & its corruptiveness... whatch what u say, my mother used 2 remind me and i never RRREALLY understood what she was saying, but NOW i do!! every word we say has an EMENSE power & understanding its influence b4 it is uttered, i believe, is essential 4 harmony in our environment & in ourselves!! - i thank u 2day 4 taking the time 2 read here & now & journeying with me in2 the realm of the mind...
...4 further reading along these lines, see Gilgamesh Summary - a Mesopotamian Epic set around 2700 B.C.
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...mmm... when one studies the history of our technological developement & attempts to plot a graph according to the level of accomplisment & the length of time it took us to reach that level, one starts to notice that that there is an exponential curve in the last say 150 years where before that, the curve is much flatter... it appears as if there has been some outside influence & THAT intrigues me... ...more detail to come soon...
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Pictures & Symbols
...what is it that they say about a picture? ...it speaks a thousand words... ...more detail to be added soon...
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a Palindrome is a word spelt forward, as is standard, and further than that... ...more detail to be added soon...
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there r some AMAZING "suggestions" that can be identified coming through popular games, be it personal computer, arcade, playstation or whatever... i suggest that storylines r partly based in factual events & believe it or not, we CAN learn from playing games, after all, isn't this how babies learn? - we seem 2 loose the ability 2 PLAY as we grow older...
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for more detail, please email the webmaster & in this way we can establish the common views shared by our visitors... ANY comments/suggestions 2 b mailed 2 saufor@yahoo.com
This section was created by SAUFOR on Friday, 16 November, 2001 & was last visited & updated on Thursday, 16 May 2002, 20:07 GMT+2=SAST.
disguised facts, movies, movie & film industry, industries, publications, myths & legends, technology, palendromes, pshycology, human, pshycological, fact