SAUFOR's free lance investigator, NightStalker shares his research into UFO sightings in South Africa


The NightStalker's Report on 11 August 2003

The following is a list of incidents that I have come across while researching South African UFO Experiences and discussing SAUFOR with others during my travels. The people are real, the incidents are real, and while the individuals concerned are not all that keen on having their personal details splashed all over the internet in this context.

A few South African Incidents.

The stone in the sky.

Two brothers and some friends were lying on the lawn of their home in Pretoria after having played a bit of ball in the back yard. As they were lying on their backs looking at the sky, what looked like a huge rock flew overhead on a straight line trajectory. As it approached, it flew directly overhead and they saw that it was in fact not a rock, but a craft. The brown color was in fact due to rust streaks on the outer hull. It continued overhead and then passed on over the horizon. It was not aerodynamically shaped nor did it have any wings nor did it conform to any known form of craft. I have known these guys for a number of years now and I would personally vouch for their credibility. I would have taken the word of any one of them, but there were a number of eyewitnesses to this event which makes it even more credible. I have asked them if they would be willing to be interviewed and have said yes.

Long and cylindrical with portholes

I have a very good friend who used to live in Cape Town. He now works in Jo'burg. He was witness to a long cylindrical object that floated slowly overhead. Not recognizing it as any known type of aircraft, he climbed up onto the roof of his house to watch the UFO. He attracted the attention of his neighbor. Two of the neighbors kids in turn called their friends from across the road. The UFO was witnessed by around 20 people. There are photographs of this object, for which there is yet to be an explanation.

May 2001. Hartbeespoortdam.

In May 2001, at the time of the planetary alignment, a UFO was spotted over Hartbeespoortdam. There was an article on it in the local newspaper. A so called expert dismissed it as an optical illusion caused by the planetary alignment at that time. Funny thing is, there were several independent witnesses, and this incident took place at around 4 in the afternoon. There is no known way that the light of any planet could be visible in broad daylight, let alone move across the sky. (It has been known for Venus to be visible in the sky during daylight hours but that is only under very specific conditions.) During the planetary alignment however, if the sun and the planets were in a straight line, none of the inner planets would be visible in the direct glare of the sun.

I too, have on three occasions seen this phenomena, here where I live at Hartbeespoortdam.

Once I was alone. I watched it, it was unusual, and moving slowly away, I got in my car and headed off down the road after it. But it out accelerated my vehicle, and disappeared into the mountains at a low altitude.

Once, Around 01h00, I heard the dogs barking and went outside to see what the commotion was all about. I saw this craft (ball of light) motionless in the air above the Pelindaba nuclear research facility. I watched it for about ten minutes then went inside and woke up my mom, and asked her to come outside and verify. She commented that it was brighter than the house on the hill - On the farm next door (about a 0.5 KM away). After a while, we went back inside to make some coffee, when we came back out again ... it was gone. It was there for about an hour.

The most recent sighting by myself was about three months ago. Some friends and I were stargazing. They have a telescope and some evenings we sit on the verandah and have dinner while we point the telescope at different planets and stars for their kids (and us) to look at. This particular evening, there were 5 adults (myself included) and three children (8-14) on the verandah having dinner. It was late dusk, and not yet pitch black. We were all looking at the sky, searching for a new target for the telescope, when to the north, we saw what we thought was a shooting star. It was however really bright. and it burned for about 20 seconds, then went off. Twenty seconds later it went back on again, and then twenty seconds later off again. This continued for about 10 - 12 on - off cycles, as the light descended vertically through the atmosphere and disappeared behind some mountains about 10 Km to the north of us. We were all equally awestruck, and had no explanation as to what it could possibly be. From my own personal perspective, It would be entirely consistent with a craft firing a retro rocket to slow its descent through the atmosphere.

There is nothing else that I could think of that would follow that kind of a trajectory or illumination pattern.


A while back, I had a meeting with a very interesting individual. He has asked me not to advertise his name in conjunction with this story but has said that he would be quite happy to give a personal account to any serious researcher.

In about the mid eighties he was traveling through the Karoo when he noticed an unusual craft in the distance off to the side of the road. He stopped and watched it disappear over the eastern horizon. It was one of those ... 'yes-kool-but-who-would-believe-me-stories'

A few years went by and he overheard the discussion of a truck driver mentioning something similar. The truck driver gave a more exact location where he had seen a craft emerge from between two koppies. The Driver had approached a T intersection where he had stopped to check for approaching traffic. Directly ahead he had seen the craft emerge from between two hills and hover over the veldt about a kilometer in front of him. There were no other vehicles, so the driver pulled away and turned left towards Beaufort West. The craft started moving, keeping pace with the truck but following an intersecting vector. The driver continued along the road until the craft was about 100 meters away. The driver then decided to stop and take a better look at the craft. He also felt that if they both continued on their current paths, the two would eventually meet.

The craft approached to within about 50 meters, it illuminated the truck with an intense light , circled it and streaked away vertically into the night sky. The truck driver could not relate the craft to any known form of aircraft.

This friend of mine then decided to investigate the incident for himself. He took his video camera, got in his bakkie and headed of for the Karoo.

He spent two weeks camping out at the place described by the trucker. I watched the video tape. He hiked through the koppies and hills and took panoramic shots of the area. It is about the most inhospitable desert mountain terrain that I have ever seen. There is but nothing there. No farm houses or settlements. Just gorges and cliffs and very very rocky terrain. (From my own personal point of view ... I have seen many types of terrain, but this was very extreme, in the harshness of the terrain.)

He found a dirt track which led up into the mountains. He hiked back to his bakkie and the next day he followed this track to see where it went. There were no signs and no gates. Eventually the track stopped between the mountains. There was no destination, nothing there. The track just stopped. He decided to camp there that night.

It was after dusk when he saw the craft. He picked up his camera and started filming. The craft approached. In the video footage you see the approaching light. It is dark, and basically you are looking at a light in the night sky. It is a shaky image. One could dismiss it as maybe footage of an oncoming cars headlights. Then, it did something I have never seen before. The light divided, three other lights detached from it, and streaked away into the distance. And, I cannot relate to any flying craft that has ever done that.

He says that at that point, he started getting a bit worried, so he stopped filming and ran back to his pickup. He started it and headed back down the track. The craft pursued him, keeping track with him. He tried to tape it. The video tape becomes a bit chaotic at this point. There is the sound of the pickup racing down a dirt road, you can hear the motor and the clatter of stones and occasional flashes of light. He says he left the camera running on the seat next to him, but he was scared out of his wits and was more interested in getting the hell out of there and not driving of the edge of a mountain than in taking footage of what it was that was chasing him.

Like I said, I watched the tape with him several times, and I tried to decide for myself if this was a hoax or not. He was in the area as described. The road does exist, there were unusual lights in the sky around him, and he did drive down that road with a speed. He is adamant that it did happen. I sat in his home, his wife and kids were there. And, the way he tells it, with his wife sitting there, I had a tendency to believe him.

I listened to his story. I asked him who he thought they were. He said that they were an alien race that occupied subterranean bases around the planet.

It was the only logical conclusion he could make. He had hiked that area for two weeks and there was definately nothing on the surface. That craft that split up and chased him down the mountain had to come from somewhere ... The only logical conclusion was that it had to be from an underground base.

He showed me piles of material that he had researched on beings that could possibly fit that description. What they looked like ... he could only guess from the reports of others. He had seen enough to definitively satisfy his own personal curiosity for once and for all. He felt that he had been warned off, and he was not going back there again ... ever.

And here's the rub, from the way he narated his experiences ... I wasn't so sure if I wanted to go and check out that road in the mountain at night ... at least not alone anyway.

These are stories of a personal nature, and I can guarantee you that, from my own perspective, they are absolutely truthful. As far as my friends are concerned, I can vouch for them, but you are most welcome to come and chat to them yourself and make up your own mind, and all have assured me that their accounts (myself included) will stand up to a polygraph.

I am going to re-interview the above individuals and add more details as time goes by. I think, that from a consistency point of view, I will re interview these people after a year. If they are bona fide then the story shouldn't change over the course of a year.

Cheers for now

Keep looking at the sky


Following is another report from our friend about interesting research relating 2 the planet Mars, that we have been delving in2 over the last 2 years or so... see the website that i had 2 put up anonimously due 2 the "sensitivity" of the info --->

Here a follow up on the Mars Pix

The Mystery of Anomaly 502.

by NightStalker.

Greetings fellow surfers. Allow me to introduce myself. I am the NightStalker. I am a surfer, programmer, self confessd hacker (white hat of course) and I like to explore. I am also a free lance investigator for SAUFOR and like to research unusual things. And for now, that is all you are going to know about me.

Rather, let me get on with the subject of this article.

It was about two years ago that an aquaintance of mine and I were chatting online. It was in the context of trying to resolve whether or not we are alone in the universe. Could we definitively resolve the question? We chatted about this and that and then the discussion turned to the red plane, Mars! What was the buzz on the face of Mars, what about the pyramid. Were they natural or were they created by some artificial entity.

Well, as we chatted online, he made a fantastic claim. There was not just the face, there was other far more compelling evidence of another civilisation that had been on Mars. Whether it was a Martian species or an outpost of some other entity that had visited Mars could not be determined at that time but, there was evidence of something that had not been created by nature. There was a structure of a complexity that could not possibly be created by natural forces as we understand them.

Not only was there this group of structures, but there was detailed photographic evidence of its existence. Yeah, right. Send it to me, and I'll take a look for myself. So, he did just that. The sequence of images showed pix of something that was not created by mother nature, cos she don't work in straight lines..

I forwarded these images to my friend CRiSTo who runs SAUFOR and asked him to post the images on his site. I also asked him to ask around and see if he could pick up any info on this entity that had been named ANOMALY 502.

CRiSTo, myself and others carried out extensive web searches to see if we could find any reference to this entity and, apart from some dead ends ending up in some obscure URL's, there was nothing. I have looked at those images from time to time and have wondered what to make of them.

It is some two years that have passed and then, last month, I was chatting to a friend and the subject once again turned to the issue of life on Mars. Once again I looked over the images, and once again, I set off in search of an answer. If it did exist in cyberspace, then, I would find it.

And, lo and behold, this time, I found something very curious. So, for you conspiracy buffs, here is something that I am going to propose, not as truth, not as fact, but as a conspiracy with a number of very interesting aspects.

Have a read, and when you are finished, you decide for yourself.

In about May 2001, a sequence of images surfaced depicting a structure on the surface of Mars. Exact location undisclosed. The images were marked with certain text, depicting the sequence and date. It also referred to an entity called IEC and a date marker in the doccument/project reference refering to the year 1998.

Logicaly this would date the images as circa 1998. Well logic says that if a sattelite took a photo of an anomaly on Mars in 1998, well then it stands to reason that it must have been launched in about 1997. I didn't expect to find anything, but to my total suprise, I discovered that there was a 'qualification' launch of an Arianne rocket designated as --- wait for it --- A 502.

In fact A 502 was launched in July 1997. And, as I researched the A 502 launch, more and more curious aspects surrounding this launch vehicle came to light. Allow me to tell you about them.

The launch payload was put together by ESTEC, an Informatics division of ESA. Could the ESTEC project have been designated as IEC ?

It was put together in a record time of just seven months, under great pressure.

The A 502 launch vehicle carried three payloads. One was the ESTEC project, MAQSAT and one was a dummy.

No charges were levied for the launch.

Now, I like to read between the lines, and some may accuse me of reading too much between the lines but, if this is just a simple little student launch being sponsored by some benevolent 'big brother', for an experimental earth orbit sattelite; Why then does the front page of the official website of this mission feature a picture of Earth and Mars? Check it out for yourself at

So, a launcher, put together in record time, with no charge to anyone, with a whole lot of parts donated by other agencies, that uses technicians and scientists called back out of retirement, with the ability to achieve escape velocity, is launched in October of 1997 on a launcher designated as A 502. It is carrying an impressive array of imaging systems, ia. Autonomous Vision System (AVS) , Visual Telemetry System (VTS), and Flux Probe Experiment (FIPEX) - And while FIPEX may be used to measure the density of hydrogen atoms in outer space - YEAH RIGHT! - in my understanding, Flux sensors are primarily used to sense Energy field strengths, And, as I said before, the official website features a pix of Earth, the 'Sattelite' and Mars.

And - oh yes of course - a payload designated as a 'dummy' unit. Why launch a dummy sattelite when there are so many fledgeling agencies who would love to put a live payload on an experimental launch.

Then, A year later, an impressive sequence of images comes back. Pictures of structure on the surface of Mars, with a group of structures that must have been created by some kind of intelligence. A sequence of images designated as Anomaly 502 - Is it too great a leap of imagination to think that the designation 502 refers to the launcher, and not to the posibility that there are 501 other anomalies on Mars.

(Must admit the 502 had me going for a while, I was trying to figure out the significance of the 502, because it was definately relevant.)

Three years later these images 'leak' out. As I said before, we searched the net extensively two years ago when these images came our way for any combination of MARS ANOMALY 502 IEC etc, etc, etc and we found nothing - nada - zilch! Now, years later, little hints are starting to leak out here and there. You, go ahead, start doing your own web search - and see what you come up with.

So, boys and girls, let me lay it out for you in plain english.

Do you remember about five years ago when everyone was all in wonder at the discovery of the face on the surface of Mars. Well, they found more, much more and A502 was a rush mission to Mars to get a better set of images using every possible type of immaging system possible.

Methinks that dummy, whose actual owners paid for the launch, went straight on to Mars, took a whole lot of enhanced images of an entity designated Anomaly 502, sent them back home, then landed there - then took some more images - and sent them home too. Why do I say that ? Because my friends, I was told so by my aquaintance, and he sent me some pix to prove it.

Ever heard of plausable deniability? Acording to the public stuff, every significant space agency contributed to this baby in one way or another, Nasa - Nothing. The most important aspect of the mision, The Visual Telemetry System, was supplied by the Brits. So, how come the Brittish (who have never launched a rocket of their own) contribute the key component of the mission. Wonder who told them how to put it together ? Nasa ? No never.

Now, I am not going to claim this as fact, it is just a theory, but, you sit up and look around and decide for yourself how much substance there is in this little conspiracy theory of mine. You go and read all about the A 502 mission, and look at the facts in the context that I have outlined above.

Cheers for now

Your friend

The Nightstalker


SAUFOR created this page on 11 August 2003

Last visited & updated on Thursday, 15 August 2003, 18:34 GMT+2=SAST.


Keywords: SAUFOR's free lance investigator, NightStalker shares his research into UFO sightings in South Africa,