Save Our Sisterhood (SOS) - Actions/Campaigns
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** National Women's College Day of Protest and Solidarity. 

We would like to send out an enormous thank you to our friends at Cottey College and Jade Kai who are organizing a national day of solidarity and protest for all women's colleges across the country this Wednesday, October 13. Below is an excerpt from an email we received from Jade at Cottey:

Sisters! Cottey College is ready to go. A list of things we are doing:

1. We are calling every women's college in the country to get their participation in the day of protest next wednesday.

2. We are contacting every newspaper and television station that we can get our sticky little fingers on.

3. We have donation cans in every residence hall for students who want to donate their change.

4. We have a food drive in the works for you protesters.

5. T-shirts are in the works. The proceeds from the t-shirts will go towards your mission.

6. Our personal day of protest is panning out a little like this: a viewing of the movie "Strike" with a discussion following led by our faculty who have graduated from women's colleges including Dr. Stubblefield. After this, we are having a candlelit procession to the lawn of Main Hall where we plan to have a speech and protest of silence. Other schools are free to plan their events however they'd like, but we think that to get every women's college in the nation to gather for a silent candlelit protest at a certain time like 10 pm eastern time on Wednesday.

Schools are free to do what they want to show solidarity, but the big thing is the 10pm EST candlelight vigil.  Please contact us for Jade's email address and contact info. Please put in the subject line that you are looking for Jade's info so we know to get back to you ASAP.


We are extremely pleased to announce a new campaign to show our commitment to strengthening women's education at Wells. We are starting a registry of high school and transfer students who will commit themselves to applying to Wells as single-sex institution. This can be found at
Please encourage anyone you know that is interested to sign it.


We have a suggestion for an action Alumnae and other supporters could take. We encourage you to send donations to the Annual Fund in the form of voided checks along with a note letting them know that this is what you would be donating if the college wasn't going co-ed. Let them know when they reverse the decision you will be sending a check for that amount. Please email us at and let us know about your contribution to this campaign.

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*S*ave *O*ur *S*isterhood
Name: a coalition of concerned students