Archived Updates

**Update: Friday, November 12 @ 12:35am

We appologize for the lack of updates. We are working mainly with the legal action(s). We are happy with how things are progressing in the legal field, but please keep sending in donations and telling your friends, family, peers, businesses, etc. to also send funds.

Students are trying to work with the Administration, but too often our words fall on deaf ears. We need to speak now though legal action. Please send any questions about legal action to Do not fear, we have not and will not stop fighting.

**Update: Wednesday, November 3 @ 2:08pm

Donations to the legal fund can made out to "Wells for Women Legal Fund" and sent to:
Wells for Women Legal Fund
12975 House Rd
Clayton, NY 13624

Donations can still also be sent through the "Make a Donation" Paypal link.

**Update: Sunday, October 31 @ 8:39pm

Happy Halloween. The advice we've been given regarding sharing information about legal action is not to post specific information on the site. Please email for specific details. Tomorrow an address to send checks to will be posted. We have enough money for the retainer, but still need more funds to proceed.

**Update: Friday, October 29 @ 4:48pm

Sorry for the delay, but the internet connection was down. Information about the suit will be provided once we've cleared it with legal counsel about what is okay to post. We need to raise $20,000-$30,000 depending on how much or the busy work we can get done by volunteers. The next update won't be up until Sunday, but more information will be provided then.

**Update: Thursday, October 28 @ 9:50am

First off, thank you so much for the generous donations that have been coming in... please keep them coming! We have received requests that more details about the legal action and the amount we are trying to raise be put up on the site. This information should all be up by the end of the day. Don't forget to check back!

**Update: Tuesday, October 26 @ 11:05am

We are proceeding with legal action and we need help raising funds. Please use the Paypal button to donate funds. Please also email if you would like to donate funds or services in some other way. We are aware that we have made this request already, but we would really like to stress it again. We think we can beat this thing in the courts, we just need to funds to do it. So please send $$$!!! :-)

**Update: Sunday, October 24 @ 5:57pm

The march yesterday and all of parents weekend went very well. Over 100 parents/family members, alums, students and friends marched through Aurora with special stops at The Aurora Inn, Lisa Ryerson '81's house and Steve Zabriskie's house.

The parents and students had some very productive meetings and if anyone has seen in the papers about legal actions being proceeded with, we would like to say that this is true. We are still gathering funds, so if you would like to make use of the "Make a Donation" button on the top left of the screen, please do! If you would rather send money through another mode, please email

**Update: Friday, October 22, 8:12pm

The campus is very down as of late. Some students have already withdrawn from Wells and left. Again, we must again acknowlede the lack of foresight and consideration of the President and the Board not simply in making the decision, but also in the timing of the announcment and the time to implementation.

Though we have been working at Wells with no real strategic plan since 1993, suddenly there are a couple of boxes around campus labeled "strategic planning suggestions" for students and community members to drop in suggestions for what they would like to see. This is ridiculously too little too late! Community involvement is an afterthought. Had we been involved all the way, we never would have come to such a decision.

We stress that we are not done fighting. People are gathering on campus tomorrow and we encourage anyone that can to come. We are excited to have some outside support. We are not happy here and we could use some encouragement.

**Update: Friday, October 22 @ 5:06pm

Many appologies for the lack of updates. A proper update will be up later tonight. Parents, friends, family, alumnae and anyone else out there... tomorrow will be a nice day to visit campus!!!

**Update: Monday, October 18 @ 6:30pm

Pettibone and others in the realm of informers to the public, press, etc. have begun telling people that students are taking action based on the pressure of parents with selfish interests. They are telling people that the reason we are at Wells is because our parents have sent us to a women's college because they want to control us. This seems kind of funny, because a month ago we were here to be empowered.

We are not being bossed around. Our parents are helping us and respecting, understanding and encouraging our plight because we were wronged by this administration. We are bright and powerful women and our voices are getting heard because we are yelling loud on our own accord.

**Update: Sunday, October 17 @ 7:23am

With the help of parents and Alumnae we are moving forward on several fronts. The Alumnae support was incredible, which again makes us gravely doubt the reality of the statement released by the school saying that 2/3 of Alumnae supported the decision (That sentence was too weak. We think the "2/3 statement" was a blatant lie.). We do challenge them to show us the basis for this information, but we highly doubt they can.

**Update: Saturday, October 16 @ 12:42am

The fight continues. We're excited to see more Alumnae tomorrow!

**Update: Friday, October 15 @ 11:49am

Everything has a reason.

**Update: Wednesday, October 13 @ 1:37am

We're going to keep this one short and sweet because the protesters really need to get some sleep. The candlelight vigil was really powerful. Thanks again to our sisters at Cottey and the many other schools where candles were lit in solidarity.

A member of security informed a group of students sitting in the Macmillan lobby that a memo was issued over the weekend stipulating that any protester will be immediately expelled if they refuse to vacate any area not specifically designated for their use.

We will elaborate further in the morning but suffice it to say, the students, alums, and parents are united as we move into phase two of our continued fight to overturn the Board's decision.

Update: Wednesday, October 13 @ 7:31pm

We're all getting reading for the vigil at 10:00pm. We just found a lost email with a link to a website that our wonderful Cottey friends have put up. It's and it's all about the National Day of Protest!!! We love Cottey!!!!!

Update: Wednesday, October 13 @ 2:45pm

Today is the National Day of Protest and Solidarity for Wells College.
Today is the day that history will be made!
Students at Cottey College in Nevada, Missouri have organized a national day of protest and solidarity for women's colleges (and other supporters) across the country and around the world. We have received notices from everywhere, including Mills, Hollins, Smith and more- even people in Florence, Italy and Ireland! They're doing this all for Wells and for women's education! Each school is participating in their own way, but everyone will be having a candlelight vigil at 10:00pm EST.

Wells students have already participated in a funeral ceremony for women’s education. It took place at 12:30pm. Students placed items in a casket that were symbols of what would be lost of Wells went coed. Many students placed in items related to the Odd/Even traditions. One students even put money in the casket, saying that her money would be wasted on her education of Wells went coed. Ann Rollo looked on at the funeral service and laughed out loud.

Currently, students are “roaming picketing” throughout the village of Aurora. They are letting local establishments and residents know how the students feel about the Board’s decision.

At 9:00pm the ceremony for the candlelight vigil will begin on the front lawn of Macmillan. The candles will be lit at 10:00pm EST with people all over the world joinng in.

**Update: Tuesday, October 12 @ 6:28pm

People are arriving back on campus from the weekend break and it's very nice to have our numbers up. People are feeling refreshed and regenerated and ready to keep shouting loud for change.

A couple SOS folks just got back from a television interview for "Beyond the Front Page" which will be airing tonight at 7:45pm on channel 6 and 4 in the Auburn area (as well as a couple times throughout the week). The Administration was also invited to be interviewed on the show, but they did not respond to the offer.

**Update: Sunday, October 11 @ 3:48pm

There are going to be some changes on the website up today. For instance, go to to see our archived updates. We're trying to clean up the page and make it more user friendly. Let us know how you like the changes. They should be up, for the most part, by the end of the day.

**Update: Sunday, October 10 @ 1:34pm

Again, we're very sorry for the lack of updates, but we have been living without ready access to the internet on the front lawn of Macmillan. We're stading strong in our campout. Many people are staying in their dorms for the weekend because they're just too sick to be outside. The support from alumnae and friends this weekend has been absolutely tremendous. We cannot thank you all enough. We couldn't still be doing this without you.

We would like to send out an enormous thank you to our friends at Cottey College and Jade Kai who are organizing a national day of solidarity and protest for all women's colleges across the country this Wednesday, October 13. Below is an excerpt from an email we received from Jade at Cottey: Sisters! Cottey College is ready to go. A list of things we are doing: 1. We are calling every women's college in the country to get their participation in the day of protest next wednesday. 2. We are contacting every newspaper and television station that we can get our sticky little fingers on. 3. We have donation cans in every residence hall for students who want to donate their change. 4. We have a food drive in the works for you protesters. 5. T-shirts are in the works. The proceeds from the t-shirts will go towards your mission. 6. Our personal day of protest is panning out a little like this: a viewing of the movie "Strike" with a discussion following led by our faculty who have graduated from women's colleges including Dr. Stubblefield who attended Wells College. After this, we are having a candlelit procession to the lawn of Main Hall where we plan to have a speech and protest of silence. Other schools are free to plan their events however they'd like, but we think that to get every women's college in the nation to gather for a silent candlelit protest at a certain time like 10 pm eastern time on Wednesday.

Please contact us for Jade's email address and contact info. Please put in the subject line that you are looking for Jade's info so we know to get back to you ASAP.

Also, if you have been participating in the voided check campaign, please send us an email so we can keep a tally. Thanks! :-)

We camped out in the tents last night, which actually meant a better sleep for most of us. Everyone decided to leave the building considering the underhanded move of the Administration -- coming in when we had the lowest numbers of the day. The AP reports were wrong. There were more than 15 people that got ejected from the building. Most people left after we were given 15 minutes to leave. A group of at least 17 people barricaded themselves in the Green Room where the food was kept (while other people congregated oursite) and eventually were talked into leaving by other students.

The move to kick us out onto the lawn is cruel, to say the least. Where before we all had access to a building with heat, cooking facilities and bathrooms, we now have no running water, bathrooms or cooking facilities readily available. If the school is so worried about our health and safety, we should not be forced to live in such conditions.

We've had a lot of supportors stop by and they make us very happy. We hope to see some more of you throughout the weekend.

**Update: Friday, October 8 @ 3:49pm

Lisa Ryerson (aka President Ryerson) stormed in with her entourage and gave everyone 15 minutes to leave or else they would be provisionally suspended and the cops may be called. Most people aren't here because they were packing for the weekend or in class, because we didn't think this was happening until 5pm. All of the doors of Macmillan are locked on the outside and being guarded. This is ridiculous. People are still deciding what to do. We are still allowed to stay on the lawns in tents. The Administration seems to not care much about our health, considering the cold nights in Aurora.

**Update: Friday, October 8 @ 2:54pm

According to Alumnae Relations 2/3 of the alumae readily support the Board's decision to go coed. Please call them and let them know with your voices (and your checkbooks) that this is not the case. Also, please feel free to contact the press and let them know if you feel the college is lying to the public.

Today is a big day. We're heading into fall break and we need some extra bodies here for the weekend. If anyone would like to stop by for tonight or tomorrow -- or even the whole weekend -- that would be absolutely wonderful. We have some people flying out to be here with us and we are so happy to meet you all. We have some extra tents and bedding, and great food that we've had donated, so please feel free to show up. It'll be a blast of wild sit-in fun.

**Update: Friday, October 8 @ 11:01am

Very sorry about the lack of updates yesterday. There was some stuff going on which prevented updates. Last night's rally was really inspiring due to the presence of many alums whose words of support and conviction were such a fine example of the sisterhood we're trying to save. We had an Even/Odd sing-off (perhaps the last Wells sing-off if the Board has its way) with class flags hanging from the curving staircases in the lobby. The alums joined in a boisterous round of drinking songs and we ended the evening with the Alma Mater and a heartfelt shout for beloved Wells.

**Update: Thursday, October 6

In the morning, from what we've heard, Good Morning America is going to be on campus. We are hoping to see much of the campus up bright and early. Additionally, an interview a few students did will be airing nationally on NPR at 9:00pm.

Save Our Sisterhood (SOS) at Wells College would like to announce a rally for the college community, alumnae, supporters and anyone else that would like to attend. The rally will include information on the reason behind our protest, as we stand strong in Macmillan for our 6th day. There will also be performances by a couple of Wells’ delightful a capella groups and some fun demonstrations of wonderful Wells traditions – including Even/Oddline. We encourage anyone that can, to come to the Macmillan building on the Wells College campus on Thursday, October 07, 2004 at 7:00pm.

**Update: Wednesday, October 6 @ 2:53pm

Today we barricaded the Presidential Office and picketed in front of Macmillan for a short time. After Dean Green addressed us this morning with an announcement that the Administration's "tone is changing." She gave us until 1pm to vacate the kitchen next to the AER where we have been cooking our meals, the Green room (Dean VanVechten's old office)which they had opened in order for us to store food, and to remove all of our personal belongings from Macmillan. The kitchen was locked and the DOS office has issued an extension until 7:30pm to vacate the green room.

At a faculty meeting today the professor involved in yesterday's pushing episode completely denied having pushed, threatened, and/or yelled at any of the students. Fortunetly several professors did witness the incident.

Today has been a day of rest and regrouping for many of us. Our main goal has been showing that we will not be leaving Macmillan today (which was what DOS had projected) or next Wednesday, as long as our demands remain unmet.

**Update: Wednesday, October 6 @ 2:24am

We are extremely pleased to announce a new campaign to show our commitment to strengthening women's education at Wells. We are starting a registry of high school and transfer students who will commit themselves to applying to Wells as single-sex institution. This can be found at
Please encourage anyone you know that is interested to sign it.

**Upadate: Tuesday, October 5 @ 5:24pm

This one's a doozie! After a very antagonizing and uninformative meeting with President Ryerson, Ann Rollo, some Deans and a couple others, where questions were not answered in any sort of forthright or productive form, a Professor Emeritus broke through the barricade. We don't even know why he was on campus, but he came down the staircase in the South wing. He demanded the students move. They told him it was a barricade and he proceeded to press his stomach against the back of a Wells student and demand she step out of the way. When she didn't he pushed her. The first push was light, but the second pushed her out of the line and several feet forward. He then continued trying to descend to the next floor on the flight of stairs being blocked by the other side of the line. He threatened to push the students down the stairs if they would not move. At this point another person came with a camera and the Professor turned from the students and with his arm raised and came down just short of striking the camera bearer's face. Security and some Deans were still in the lounge and came and broke up the situation.

This is the second time students have been accosted while standing in a barricade. The first was during the first Trustee meeting on Thursday, September 30. A Trustee, George Slocum of Houston, Texas (The man who said at a student/Trustee meeting that the bottom line was the checkbook) pushed a girl on crutches, who was not a part of the barricade, pushed a WILL student (also not a part of barricade) before stepping on the foot and ripping the sign of a student in the barricade and shoving past her. This violence is unacceptable.

We are more passionate than ever and this episode confirms our belief that the students are not being respected. Each day we are here, we continue to demand respect and consideration. We will not be pushed around – in any sense!

**Update: Tuesday, October 5 @ 11:58am

We refused to move and when asked what we wanted, we asked for President Ryerson to come meet with us and negotiate our demands. They said they would tell her. That was about 2 hours ago. Press is not allowed in the building, but will be posting photographs on this site soon.

**Update: Tuesday, October 5 @ 8:40am

We have barricaded a wing of Macmillan with bodies. Neither Admissions nor President Ryerson's office is accessible. We have also donned black gags to show how we have been silenced by the Administration.

They have given us 30 minutes to move. We have less than 20 of these left. We're not moving. Call the press!

**Update: Tuesday, October 5, 1:20am

The sign-in sheet for participants in the protest in now over 200!!! We also have been receiving lots of support from students on campus who support our cause but are unable to sit-in with us. Keep this in mind when the Administration claims that only 25% of the students at Wells support what's going on in Macmillan.

**Update: Tuesday, October 5 @ 12:15am

Again, THANK YOU WONDERFUL ALUMS!!! You make the world go round!!! :-)

We would like everyone to know that several protesters have been fired from their campus jobs and have been warned they will be fired if they continue to protest. One TA has kept her office responsibities, but has chosen not to receive pay since she feels her complete withdrawal from college life means that she cannont accept its financial assistance.

**Update: Monday, October 4 @ 5:30pm

Yesterday when President Ryerson spoke to us, she said she would be holding a meeting today to share with us some information from the report on which the Board of Trustees based their decision. Knowing full well that we would not be leaving Macmillan, President Ryerson called for the meeting to be held in the chapel in Main. Not only is President Ryerson (and the Board) selectively choosing which information to share with the student body, by not holding the meeting in the AER or Phipps (in Macmillan), she is willfuly excluding the protesters from the information that she promised us less than 24 hours ago. A student representative has been sent down to videotape the meeting. Although we are angered by this action, we are not surprised because it is symptomatic of this Administration.

**Update: Monday, October 4 @ 1:53pm

We're well into our 3rd day of protest and we are doing incredibly. We are going strong and have more media attention than we ever imagined. Some of the media is informing us and tells us they have spoken to the Administration who claim they will not change their decision. We will be here, with your support, until they do. Again, the generosity of Alumnae and friends is very heartwarming. We're approaching the $1500 mark in monetary donations. Orange juice, cough drops, or anything with vitamin C would be helpful as well.

We have a suggestion for an action Alumnae and other supporters could take. We encourage you to send donations to the Annual Fund in the form of voided checks along with a note letting them know that this is what you would be donating if the college wasn't going co-ed. Let them know when they reverse the decision you will be sending a check for that amount.

**Update: Monday, October 4 @ 9:27am

We are in need of legal assistance. We need to know what our rights are and to check in with plans that we make. If anyone can offer any pro bono legal assistance that would be AWESOME! Please email us at THANKS! :-)

**Update: Monday, October 4 @ 9:18am

We can't express how grateful we are to all those that have been sending support. We've received well over $1000 in financial support (over $500 from the new Paypal account already!!!) as well as food and supplies. The emails and letters have also been tremendously inspirational. All emails and letters get read to the group and they really help with morale. Thank you all for your support. We will also remember this and we will alway be so appreciative.

We're into our third day here and our first day here while classes are going on. We're picketing outside of the building and there seems ot be few students here for classes. We understand our sisters are supporting us how they can, even if they can't stay in the building with us. **Update: Monday, October 4, @3:25am

We've gone national -- AND international. The AP picked up our story and we've even hit the news in Seattle and England!!!

Update: Sunday, October 3 @ 6:15pm

Paypal is up. If you feel the need to send a donation, go right again and click the button on the left. If you like snail mail (we would all love letters and packages) please send them to: Save Our Sisterhood (SOS)
c/o Caitlin Pratt
Wells College
Aurora, NY 13026

**Update: Monday, October 4 @ 3:15am

**Update: Sunday, October 3 @ 5:24pm

There was a mispelling in the email address, which has now been ammended, so emails won't be bouncing anymore.

Today the first male prospective student was interviewed by Susan Sloan from Admissions in Pettibone. The prospective's mother, an alum, visiting for the weekend said she set it up yesterday after the announcement of the Board's decision. We were told the decision of his acceptance will not be made today.

The President spoke to us today at a little after 1pm with another Trustee, Meghan McCune '03. More information will be released about this later.

Wells sports teams have been struggling with the issue as to how far their boycotts of the school shall go. They met as teams, in Macmillan, and then together as student-athletes. All present agreed to wear white arm bands with the letters "WS" in black, standing for "Wells Sisterhood." All teams in season (field hockey, tennis, swimming soccer) have agreed to operate on an individual level, restricting judgment for each player's decision whether or not to participate in practices and games. Swimming has agreed to cancel tomorrows practice, but will be training within the building. Future decision will be discussed daily.

We have had requests for a Paypal account, it will be up shortly.

An '04 grad has quit her job in Brooklyn, NY and has moved into Macmillan Hall to support us. Many other alumnae have been present and we have had support coming in from all around the world -- both recent grads and grads from as far back as the 1940's

**Update: Sunday, October 3 @ 12:39am

We need food and are asking for donations.  We have almost two hundred mouths to be fed. We have some cooking facilities, but food would be great!!!

**Update: Saturday, October 3 @ 12:30am

The tennis team announced they would not play their Sunday game against Russell Sage College.  Despite their 9-0 victory earlier in the season, they are choosing to forfeit their game rather than don their Wells uniforms.

We are also still standing strong and standing strong and dedicated 10 hours into this protest.

**Update: Saturday, October 2 @ 9:00pm**

Almost 200 students (over half of the residential students at Wells) have taken over Macmillan, the main academic building at Wells College.  We have been here since shortly after 2:00pm on Saturday, October 2. We will stay here until the Board of Trustees agrees to our list of demands.

Below is the statement of demands as presented to President Ryerson and the Board of Trustees:

As students of Wells College, we feel that the decision to go coed has been made with haste and without adequate research.  Furthermore, any information shared with the Board was withheld from the students, faculty, and staff.  The events of this semester have caused us to question aspects of the leadership of this college.  Since the Board has made us feel our opinions and input in this matter are irrelevant, until our demands are met we hereby refuse participation in any aspect of Wells College.

1) Revoke the decision to go coed.

2) Hire a community selected marketing firm that specializes in Higher Education and share that firm's results as they are shared with the Board.

3) Implement a new policy of inclusive information sharing on campus.

We invite you to meet with the students if at anytime you have questions, concerns of comments.  We will remain available at all times for further discussion.
Go home . . .
*S*ave *O*ur *S*isterhood
a coalition of concerned students