<BGSOUND src="//www.oocities.org/sazoouk74/east17_stayanotherday.mid" LOOP=INFINITE>
Another year almost gone, Christmas getting nearer
And still in my head the thought of you been gone is not any clearer.

It spins around, its clear in my head that awful moment I was told Ian’s dead,
My brother, my idol, my hero my friend how could we ever predict the end.

I try to smile and act like all is well, but deep inside me my heart and head swell, I want to cry and scream out your name coz all this grief is causing so much pain.

I ve pretended I am ok, I wear a fake smile for all to see, but all the time I am asking just how can this be, my brother has gone, no more to be seen, faded footprints were you once had been.

Christmas lights and trees go up, my smile disappear and I am asked what’s up,? If only they knew the pain that hides inside ill never forget that moment my brother Boo died….
Poem written by Sara Lynes In Loving memory of my brother Ian, miss you so much Happy xmas in heaven bro xxxxx
Happy 1st christmas in heaven Uncle Pete, love and miss you always look after boo and Nan Em for me xxx