Read the dialogue that sizzled our screens, made us cry, made us laugh and most of all made us fans!

If you have a transcript of your favorite Sonny & Brenda scene send it to us!
Sonny & Brenda Remembered>>Information>>Transcripts
Sonny & Brenda Meet On The Docks
The Car Dealership (2/14/94)
Sonny & Brenda Plan A Date
Brenda's Vampire Fantasy
Sonny's Censored Fantasy
Brenda Introduces Sonny To Lois
S&B On The Plane To Washington D.C.
Sonny & Brenda Make Love For The First Time
Sonny Goes to Brenda's Photo Shoot
Sonny's Peptalk
Valentine's Day 1995
S&B Plan A Double Date
S&B Before Puerto Rico
S&B Arrive In Puerto Rico
Brenda & Lily Fight In Canada
The Garage Scene
S&B Meet: (After there wedding)
Sonny Pours His Heart To Stone
Sonny & Brenda Lay Eyes On Each Other:
Sonny "Dies" Seeing Brenda's Face (9/17/02)
"You Know One Day I Was Walking On The Pier":

"She's Like A Drug.." (9/26/02)
Did I Imagine You: (10/4/02)
"This Is My Old Friend Brenda.." (10/11/02)
"You're A Regular Florence Nightengale.." (10/22/02)
"What Do You Need Brenda?": (10/24/02)
"Trust That I Will Take Care Of You": (1/3-1/6)
"Hallelujah!": (1/9/03)