Northern Arizona All Airborne Chapter |
Attention All Airborne Veterans!! You are cordially invited to join our local Airborne Chapter. A chance to regain the special camaraderie that membership affords, the opportunity to renew contacts with old friends and other troopers, who have shared common dangers in the defense of their country, to re-establish contact and communication with past and present troopers.
ALL THE WAY....... AIRBORNE!!!!!!! If you were Airborne, you were part of the best.. The Elite. No matter when or with which Airborne Unit you served, you volunteered for and survived jump school, earned your wings and became forever, a part of that worldwide fraternity, to which all troopers belong.William P. Yarborough, one of the pioneers of the U.S. Airborne, said "...Those who choose to become military parachutists must sometime during the process, prove to themselves that they possess certain inner strengths that set them apart from many of their fellow human beings. "It is probably the self-confidence and self-respect which successful paratroop training reveals and nurtures that has made the airborne soldiers of all nations so formidable on the field of battle." It is our intention and reason for existence, to continue to foster that special esprit de corps, which only paratroopers know. Whatever your unit or time of service, we probably have a member who served with you. |
Serving All Northern Arizona Airborne Veterans. "Make this your Command Post and Static Line and share with your comrades the Airborne Spirit."
Contact us:
We are doctors, dentists, lawyers, airline employees, truck drivers, blue collar and white collar, white, black and Hispanic. We are not interested in your social status, your race or how much money you have. Our common bond is that we were all Airborne. Join us - Be Airborne! | Links of Interest: Arizona
Dept of Veterans Services (More links on the way) |
The Association was organized in England, while the Division was preparing for the Normandy combat drop: Charter membership fees were collected then. WHAT ARE THE GOALS AND PURPOSES OF THE ASSOCIATION? To maintain the bond of friendship and comradeship formed in war and peace among the members of the Airborne fraternity, to ensure the Airborne concept is always a part of the National Defense of our Country, and to support today's Airborne soldier. |
DOES THE ASSOCIATION HAVE A "PET PROJECT"? Each Chapter can nominate a candidate for National Director each year; during the Convention, the general membership elects six or eight National Directors, to serve for a 2-year term. The military elects six National Directors and the Commanding General appoints a term indefinite Military Director-at-Large, who serves as the direct contact with the Military Chapters and the CG. The Board of Directors elects its own officers from those who have been elected to the Board by the general membership; a President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, are elected for one year terms. Our Chaplain, Reverend George B Wood, with 4 combat jumps, has been elected for life. The Judge Advocate, PARAGLIDE editor, Historian, and Veterans Service Officer are appointed for one year terms, and the Executive Director, who handles the day-to-day administration of the Association, is bound by contract. Appointed members have no vote. |
JOIN! Your membership is what the Association is all about. The 82nd was the first of the Airborne Division. Its the largest such Association in the world, and it serves those former troopers who dont have an Association of chapter of their own. Every member of the Association is eligible to hold any office - the key is AIRBORNE. When you join, you bring new ideas to strengthen the Association and local Chapters. The important this is to join-and become a member of the most elite and rewarding Association in the world, your 82nd Airborne Division Association. |
The Northern Arizona All Airborne Chapter was founded on September 9, 1999 at the American Legion Post #6 in Prescott, Arizona. It was composed of 23 Charter Members that represented the five Airborne Divisions, the 11th, 13th, 17th, 82nd, and the 101st, two Airborne Regimental Combat Teams, 187th and the 503rd, the 173rd Airborne Brigade, the 509th Parachute Infantry Battalion and Special Forces. At a later date the acquisition of the Rangers and USMC became part of the picture. The Chapter is a melting pot for all the elite Airborne units. The Chapter has its own logo and shoulder patch. A Color Guard was organized that participate in local ceremonies and parades. The Chapter moved to its present location in January of 2000 to meet the needs of all our members. The Chapter meets on the second Wednesday of each month at 7:00 PM at the Prescott Valley Samaritan Center, 3380 N Windsong Drive, Prescott Valley, Arizona. |
The greatest thing a Mother could ever do is give birth to a Paratrooper!! |
COMBAT JUMPS/GLIDER ASSAULTS 1942- Algeria (509) Tunisia (509) 1943- Sicily (505, 504) Salerno (504, 505, 509) 1944- Normandy (82, 101) Southern France (517, 509, 551, 550, FSSF) Noemfoor, New Guinea (503) Holland (82, 101, Polish Abn Bde) 1945 - Tagaytay, Luzon (511) Corregidor (503) Los Banos (511) Wessel (17) Aparri (511) 1950- Sukchon (187) 1951- Musan-ni (187) 1967- Viet Nam (173 Abn Bde) 1983- Grenada (75th Rangers) 1989- Panama (82, 75th Rangers)