Mystery Designer Crochet - Along Poncho |
Materials: (Worsted Weight Yarn) 9 ozs (MC) I used RH Giant, colour Baby Mint 9 ozs (CC) I used Main Stays, color Soft Beige Size I (5.5 mm) crochet hook or size to obtain Gauge Gauge: Rnd 2 = about 4 1/2" across widest point One square = 12" Stitch Guide: V-Stitch (V-st): (dc, ch 3, dc) in st or sp indicated Part One Square (make 8 and set aside until next month) With MC, ch 7, join to form a ring. Rnd 1: Ch 3, 2 dc in ring, (ch 7, 3 dc in ring) 7 times, ch 3, tr in top of beg dc to form last lp. (24 dc, 8 lps) Rnd 2: Ch 3, 4 dc in lp, (ch 1, 5 dc in next lp) around, ch 1, join to beg dc; finish off. (40 dc, 8 ch-1 sps). Rnd 3: Join CC with slip st in any ch-1 sp, ch 6, dc in same sp, (V-st in center dc of next 5-dc grp, V-st in next ch-1 sp) around ending with slip st in 3rd ch of beg ch-6. (16 V-sts) Rnd 4: Slip st in ch-3 sp of next V-st, ch 3, 2 dc in same sp, (ch 1, 3 dc in next ch-3 sp) twice, * ch 1, in next ch-3 sp work (3 tr, ch 3, 3 tr), (ch 1, 3 dc in next ch-3 sp) 3 times; rep from * around, end with sc to beg dc to form last ch-1 sp. (36 dc, 24 tr, 4 ch-3 sps, 16 ch-1 sps) Rnd 5: Ch 6, dc in same sp, (skip 3 dc, V-st in next ch-1 sp) 3 times, *skip next 3 tr, (V-st, ch 2, V-st) in next ch-3 sp, (skip 3 sts, V-st in next ch-1 sp) 4 times; rep from * around ending with slip st in 3rd ch of beg ch-6. (24 V-sts, 4 ch-2 sps) Rnd 6: Slip st in ch-3 sp of next V-st, ch 3, 2 dc in same sp, *(ch 1, 3 dc in next ch-3 sp) across to next corner, ch 1, in ch-2 corner sp work (3 dc, ch 2, 3 dc); rep from * around, end with ch 1, join to beg dc; finish off. Rnd 7: Join MC with slip st in ch-1 sp after any corner, ch 6, dc in same sp, * (skip 3 dc, V-st in next ch-1 sp) across to corner, (V-st, ch 2, V-st) in ch-2 corner sp; rep from * around ending with slip st in 3rd ch of beg ch-6. (36 V-sts, 4 ch-2 corner sps) Rnd 8: Slip st in ch-3 sp of next V-st, ch 3, 2 dc in same sp, *(3 dc in next ch-3 sp) across to next corner, (3 dc, ch 2, 3 dc) in ch-2 corner sp; rep from * around, end with slip st to beg dc. (33 dc on each side) Rnd 9: Ch 3, dc in each st around working (3 dc, ch 2, 3 dc) in each corner sp, join to beg dc; finish off. (39 dc each side) Weave in ends as work progresses to save time later. Part Two We're ready to work loops around each square joining as we go. 1 2 3 4 X 5 6 7 8 Assembly (X = open space) With CC, join squares together according to Assembly Diagram above working 20 ch-lps on each side, not counting corner lps, following Priscilla Hewitt's Flat Braid Joining Technique ... ( The only difference, I work ch-5 in the corners instead of ch-3. After all 8 sqs are joined, you'll end up with one larg sq with a huge hole in the middle. There will be loops around the outer edge and loops around the center opening. Set aside until next month. Part Three Neck Opening Note: To work cluster, dc in each of the sps indicated holding last loop of each stitch on hook, YO and draw thru all 4 loops on hook. Rnd 1: With RS facing, join CC with sc in last ch-3 loop of any sq just before a corner ch-5 lp, *work a 3-dc cluster over the following (the first corner lp, the joining stitch between the sqs and the next corner lp); (sc in next ch-3 lp, ch 2) across, sc in last ch-3 lp just before next corner ch-5 lp; rep from * around, end with hdc in first sc to form last ch-2 lp. Rnd 2: Ch 1, sc in same sp, *ch 2, skip next 3sts, (equals a corner sp), (sc in next ch-2 lp, ch2) across to last lp, sc in last lp; rep from * around, end as before. (At this point you should have 76 lps around) Rnd 3: Ch 1, sc in same sp, *(sc in next ch-2 sp) twice, (ch2, sc in next ch-2 lp) across to last lp before corner sp; rep from * around, end as before. Rep rnds 2 and 3 one time more then rep rnd 2 ending CC at end of rnd, (equals 6 rnds). (You'll have decreased 8 loops every 2 rounds). Join MC with sc in last lp formed. Continue in pattern beg with rnd 3 and work a total of 5 rnds; end with hdc in beg sc to form last lp, do NOT finish off. Neck Edge Note: to work a shell (sc, ch 3, 2 dc, ch 1) in same sp. Ch 1, work shell in same sp, (see note above) *skip next 3 sc, (work shell in next sp, skip next sp) across to last sp before next 3-sc corner group, work shell; rep from * around, skip last sp, join to beg sc; finish off. I chose not to work a border on the lower edge but you may want to add a border or a fringe. To work a border like the one for the neck edge, work a larger shell like this (sc, ch 3, 3 dc, ch 1) in same sp. You will have to fudge to get a shell in the corners and you'll want to work 2 shells to keep work flat. |