TODAY'S TOP STORY: WE GOT A GIG!!!!!!!!!!!! We've been waiting for this for months! After getting a drummer (Aaron Marine, who is awesome!), we've started to work on adding drum parts. Now that we have a drummer though, we can play at gigs. We have been ask to open for this one band, just as long as we share drummers. The story goes like this: our drummer was asked by their band to play drums for them, but he didn't want to and used the excuse "I don't want to be in a band." The other band found out he was in Scarlet Monkey, and Aaron told the guys that he was in our band all along. Now, since they don't have a drummer, we can open for them at a Halloween party if we share drummers. Once we have the drum parts worked out, we will record the guitar, bass, and drum parts to our next album, which has no real title as of now, but it is pretty much the best of the songs we have now. Keep checking back for more updates on this album. Jam Session 47 has been released, but we're too lazy to put music downloads on the music page, so whatever. If you want a copy of the cd, e-mail the band at scarletmonkey6six6@yahoo.com (not that you'll get a cd or anything). We are still writing new songs, but we haven't met in a while. We will probably only have one more Jam Session after 47. I got a mixer board and recorder, so we'll record on those from now on. The next Jam Session will be done on the computer, and it will be without drums. Really, our Jam Sessions are our checkpoints to see where we are musically. Then, we release a better cd that's not a Jam Session (such as Electric Words) with drums. We will sell our cds from now on as far as I know. But what do I know? I'm just a messenger. That's it for news. I'll update the site when I find out more about the gig. Um, bye |