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          Main Troop Types Scenario   Author
Scenario Name Turns Size Date Attacker Allies Axis Type Brief Description Name E-mail
Cabbage Patch 30 Medium June Axis US Ab FJ Historical The 502d Infantry defends Bridge No. 4 over the Madeleine River Kevin Kinscherf kevin_kinscherf@flashcom.net
Caen - Bayeux Road --Putot 75 Huge June Axis Canadian SS Semi-Hist. Putot: 12th SS attacks Canadian 7th Regiment, Winnipeg Rifles Andy Thomas andyt@pacifier.com
Caen Mutiny 35 Medium July Allied Brutusg SS Fictional 2500 Point ME Made for multi Player TCP/IP Tim "Rune" Orosz rune@ameritech.net
Calvary Hill 45 Medium June Meeting British Heer Historical ASL Historical Scenario KH10 ASL Veteran JMart90228@aol.com
Canadian Armor vs The SS 45 Small June Allied Canadian SS Fictional Canadian armor vs. the SS Jason & Brian morjit@rocketmail.com
Cannes Strongpoint 17 Small August Allied US Ab Heer Semi-Hist. The Cannes Strongpoint - Continue driving the Germans from Southern France G.R. "LeBlaque" Mathews mathewsg@earthlink.net
Canyon of Doom 50 Medium April, 45 Allied US Heer Fictional A challenging attack on a layered German defense Terence Nelan tnelan@greyinteractive.com
Canyon Escape 50 Medium November Meeting French Heer Fictional Germans have been ambushed by partisans in a canyon. They must escape Keith Loh keith_loh@telus.net
Capture of Balta 30 Medium June Axis French Heer Fictional Engineers help parent regiment attempt to capture critical road junction Dieter Fischer wfischer@erols.com
Casey Jones' Ghost 40 Large August Allied Canadian SS Fictional 3100 Point Allied Assault Tim "Rune" Orosz rune@ameritech.net
CC3 Lvov D-Day 35 Tiny June Axis US Heer Fictional CC3 D-Day Barbarossa Bjorn Elfstrom bjorn.elfstrom@mhs.studit.com
Chambois 25 Medium August Meeting Polish Heer Historical Polish armored forces meet their old nemesis…the 2nd Panzer Division Wild Bill Wilder bwilder@bellsouth.net
Champ de Mars 45 Medium September Axis French Heer Historical You must face a German counterattack in your HQ area Joel Montagu Joel.motagu@wanadoo.fr
Chance Encounter 40 Small April Meeting US Heer Fictional Towards the end of the war, as the German front lines crumbled… The Gods - Steve & Charles  
Chance Encounter 2 40 Medium April Meeting US Heer Fictional Towards the end of the war, as the German front lines crumbled… Tim "Rune" Orosz rune@ameritech.net
Chance Encounter Canadian Edition 50 Small January Meeting Canadian Heer Fictional Towards the end of the war, as the German front lines crumbled… Chris McWilliam ch0311@quicklinks.on.ca
Charge to Glory 20 Small August Allied French Heer Historical French "Cavalry" reliving past glory Dan 'Berlichtingen' Brown dbrown@dls.net
Charnwood 55 Huge July Allied Canadian SS Historical Attaque Canadienne sur des positions SS au Nord-Ouest de Caen Xavier Degrand xavdeg@noos.fr
Chess Elite 30 Small May Meeting US Heer Fictional Shall we play a game of chess? Darin Autrey Darinautrey@hotmail.com
Church Hill 50 Medium June Axis Polish SS Fictional German armor trying to capture a small Polish town MiNa nos@home.se
Cintheaux - Totalize 60 Huge August Axis Canadian SS Historical Counter punch at Saint Aignan Helge "The Desert Fox" Bertram thedesertfox@gmx.net
Clash of Eagles 50 Huge May Allied US Ab Heer Fictional Fictional last stand at Berchtesgaden Tim "Rune" Orosz rune@ameritech.net
Clash of the Titans 40 Large May Meeting US Heer Fictional 2 Player TCP/IP 7100 Points Tim "Rune" Orosz rune@ameritech.net
Close Order Driel 20 Small June Axis Polish Ab SS Historical ASL CH26 Mike Scano mscano@earthlink.net
Closing the Bulge 22 Small December Allied US Heer Fictional End of the Bulge Dennis Tennant dtennant@picusnet.com
Club Med 30 Small August Meeting US Heer Fictional American troops push off the beach during Operation Dragoon. 1500 ME Tim "Rune" Orosz rune@ameritech.net
Cochon Bridge 40 Medium November Allied US FJ Fictional German light infantry force defends stone bridge against US mech attack Keith Loh keith_loh@telus.net
Coldstream Guards 30 Small September Meeting British Heer Fictional 1500 point meeting engagement TCP/IP play Tim "Rune" Orosz rune@ameritech.net
Combat at Baraque DeFraiture 30 Large December Axis US Ab SS Semi-Hist. The overrunning of a crossroads in the closing days of the Ardennes 1944 Old Salt old.salt@mindspring.com
Combat! 8 Tiny August Allied US Heer Fictional Combat! Wild Bill Wilder bwilder@bellsouth.net
Comes the Artillery 30 Medium June Allied US Ab Heer Historical   Teamski teamski@flexnet.co.uk
Comm Hill 40 Medium May Allied Canadian SS Fictional Can the Germans's hold their communiction hill? Stratagem spii@mail.com
Commando 30 Small August Allied US Heer Fictional US amphibious raid Andrew andrewgy@pathcom.com
Conclenu 50 Medium July Allied US SS Fictional SS troops defend the monastery of Conclenu Ron Taylor ron.f.taylor@gmx.net
Cote 112 45 Large July Allied British SS Historical Cote 112 Normandie le 10 Juillet 1944, Operation Jupiter Juilett Morthomme philjat@cybercable.fr
Counter Attack! 40 Large June Axis US SS Fictional US Para / Glider units must hold and keep the German units on the map CookieMan cookieman@ispchannel.com
Counterattack 70 Huge July Allied US FJ Historical Germans of the 6th Fallschirmjager counterattack GI's of the US 90th Infantry Paul Von Klussmann paulk65@cs.com
Counterattack at Carentan 90 Huge June Meeting US Ab Heer Historical The 17th SS Panzergrenadier Division counterattacks to retake Carentan Martin "Moon" Turewicz martin@gamesofwar.de
Courseulles-sur-Mer 40 Large June Allied Canadian Heer Historical June 6, 1944 - Juno Beach, Mike Secto Greg Williams greg.williams@wilcom.com
Crazy Maze 35 Tiny December Meeting US Heer Fictional Maze Russell Zah rmz5@cornell.edu
Croda-Marlow 30 Medium March Meeting US Heer Fictional   Tim "Rune" Orosz rune@ameritech.net
Crossing the Rhine 55 Huge November Allied US SS Fictional Crossing the Rhine Gerry Spear Sinpoet32@aol.com
Crossroads (Canadian) 30 Medium August Allied Canadian Heer Fictional Encounter of a stopline Bastables bastables@hotmail.com
Crossroads (US) 20 Medium October Meeting US Heer Fictional Allied armor attempts to cut off a German retreat Chris "Wolfe" Hare chare@erols.com
Crossroads in the Fog 45 Medium February Meeting Canadian Heer Fictional Designed for TCP/IP 2500 Points Tim "Rune" Orosz rune@ameritech.net
CS - David & Goliath 30 Small June Allied British SS Fictional The Commando Skorzeny alone against a British armored column Clubfoot melton1911@aol.com
CS - Der Commando Skorzeny 60 Small October Axis French SS Fictional Hitler's Commando Skorzeny in a daring night raid on the Lambermont Railyard Clubfoot melton1911@aol.com
CS - Higher Ground 60 Medium August Axis British SS Fictional Otto and the Commando Skorzeny exercise opportunism on the river Donnel Clubfoot melton1911@aol.com
CS - Hoofin' It 60 Small May Axis US SS Fictional Commando Skorzeny at the Schadenbach truckyard…Odessa's seed takes root Clubfoot melton1911@aol.com
CS - Sheep's Clothing 75 Medium December Axis US SS Historical Otto's 150th Panzer Bgd prepares for Operation Greif on Dec 15, 1944 Clubfoot melton1911@aol.com
CS - Squeeze Play at Villers Le Bouillet 60 Medium September Allied French Heer Fictional Beset by the Free French Army, battle weary Fallschrimjager await Otto Clubfoot melton1911@aol.com
Custer's Last Stand 30 Medium June Axis US SS Fictional Designed for TCP/IP 3500 Points Tim "Rune" Orosz rune@ameritech.net