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Main Troop Types Scenario Author
Scenario Name Turns Size Date Attacker Allies Axis Type Brief Description Name E-mail
Dam Busting 30 Small January Allied US Heer Fictional Prevent the Wiesshof Dam from blowing up Samual Onervas Onervas@hotmail.com
Dam Yanks 30 Tiny November Allied US Heer Fictional   Chris Hatch cnd_hatch@worldnet.att.net
D-Day 40 Large June Allied US Heer Fictional American infantry swarm and advance on the fortified German beaches Stratagem spii@mail.com
D-Day - St. Laurent 30 Small June Allied US Allied Historical D-Day H+14 at St. Laurent Harry Yeide yeide@macconnect.com
D-Day Ambush 20 Tiny June Axis US Ab Heer Fictional Ambush oncoming German armor on D-Day+1 as they try to push the Allies back Nick Georgas ontg84@home.com
D-Day: The First Wave 35 Huge June Allied US Heer Semi-Hist. Land with the Allies June 6, 1944 Alan Murphy alanpmurphy@hotmail.com
De l'or pour les Braves 15 Small November Allied US SS Fictional Un remake du film sauce CM    
De Marrais 30 Medium July Allied US Heer Fictional Allied attack through heavy bocage J Worthing taruc@earthlink.net
Deadly Crossing 38 Huge November Allied British FJ Historical 52nd Division assaults Middleburg, Walcheren Island Bryan Hackney bry_serp@hotmail.com
Death Comes to Town 35 Small June Allied Canadian SS Historical Death comes to town Muzzlehead muzzle@flash.com
Death of Company C 35 Small June Axis Canadian SS Historical ASL Scenario CH1 ASL Veteran JMart90228@aol.com
Death of the Titans 25 Large Aug, 44 Meeting British SS Historical The last Tigers of SS ABT 102 make a stanf near Falaise. Wild Bill Wilder bwilder@bellsouth.net
Death Ride of the Panzers 35 Huge July, 43 Axis Soviets(US) SS Fictional Large armored formations clash!! Mr. Johnson klevi@qwest.net
Death Valley Desert 60 Large November Allied British Heer Fictional   Jeff Crisdale jeffctvs@bigpond.com
Debut of the Jagdtiger 42 Large January Axis US SS Historical 17th SS Panzergrenadiers assault the Century Division in Operation Nordwind Keith Schur kschur@erols.com
Defence of Vienna Bridgehead 30 Medium April Allied British Heer Fictional Fighting Withdrawal Old Salt old.salt@mindspring.com
Defiance on Hill 30 (Variant) 20 Small June Axis US Ab Heer Semi-Hist. ASL Scenario 11, US Airborne defends against German Heer assault Jim Taylor jtaylor2@flinthills.com
Dieulouard Bridgehead 45 Large September Axis US Heer Semi-Hist. 3rd PzGnd Division counterattacks US 317th Infantry in the Dieulouard Bridgehead Schrullenhaft ian_straw@hotmail.com
Dog Red 15 Large June Allied US Heer Fictional Beach landing assault Carlos "Los" Lourenco los@cris.com
Down by the Crossroads 30 Small September Allied US Heer Fictional An ad-hoc force of Germans hold a vital crossroads near Nancy Bart Breedyk barticus@home.com
Down the Draw 30 Medium November Allied US Heer Fictional An assault against well prepared defenses in the Hurtgen Rick Slater flyingcursor@yahoo.com
Drop to Destiny 25 Small June Allied US Ab FJ Fictional Jump with the 82nd Airborne during the early hours of D-Day Martin "Moon" Turewicz martin@gamesofwar.de
Dunkirk Again? 40 Medium April 1945 Allied US Ab Heer The 504th Parachute Infantry Regiment tries an assault crossing of the Rhine River during the closing days of the war. Keith Schur kschur@erols.com
Dutch Gambit 40 Huge October Meeting Canadian SS Fictional Chess masters contest passage Al Legault alegault@home.com
Dutch Gambit 2 40 Huge October Meeting Canadian SS Fictional Chess masters contest passage Al Legault alegault@home.com