Main Troop Types | Scenario | Author | ||||||||
Scenario Name | Turns | Size | Date | Attacker | Allies | Axis | Type | Brief Description | Name | |
Dam Busting | 30 | Small | January | Allied | US | Heer | Fictional | Prevent the Wiesshof Dam from blowing up | Samual Onervas | Onervas@hotmail.com |
Dam Yanks | 30 | Tiny | November | Allied | US | Heer | Fictional | Chris Hatch | cnd_hatch@worldnet.att.net | |
D-Day | 40 | Large | June | Allied | US | Heer | Fictional | American infantry swarm and advance on the fortified German beaches | Stratagem | spii@mail.com |
D-Day - St. Laurent | 30 | Small | June | Allied | US | Allied | Historical | D-Day H+14 at St. Laurent | Harry Yeide | yeide@macconnect.com |
D-Day Ambush | 20 | Tiny | June | Axis | US Ab | Heer | Fictional | Ambush oncoming German armor on D-Day+1 as they try to push the Allies back | Nick Georgas | ontg84@home.com |
D-Day: The First Wave | 35 | Huge | June | Allied | US | Heer | Semi-Hist. | Land with the Allies June 6, 1944 | Alan Murphy | alanpmurphy@hotmail.com |
De l'or pour les Braves | 15 | Small | November | Allied | US | SS | Fictional | Un remake du film sauce CM | ||
De Marrais | 30 | Medium | July | Allied | US | Heer | Fictional | Allied attack through heavy bocage | J Worthing | taruc@earthlink.net |
Deadly Crossing | 38 | Huge | November | Allied | British | FJ | Historical | 52nd Division assaults Middleburg, Walcheren Island | Bryan Hackney | bry_serp@hotmail.com |
Death Comes to Town | 35 | Small | June | Allied | Canadian | SS | Historical | Death comes to town | Muzzlehead | muzzle@flash.com |
Death of Company C | 35 | Small | June | Axis | Canadian | SS | Historical | ASL Scenario CH1 | ASL Veteran | JMart90228@aol.com |
Death of the Titans | 25 | Large | Aug, 44 | Meeting | British | SS | Historical | The last Tigers of SS ABT 102 make a stanf near Falaise. | Wild Bill Wilder | bwilder@bellsouth.net |
Death Ride of the Panzers | 35 | Huge | July, 43 | Axis | Soviets(US) | SS | Fictional | Large armored formations clash!! | Mr. Johnson | klevi@qwest.net |
Death Valley Desert | 60 | Large | November | Allied | British | Heer | Fictional | Jeff Crisdale | jeffctvs@bigpond.com | |
Debut of the Jagdtiger | 42 | Large | January | Axis | US | SS | Historical | 17th SS Panzergrenadiers assault the Century Division in Operation Nordwind | Keith Schur | kschur@erols.com |
Defence of Vienna Bridgehead | 30 | Medium | April | Allied | British | Heer | Fictional | Fighting Withdrawal | Old Salt | old.salt@mindspring.com |
Defiance on Hill 30 (Variant) | 20 | Small | June | Axis | US Ab | Heer | Semi-Hist. | ASL Scenario 11, US Airborne defends against German Heer assault | Jim Taylor | jtaylor2@flinthills.com |
Dieulouard Bridgehead | 45 | Large | September | Axis | US | Heer | Semi-Hist. | 3rd PzGnd Division counterattacks US 317th Infantry in the Dieulouard Bridgehead | Schrullenhaft | ian_straw@hotmail.com |
Dog Red | 15 | Large | June | Allied | US | Heer | Fictional | Beach landing assault | Carlos "Los" Lourenco | los@cris.com |
Down by the Crossroads | 30 | Small | September | Allied | US | Heer | Fictional | An ad-hoc force of Germans hold a vital crossroads near Nancy | Bart Breedyk | barticus@home.com |
Down the Draw | 30 | Medium | November | Allied | US | Heer | Fictional | An assault against well prepared defenses in the Hurtgen | Rick Slater | flyingcursor@yahoo.com |
Drop to Destiny | 25 | Small | June | Allied | US Ab | FJ | Fictional | Jump with the 82nd Airborne during the early hours of D-Day | Martin "Moon" Turewicz | martin@gamesofwar.de |
Dunkirk Again? | 40 | Medium | April 1945 | Allied | US Ab | Heer | The 504th Parachute Infantry Regiment tries an assault crossing of the Rhine River during the closing days of the war. | Keith Schur | kschur@erols.com | |
Dutch Gambit | 40 | Huge | October | Meeting | Canadian | SS | Fictional | Chess masters contest passage | Al Legault | alegault@home.com |
Dutch Gambit 2 | 40 | Huge | October | Meeting | Canadian | SS | Fictional | Chess masters contest passage | Al Legault | alegault@home.com |