Main Troop Types | Scenario | Author | ||||||||
Scenario Name | Turns | Size | Date | Attacker | Allies | Axis | Type | Brief Description | Name | |
Eagle's Bridge | 40 | Small | November | Axis | US | Heer | Fictional | American Paratroops hold river crossings until the Cav comes to the rescue | Mitch "Jarhead" Taranto | tarantos@thebestisp.com |
Eagle's Nest | 70 | Large | June | Allied | US Ab | Heer | Fictional | Mountain strongpoint attack | Samuel Onervas | Onervas@hotmail.com |
Ein Wurfelspiel | 35 | Medium | June | Axis | Canadian | Heer | Historical | Attaque nocturne de Kampfgruppe Meyer-Wunsche sur Bretteville-l'Orgueilleuse | Xavier Degrand | xavdeg@noos.fr |
Eine Kriegspiel Nacht | 35 | Medium | June | Meeting | British Ab | Heer | Fictional | L'Etat Major allemand tient une conference dans une chateau francais… | Patrick Feyret | pfeyret@free.fr |
Elsdorf | 30 | Medium | March | Allied | US | Heer | Historical | Tiger and Pershing tanks meet in mortal combat at Elsdorf | Wild Bill Wilder | bwilder@bellsouth.net |
Elsdorf - The Encounter | 15 | Tiny | February | Meeting | US | Heer | Historical | A tank only version of the large Elsdorf battle, Tiger vs Pershing | Wild Bill Wilder | billw@matrixgames.com |
Elsdorf (Revised From CD) | 30 | Medium | March | Allied | US | Heer | Historical | Tiger and Pershing tanks meet in mortal combat at Elsdorf | Wild Bill Wilder | bwilder@bellsouth.net |
Empty Pocket | 47 | Medium | May | Allied | US | Heer | Fictional | Single bridge crossing | David Rekalske | siro@anetserv.com |
Epsom - Counterattack | 30 | Medium | June | Axis | British | SS | Fictional | The Scottish corridor is threatened by the 9th SS Panzer | Chris Hall | dinosaur@post.harvard.edu |
Escape From Germany | 55 | Large | April | Axis | US | Heer | Fictional | Steiner and his men make a desperate run for the border of Switzerland | Bob Cook | bloody.bob@funport.net |
Everything We've Got | 40 | Large | June | Meeting | US | Heer | Historical | ASL Scenario Shin7 | ASL Veteran | JMart90228@aol.com |
Exit Stage Right | 30 | Medium | April | Allied | US | Heer | Semi-Hist. | Exit stage right…Allied attack, April 1945 | Tim "Rune" Orosz | rune@ameritech.net |
Eye of the Tiger | 45 | Large | December | Axis | US | SS | Semi-Hist. | 2nd SS Panzer elements attack unsuspecting GI's on 16 December 1944 | Bob Cook | bloody.bob@funport.net |