Scenario Name | Turns | Size | Date | Attacker | Allies | Axis | Type | Brief Description | Name | |
Fallback From Golf Hotel | 35 | Medium | August | Allied | French | Heer | Historical | Assault the Golf Hotel and cut off the Nazi retreat to Toulon | G.R. "LeBlaque" Mathews | mathewsg@earthlink.net |
Fallen Men | 40 | Small | June | Meeting | US Ab | FJ | Fictional | American and German paratroops meet for the first time | Tim "Rune" Orosz | rune@ameritech.net |
Far From Over - Paderborn | 20 | Medium | April | Meeting | US | Heer | Historical | As the fighting edges deeper into Germany, it does not get any easier | Wild Bill Wilder | bwilder@bellsouth.net |
Farm de Pomme Frites | 25 | Small | September | Allied | US | FJ | Fictional | German Paratroopers against American Mech Infantry in Forest - Farm Area | Jochen Schmidt | landlord1000@compuserve.de |
Fatherland | 25 | Small | April | Allied | US | VS | Semi-Hist. | US advanced recce recieves a not so warm welcome in the heart of Germany | Gregory "Mensch" Mudry | gregory.mudry@lycos.com |
Faugh a Ballagh! | 6 | Tiny | June | Allied | British | Heer | Semi-Hist. | It's Italy 1944, attack the village of Sinagoga | Cribbe | cribbe.ol@telia.com |
Fear in the Fog | 25 | Medium | December | Meeting | US Ab | Heer | Historical | Paratroopers and Volksgrenadiers search for one another through dense fog | Wild Bill Wilder | bwilder@bellsouth.net |
Fertile Ground | 30 | Medium | November | Allied | US | FJ | Fictional | Meeting engagement at fictional town in Luxemburg | William Thiel | thiel@bigpond.com |
Field of Trouble | 30 | Medium | November | Meeting | US | SS | Fictional | 2 Player TCP/IP | Tim "Rune" Orosz | rune@ameritech.net |
Fire & Maneuver | 45 | Medium | August | Axis | US | Heer | Fictional | German combined arms attack against prepared US AT defenses (Training) | Bil Hardenberger | Bil Hardenberger |
Fire and Rain | 12 | Small | June | Allied | British | SS | Historical | ASL Scenario RP3, St. Manview, Normandy, 26 June 1944 | Mike Scano | mscano@earthlink.net |
Firebreak! | 45 | Huge | December | Axis | US | Heer | Fictional | German Assault 6000 Points. Can be played as two Player | Tim "Rune" Orosz | rune@ameritech.net |
Fireman's Brigade | 60 | Medium | July | Allied | US | Heer | Fictional | Allied attack vs. Germans | Jeff Pinard | jpinard@home.com |
First Clash at Cambes | 60 | Medium | June | Meeting | British | SS | Historical | The first clash of armor, halfway between the invasion beaches and Caen | Martin "Moon" Turewicz | martin@gamesofwar.de |
First French Attack | 30 | Small | June | Allied | French | Heer | Historical | The first French attack | Dirty Harry | F_T_W@t-online.de |
Foggy Bottom | 40 | Medium | October | Allied | US | Heer | Fictional | A meeting engagement in heavy fog | Tim "Rune" Orosz | rune@ameritech.net |
Foggy Morning in the Garden | 25 | Medium | April | Allied | US | Heer | Fictional | April 1945, foggy mountain | Matt Herrbold | mherrb@mindspring.com |
Foggy Mountain | 25 | Medium | April | Allied | US | Heer | Fictional | April 1945, foggy mountain | Andy Thomas | andyt@pacifier.com |
Foothills | 30 | Medium | April | Meeting | US | GBJ | Historical | American Task Force Advances into the foothills of the alps | Tim "Rune" Orosz | rune@ameritech.net |
Forest Dwellers | 45 | Large | February | Meeting | British Ab | Heer | Fictional | Fight a batallion sized meeting engagement in hilly forested terrain | Chris "Wolfe" Hare | chare@erols.com |
Forest Trail | 40 | Large | February | Meeting | British | Heer | Fictional | Two armored infantry battalions clash in hilly, forested terrain. | Chris "Wolfe" Hare | chare@erols.com |
Foucarville Roadblocks | 40 | Medium | June | Axis | US Ab | Heer | Historical | Establish the roadblocks at Foucarville - if you can… | Kris Handshin | krmhand@chariot.net.au |
Foy-Notre Dame | 40 | Medium | December | Allied | US | Heer | Historical | The death throes of the 2nd Panzer Division… | Michael Hunkle | mhunkle@bellsouth.net |
Frankfurt | 45 | Huge | March | Allied | US | Heer | Semi-Hist. | The taking of Frankfurt am Main | Tim "Rune" Orosz | rune@ameritech.net |
Free for All | 25 | Small | April 1945 | Allied | US | Heer | Fictional | American troops must seize both a vital crossroads and a castle | Chris Sabin | Armdchair@aol.com |
Frost Holds On At Arnhem | 50 | Huge | September | Axis | British Ab | SS | Historical | Can the Brits at Arnhem Bridge hold on until XXX Corps arrives... | David Stone | dstone01@msn.com |
Frundsberg Right | 18 | Medium | June | Axis | British | SS | Historical | 2nd Batallion Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders vs elements of 10th SS | Harold Mortimer | hmortime@nwlink.com |