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          Main Troop Types Scenario   Author
Scenario Name Turns Size Date Attacker Allies Axis Type Brief Description Name E-mail
Gavin Take 12 Tiny June Allied US Ab Heer Semi-Hist. Elements of 507th PR 82nd Airborne vs. elements of Grenadier Regiment 1057 Harold Mortimer hmortime@nwlink.com
Germany's First Counterattack 23 Small June Axis British Heer Fictional Germany launches their only successful counterattack of 6/6/44 Rick A. Brown rick@moosephoto.com
Get the Guns 15 Small December Axis US SS Fictional Get the guns Jason Cawley jasoncawley@ameritech.net
Get Up Kids 60 Medium December Axis US Heer Semi-Hist. ASL Tactiques 10 - Get Up Kids ASL Veteran JMart90228@aol.com
Gettysburg 60 Huge July Meeting US SS Fictional Gettysburg! Gerry Spear Sinpoet32@aol.com
Ghrime City 60 Medium November Axis French Heer Fictional Two pronged attack on big city on both sides of a river Keith Loh keith_loh@telus.net
Going to Town - Alpha Battle AAR 60 Large January Meeting US SS Fictional Recreation of the Fionn vs. Moon Alpha battle AAR Jim Kuchar jkkuchar@mit.edu
Good Morning Nazi 48 Large September Allied Canadian SS Fictional TCP/IP Allied attack…Enjoy Chris McWilliam ch0311@quicklinks.on.ca
Grab For A Prize 35 Large April Allied US SS Fictional Gaining an edge proves costly to Allied troops Dennis Tennant d10ant@yahoo.com
Grafenwohr 33 Small October Axis British Heer Fictional A training scenario on conducting company sized offensive operations Carlos "Los" Lourenco los@cris.com
Grandcamp 60 Medium June Allied US Heer Historical The 29th Infantry Division "Blue and Grey" breaks out from Omaha Beach Martin "Moon" Turewicz martin@gamesofwar.de
Graveyard 35 Large April Meeting US Heer Fictional Bitter street fighting spills over into city cemetery Chris Sabin armdchair@aol.com
Green Grass 30 Medium March Meeting US Volks Fictional 1200 point ME for TCP/IP Tim "Rune" Orosz rune@ameritech.net
Gross Rederching 20 Small January Axis US SS Historical Gros Rederching, France 1945 Graham MKI@ukgateway.net
Grosshau Ridge 10 Small November Allied US Heer Historical A US Infantry company attacks superior German forces in the Hurtgen Forest Louie "Gung Ho" Marsh  
Gully High 30 Tiny November Allied US Heer Fictional Beautiful Map Tim "Rune" Orosz rune@ameritech.net
Guns of San Martel 45 Medium June Allied British Heer Fictional The Guns of Navarone Vytas A. Boyev vytas@vytas.net