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          Main Troop Types Scenario   Author
Scenario Name Turns Size Date Attacker Allies Axis Type Brief Description Name E-mail
Ham and Bloody Jam 11 Tiny June Allied British Ab Heer Historical ASL Scenario PB1 "Pegasus Bridge" Presently Unavailable Presently Unavailable
Ham and Jam 30 Medium June Allied British Ab Heer Historical Pegasus Bridge, D-Day Dick Reese warmeister@inetone.net
Hamlet du Barrage 60 Large July Allied US Heer Semi-Hist. July 4, 1944. The nameless hamlet Andy Thomas andyt@pacifier.com
Hamminkeln - We Start Here 25 Medium March Allied US Ab Volks Historical Operation Varsity: Montgomery crosses the Rhine Wild Bill Wilder bwilder@bellsouth.net
Han-Sur-Neid (ASL Version) 13 Tiny November Meeting US Heer Semi-Hist. ASL Scenario U7 "Han Sur Neid" Presently Unavailable Presently Unavailable
Han-Sur-Neid (SL Version) 16 Tiny November Axis US Heer Semi-Hist. Han Sur Neid, France 11 November 1944 - A real Ramelle like battle Frank M. Radoslovich Frankrad@pacbell.net
Haut Fornel - 3 Action Patrol 25 Medium June Meeting US Ab Heer Historical The three action patrol in Haut Fornel was a brief but fierce firefight Kris Handshin krmhand@globalfreeway.com.au
Head On 60 Huge November Allied US Heer Fictional Battalion sized battle for a village on the Siegfried Line Chris Sabin armdchair@aol.com
Heartbreak at Verrieres 25 Huge July Allied Canadian Heer Historical Canadians attempt to break through a formidable ridge Brian Topp briantopp@home.com
Hell in the Hedgerow 30 Large June Allied US Heer Fictional Two player Allied attack Tim "Rune" Orosz rune@ameritech.net
Hell on Horseshoe Hill 50 Huge April Allied US Heer Fictional German Heer hold onto a strategic hill along the Moselle River Terry "Groundpounder" Flemming terryf@fast.net
Hell on Wheels 40 Medium January Meeting US Heer Fictional January 1945, American and German meeting action Andy Thomas andyth@postalzone.com
Hell's Doorstep 18 Small July Allied US Heer Fictional Viscious fighting in the Normandy hedgerows Don "Panzertruppen" Maddox donm@theblitz.org
Hell's Highway 40 Large September Allied British Heer Historical Race with the 2nd Armored Irish Guards down "Hells Highway" to Eindhoven Martin "Moon" Turewicz martin@gamesofwar.de
Heros at Dawn 60 Medium October Allied US Heer Fictional Capture a German held town and surrounding environs Chris "Jagdcarcajou" Wagner jagdcarcajou@home.com
Highway to Hell 40 Huge September Axis British Heer Semi-Hist. XXX Corps must hold the line Tim "Rune" Orosz rune@ameritech.net
Hill 140 32 Huge August Axis Canadian Heer Historical Panzermeyer assaults Hill 140 Dick Reese warmeister@inetone.net
Hill 302 - Maneuver Warfare 30 Medium November Allied US Heer Fictional Hill 302 must be taken to prevent the use of Highway 101 Russell Zah rmz5@cornell.edu
Hill 505 45 Medium September Allied US Heer Fictional The US Army attacks a well defended German hill Mitch "Jarhead" Taranto tarantos@thebestisp.com
Hills of Gruyere 55 Large November Meeting US Heer Fictional American and German spearheads meet in shallow valley village with hills Keith Loh keith_loh@telus.net
Hitdorf on the Rhine 25 Small April Allied US Ab Heer Historical After crossing the Rhine the US 504th Parachute Rgt. Moves toward Hitdorf Presently Unavailable Presently Unavailable
Hitler in Hell 66 Small May Axis US Heer Fictional Hitler and his cronies find themselves in Hell CrazyCurt curtopia@raidersfan.net
Hitler's Bunker 27 Small May Allied US SS Fictional Hitler's Austrian outpost comes under siege Otrex otrex@hotmail.com
Hohenstaufen Attacks 20 Medium June Axis British SS Historical Hohenstaufen Attacks Graham MKI@ukgateway.net
Hold on at Tourmauville 50 Large July, 44 Allied British Heer Fictional A British strike at the bridge over the Orne at Tourmauville Terence Nelan tnelan@greyinteractive.com
Hold Your Position! 20 Small January Axis French Heer Historical Encirclement of Colmar Guillaume Counio guillaume.counio@free.fr
Holiday in the Country 25 Medium August Allied French Heer Historical Toulon Series #4: French attack on a German strongpoint Dan Brown (Berlichtingen) dbrown@dls.net
Hot August Night 30 Large August Axis US SS Fictional Crickets echo in the still heat of the night, a shadow flickers briefly… Dick Reese warmeister@inetone.net
Hurtgen 25 Small October Allied US Heer Fictional Hurtin in the Hurtgen Jason Cawley jasoncawley@ameritech.net