Main Troop Types | Scenario | Author | ||||||||
Scenario Name | Turns | Size | Date | Attacker | Allies | Axis | Type | Brief Description | Name | |
Ham and Bloody Jam | 11 | Tiny | June | Allied | British Ab | Heer | Historical | ASL Scenario PB1 "Pegasus Bridge" | Presently Unavailable | Presently Unavailable |
Ham and Jam | 30 | Medium | June | Allied | British Ab | Heer | Historical | Pegasus Bridge, D-Day | Dick Reese | warmeister@inetone.net |
Hamlet du Barrage | 60 | Large | July | Allied | US | Heer | Semi-Hist. | July 4, 1944. The nameless hamlet | Andy Thomas | andyt@pacifier.com |
Hamminkeln - We Start Here | 25 | Medium | March | Allied | US Ab | Volks | Historical | Operation Varsity: Montgomery crosses the Rhine | Wild Bill Wilder | bwilder@bellsouth.net |
Han-Sur-Neid (ASL Version) | 13 | Tiny | November | Meeting | US | Heer | Semi-Hist. | ASL Scenario U7 "Han Sur Neid" | Presently Unavailable | Presently Unavailable |
Han-Sur-Neid (SL Version) | 16 | Tiny | November | Axis | US | Heer | Semi-Hist. | Han Sur Neid, France 11 November 1944 - A real Ramelle like battle | Frank M. Radoslovich | Frankrad@pacbell.net |
Haut Fornel - 3 Action Patrol | 25 | Medium | June | Meeting | US Ab | Heer | Historical | The three action patrol in Haut Fornel was a brief but fierce firefight | Kris Handshin | krmhand@globalfreeway.com.au |
Head On | 60 | Huge | November | Allied | US | Heer | Fictional | Battalion sized battle for a village on the Siegfried Line | Chris Sabin | armdchair@aol.com |
Heartbreak at Verrieres | 25 | Huge | July | Allied | Canadian | Heer | Historical | Canadians attempt to break through a formidable ridge | Brian Topp | briantopp@home.com |
Hell in the Hedgerow | 30 | Large | June | Allied | US | Heer | Fictional | Two player Allied attack | Tim "Rune" Orosz | rune@ameritech.net |
Hell on Horseshoe Hill | 50 | Huge | April | Allied | US | Heer | Fictional | German Heer hold onto a strategic hill along the Moselle River | Terry "Groundpounder" Flemming | terryf@fast.net |
Hell on Wheels | 40 | Medium | January | Meeting | US | Heer | Fictional | January 1945, American and German meeting action | Andy Thomas | andyth@postalzone.com |
Hell's Doorstep | 18 | Small | July | Allied | US | Heer | Fictional | Viscious fighting in the Normandy hedgerows | Don "Panzertruppen" Maddox | donm@theblitz.org |
Hell's Highway | 40 | Large | September | Allied | British | Heer | Historical | Race with the 2nd Armored Irish Guards down "Hells Highway" to Eindhoven | Martin "Moon" Turewicz | martin@gamesofwar.de |
Heros at Dawn | 60 | Medium | October | Allied | US | Heer | Fictional | Capture a German held town and surrounding environs | Chris "Jagdcarcajou" Wagner | jagdcarcajou@home.com |
Highway to Hell | 40 | Huge | September | Axis | British | Heer | Semi-Hist. | XXX Corps must hold the line | Tim "Rune" Orosz | rune@ameritech.net |
Hill 140 | 32 | Huge | August | Axis | Canadian | Heer | Historical | Panzermeyer assaults Hill 140 | Dick Reese | warmeister@inetone.net |
Hill 302 - Maneuver Warfare | 30 | Medium | November | Allied | US | Heer | Fictional | Hill 302 must be taken to prevent the use of Highway 101 | Russell Zah | rmz5@cornell.edu |
Hill 505 | 45 | Medium | September | Allied | US | Heer | Fictional | The US Army attacks a well defended German hill | Mitch "Jarhead" Taranto | tarantos@thebestisp.com |
Hills of Gruyere | 55 | Large | November | Meeting | US | Heer | Fictional | American and German spearheads meet in shallow valley village with hills | Keith Loh | keith_loh@telus.net |
Hitdorf on the Rhine | 25 | Small | April | Allied | US Ab | Heer | Historical | After crossing the Rhine the US 504th Parachute Rgt. Moves toward Hitdorf | Presently Unavailable | Presently Unavailable |
Hitler in Hell | 66 | Small | May | Axis | US | Heer | Fictional | Hitler and his cronies find themselves in Hell | CrazyCurt | curtopia@raidersfan.net |
Hitler's Bunker | 27 | Small | May | Allied | US | SS | Fictional | Hitler's Austrian outpost comes under siege | Otrex | otrex@hotmail.com |
Hohenstaufen Attacks | 20 | Medium | June | Axis | British | SS | Historical | Hohenstaufen Attacks | Graham | MKI@ukgateway.net |
Hold on at Tourmauville | 50 | Large | July, 44 | Allied | British | Heer | Fictional | A British strike at the bridge over the Orne at Tourmauville | Terence Nelan | tnelan@greyinteractive.com |
Hold Your Position! | 20 | Small | January | Axis | French | Heer | Historical | Encirclement of Colmar | Guillaume Counio | guillaume.counio@free.fr |
Holiday in the Country | 25 | Medium | August | Allied | French | Heer | Historical | Toulon Series #4: French attack on a German strongpoint | Dan Brown (Berlichtingen) | dbrown@dls.net |
Hot August Night | 30 | Large | August | Axis | US | SS | Fictional | Crickets echo in the still heat of the night, a shadow flickers briefly… | Dick Reese | warmeister@inetone.net |
Hurtgen | 25 | Small | October | Allied | US | Heer | Fictional | Hurtin in the Hurtgen | Jason Cawley | jasoncawley@ameritech.net |