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          Main Troop Types Scenario   Author
Scenario Name Turns Size Date Attacker Allies Axis Type Brief Description Name E-mail
15 Tiny September Meeting US Heer Fictional Short hypothetical version of "Maastricht-Tough Tanker" - tanks only Wild Bill Wilder bwilder@bellsouth.net
25 Medium September Allied US Heer Historical Sgt. Pool and his tank "In the Mood" join the action near the West Wall Wild Bill Wilder bwilder@bellsouth.net
Manshau 30 Small December Axis US FJ Historical This is a small town East of St. Vith Philip "Rommel22" Svoboda rommel21@earthlink.net
Marechal's Mill 30 Tiny December Allied US SS Semi-Hist.   Mike Scano mscano@earthlink.net
Marine Ambush mia 14 Tiny April Allied British Heer Historical Royal Welsh Fusiliers and Royal Tank Regiment vs. hasty German roadblock Jim Taylor jtaylor2@flinthills.com
45 Large December Axis US Heer Historical 2nd attack at Marvie   vordenstein@hotmail.com
25 Medium September Axis US Ab SS Semi-Hist. Counterattack at the Nijmegen Bridge Michael Dorosh madorosh@home.com
70 Small November Meeting US Heer Fictional Where is the enemy? Old Salt old.salt@mindspring.com
30 Medium August Meeting US Heer Fictional PBEM - TCP/IP Only, No Flags Michael "Gonzo" Gonzalez GonzoAttacker@prodigy.net
Merry Xmas at Hemroulle 40 Small December Axis US Ab Heer Historical Hemroulle is the last defensive position before Bastogne Martin "Moon" Turewicz martin@gamesofwar.de
30 Huge June Allied British Ab Heer Historical Assault on the Merville Battery, 6 June 1944 Dave Dave@thecage.demon.co.uk
Merzenhausen Zoo 20 Medium November Allied US Heer Historical US 2nd Armored and British F.F.Y. vs. 246th Volksgrenadier & 506 Schwere PzA Harold Mortimer & Jeff Newell hmortime@nwlink.com
Meyer's Decision 1 15 Small June Allied Canadian SS Historical First contact between 12th SS Pz Div and Montgomery's Caen offensive Stefan Sheckells ssheckells@msn.com
Meyer's Decision 2 45 Medium June Axis Canadian SS Historical 12th SS Pz Div's attack on Canadian 9th Inf Brig Battlegroup in Authie Stefan Sheckells ssheckells@msn.com
Meyer's Decision 3 60 Large June Axis Canadian SS Historical 12th SS Pz Div's attack on Gruchy and Buron Stefan Sheckells ssheckells@msn.com
25 Medium August Meeting Polish Heer Historical The Polish 1st Armored Division has a harsh introduction to war Wild Bill Wilder bwilder@bellsouth.net
MG-1 Zon With The Wind 15 Tiny September Allied US Ab Heer Historical Zon, Holland, September 17, 1944 Presently Unavailable Presently Unavailable
MG-2 Tettau's Attack 27 Tiny September Axis British Ab Heer Historical West of Arnhem, Holland, September 18, 1944 Presently Unavailable Presently Unavailable
MG-3 Lash Out 18 Tiny September Axis US Ab Heer Historical Northwest of Schijndel, Holland, September 19, 1944 Presently Unavailable Presently Unavailable
MG-4 Guards Attack 20 Tiny September Allied British FJ Historical Near Aaist, Holland, September 18, 1944 Presently Unavailable Presently Unavailable
MG-5 Oy Veghel 25 Tiny September Meeting US Ab Heer Historical Northeast of Vegel, September 22, 1944 Presently Unavailable Presently Unavailable
MG-6 Dreil Team 27 Tiny September Allied British SS Historical South of Dreil, September 22, 1944 Presently Unavailable Presently Unavailable
MG-7 North Bank 17 Tiny September Axis British Ab SS Historical Oosterbeek, Holland, September 24, 1944 Presently Unavailable Presently Unavailable
Midnight at Oasisfeld 30 Large April Allied Canadian Heer Fictional 4700 Point Nighttime allied Assault Tim "Rune" Orosz rune@ameritech.net
25 Large February Axis US Heer Historical Germans strike as one US company relieves another on the line Wild Bill Wilder bwilder@bellsouth.net
Midnight Massacre 30 Small September Axis US Heer Semi-Hist. ASL Annual A9 Sept 15, 1944, Uttfeld, Germany, Siegfried Line Mike Scano mscano@earthlink.net
60 Huge June Allied US FJ Historical Janvier 1944 - Monte Cassino Patrick Feyret pfeyret@free.fr
30 Medium November Meeting British SS Fictional Two player game, Waffen SS vs British Tim "Rune" Orosz rune@ameritech.net
Mooshof Melee 25 Small February Allied Canadian FJ Historical ASL Scenario MLR3 ASL Veteran JMart90228@aol.com
Mortain 90 Large August Axis US Heer Historical The breakthrough attack of the 2nd Panzer during the Mortain offensive Chris Hatch cnd_hatch@worldnet.att.net
Motorized German Counterattack 60 Medium November Axis US Heer Fictional Motorized counterattack Jim Richberg jrichberg@bigfoot.com
Move It or Lose It 30 Medium August Meeting US Heer Semi-Hist. Meeting engagement at Cherence le Roussel, just after Operation Cobra Darwin "Whiterook" Barnes whiterook@worldnet.att.net
Munshausen 25 Medium December Axis US Heer Historical Attack on Munshausen Ron Chacon RChacon@ec.rr.com
25 Medium February Allied Canadian Heer Historical Canadian armored units attack German forces near Schwanenhoff, Holland Bryan "Marauder" Mel maraudermel@aol.com