July 17th, 2001 6:30 PM CST
Another massive update to the Archive. This will probably be the last such update. Most of the scenarios listed in Harv's database have been updated. I also Added "meet The Authors" to the site. This will be a permanant fixture. Since we showcase all the CM scenarios here, I thought why not introduce you to the people who make them! So check out the first Interview i did with Terence Nelan!!!
Waurichen, Whoa Mohammed, Wollersheim, Sandigs SS Counterattack at Poirier, Schill Gorge, Sgt Rock, St Cyr, Schijndel Road, Snow in the Vosges, Stoumont Station, Steutpunkt Vierville, Surrounded, Pettibon, Paderborn Panic, Point D Appui, Ponville, Lost and Found, Low Road, I Love This War, Kampfgruppe Walther 1, Kings Castle, Night Devils, Under the Noel Trees, Schijndel Road, Faugh a Ballagh, Frundsberg Right, Foggy Morning in the Garden, Fallback from Golf Hotel, Fire and Rain, Foggy Mountain, Just 3 Little Stuarts, Jumbo, Just A Stream, Valhalla, Vossenack, Veghel Historical, Based, Veghel Town, Vinter Vonderland, Offensive to Morenburg, One Lone Farmhouse, Ouistreham, Monty Advances, Munshausen, Manshau, Marine Ambush, R&R, Rochelinval, Raffelsbrand, Raid on St Nazaire, Railway Station, Ranger Stronghold, Recon by Stealth, Recon in Force, Recon Meeting in the Ardennes, Regalbuto Ridge, Ricky, Road Block, Red Devils, Riesburg, Tragedy at Laar, The Thankless Task, The Road South, The Whirlwind, Trainyard, Triangle of Trouble, TollRoad, The Thin Red Line, Trench Warfare, The Lion Rampant, Turnbulls Fight, The Liberation of Tulle, The Siege, The Battle For Prime Time, and Attack on the German Winter Line.
July 14th, 2001 1:51 PM CST
A small update today, but some very god scenarios and operations!!! Today we archived: Little Stalingrad, Baptism at the Riccio, and The Causeway all by Michael Dorosh! Michael also sent in a scenario entitled Nan Beach. James Morton Sent in Nachut. Archived a great operation entitled 29 Lets Go! by Franko!!! So we have some great new scenarios and operations to check out for this weekend!!! Also added a classic that i was missing by Wild Bill entitled Nijmegen.
July 11th, 2001 3:12 PM CST
Well i have been busy.... A mamoth update for all!! The biggest update ever!! I know.. I know.. I cannot take a break! :) Over the last couple of days the following operation and Scenarios have been added to the Archive! Thanks to the Authors!
21st Panzer Attacks, Bogged but Deadly, Drive to Mortain, Herrlisheim Cut Off, Stolberg - Punching a hole, Shanleys Stand, Stoumont, and The Destruction of Caen.
Tiger Corner, Tiger Route, Tiger Trap, Tiger 222, The Price of Impatience, The Mad Minute (Historical), The Guns of San Sebastian, The Mad Minute (Variant), The Magnificent Seven, The Clearing, The Devils Brigade - Monte la Difensa, The Hard Road, Trapped!!, Take The High Ground, Tanks in the Street, Terror by the Rhone, The Bridge, The Bitche Salient, The Beast, The Attempt to Relieve Peiper, Hohenstaufen Attacks, Hitlers Bunker, Hold your Position, Hitdorf on the Rhine, Hill 505, Hitler in Hell, Hill 302-Maneuver Warfare, Hamlet du Barrage, Han Sur Neid (ASL Version), Yeager's Farm, Marechals Mill, Midnight Massacre, Merzenhausen Zoo, JamesMotorized German Counterattack, Mortain, Who is Gunther, Withdrawal at Le Viet, Wittmans Last Hour, Warsaw Backlash, Wittelsheim, Gavin Take, Guns of San Martel, Gettysburg, Grab for a Prize, Gross Rederching, Surburban Wars-Approaching New Angeles, Surburban Wars-Fight for New Angeles, Surburban Wars-Last Line of Defense, Surburban Wars-Leaving New Angeles, Stop the Rain, Screaming Eagles, SS Attack, Shadows at Dawn, Scouting a Crossing, Stop the Panzers.
Email me your comments on the site. Your emails help me tremendoulsy!!Please sign sign the archive Guestbook!
July 7th, 2001 1:31 PM CST
Added Slam the Back Door by Terence Nelan and Hector Guerrero's new operation Counterattack at Sarrebourg. These 2 new submissions will keep you occupied for awhile! I have also put together my first scenario. It is entitled: Battle for Amstenrade. It is my first attempt and would appreciate some feedback. Also linked the "Latest Scenarios Added" box to the right of this. That way you can download the scenarios and ops directly! Also added a lot of older scenarios to "A", "B", and "C" pages of the scenario archive!! Stop by there and check it out!
July 5th, 2001 12:36 PM CST
Updated the Archive today by adding the Final version of Philippsbourg by Steve Dixon. I am seriously thinking of getting rid of the Playtesters page. None of the authors are getting feedback!! PLEASE, PLEASE support the authors and give them feed back!!
July 3rd, 2001 12:02 AM CST
Well i was finally able to track down a search program that did not require a CGI-BIN!! So i put it on the site. It is not the best engine in the world but it is better than having none at all. Please let me know what you think of it!! I moved the link to the playtesters page to the pull down menu at the top left corner of this page.
Jully 1st, 2001 10:20 AM CST
Been a quiet weekend. Archived one scenario. String and Bailing Wire by Terence Nelan. Also messing around with new looks for the site. Have a little time to do so now.
June 27th, 2001 09:10 AM CST
Just got done updating the site. Has some more scenarios sent in that I posted today on the playtesters page: Guns of Navarone by Jason Barnes, Munitions Factory by Rives Jones and Glory Assault by Brethon. Thank you for sending them in! Please lets give these authors some feedback on these scenarios folks!!
June 26th, 2001 12:22 PM CST
Well another update today. Added some more scenarios to the site. Added: Canyon of Doom and Hold on at Tourmauville. These scenarios were submitted by Terence Nelan. Thanks a lot terance!!! Also added 3 scenarios to the playtesters page: The Seigfreid Line by Rives Jones, Death Ride of the Panzers by Mr. Johnson and Beyond Bolero by Joseph Miller. Thank you all for submitting your works!!! Please give the Authors on the playtesters page some feedback on their scenarios!
June 26th, 2001
Well so much for my break! :) I went ahead and finished all of the scenarios listed in the CM Database. Instead of breaking them up alphabetically, I decided to put them on one page! There were only 60+ on there. I have added an operation sumbission form on the Ops page. That way you guys can start emailing me you great operations for all to enjoy! I also switched the resolution on this index page to 1024X768. Michael Dorosh suggested it and while i was playing around with it I found that i liked it! Plus it gave me more room to rearrange the site and get it looking a bit more professional!!! Don't forget to sign my guestbook below and register with the list bot!! Thanks alot!!
June 19th, 2001
Another busy day of updates!!!! Berlichtingen and his friends at http://www.derkessel.de have been busy. I have the new and updated scenarios from them at "The Archive." The scenarios are: Blood on the Vine. Charge to Glory, Fatherland, Holiday in the Country, Le Camp Crossroads, Liveration of Hyeres, Liberation of Toulon, Road to Toulon, Sollies-Ville, Toulon Nightlife, Village les Moulins, and To the Last Man. Also a new scenario on the playterster page: Philippsbourg by Steve Dixon. I also reworked the colors on the index and scenario page's. More of that to come later as well. I have begun adding the scenario selection bar to each scenario page. This will make it easier for surfers to navigate the site. I have finally completed all of the letters of the alpgabet!! so now i have A thru Z!!! I think i will take a week off and start on the Operations for everyone! I posted a question to the forum at the battlefront site look at it here.
Thats all the news for now. I want to thank all of the authors who have given me the permission and the privilege of posting their work to my site! Thanks.
June 8th, 2001
Lots of updates today!!! I added the letters S & T to the archive lots of new scenarios for everyone to download!!! I also received permission from authors to archive the following scenarios: Captue of Balta, Chess Elite, Debut of the Jagdtiger (a new reworked Version), A Polish Tragedy, Kommerscheidt, Night Train, Graveyard, Head On, Nam Mission, Forest Dwellers, Going to Town, Hell on HorseShoe Hill, Meyers Decision 1, Meyers Decision 2, Meyers Decision 3, Over Hill Over Dale, Polder Bridge, Ride of the Valkyries Act 1, and Rock Quarry. I had 2 posted scenarios on the "Playtesters" page but no one gave any feedback so i was asked to remove one of the Scenarios. If you download a new scenario, you should be courteous enough to send the author a quick email with problems or suggestions. I think 5 minutes is no to much time to ask. The author has put in hours in the scenario, so i think that you can afford 5 to 10 minutes of your time!
May 27th, 2001
I added another scenario to the play testers page. It is called "Back against the Wall." It is written my echo and you can D/L it from the playtesters page. In addition to this i also added the folloing scenarios the day before yesterday. Capture of Balta, Chess Elite, Forest Dwellers, Going to Town, Hell on HorseShoe Hill, Meyers Decision 1, Meyers Decision 2, Meyers Decision 3, Over Hill Over Dale, Polder Bridge, Ride of the Valkyries Act 1, and Rock Quarry. All great scenarios D/L them today! A couple of emails a day trickle in granting me permission to archive the scenarios still listed. So hopefully with the next couple of months we should be ready to start adding the newer scenarios. Thanks for all of your friendly email and support. Please check back often for new updates and information.
May 21st, 2001
Received a lot of reposes from the email i sent out yesterday. To all those who replied a big "THANK YOU." I am hoping that i receive more resposes so i can get a lot more scenarios archived for all of you! As always i am open to suggestion and got a good one yesterday from Kevin Pietersen. He asked if i could come up with a page to list games that needed playtesting! That way testers could automatically download scenarios and send comments directly back to the author! I liked Kevin's idea!! So that is what i am going to work on for the next couple of days! Thanks Kevin for the great idea, and thanks to all of you for supporting the sight!!
May 20th, 2001
Spent a lot of time working with the site today. Did a lot of touch ups and formatting. Also compiled a HUGE list of email address's of authors who have scenarios listed on the site but not linked or archved. Hopefully i get a good response so i can get the site updated and have more scenarios for everyone to enjoy!!
May 19th, 2001:
I made major upgrades to the sight today. I decided to play around with some graphics programs and came up with some cool stuff I think. No where near as good as the other CM sites out there. It was time to snaz up The Archive! Didnt want you guys falling alseep on me while downloading Scenarios! I also Added the letters N, O, P to the scenario list.
May 18th, 2001:
Added the leter M to the scenarios today. The sight is coming together nicely. Lots of work still to do. I need to come up with some cool graphics for the sight, may do that tomorrow.
April 19th, 2001: