The operations below are the property of the designing author. I have not changed or modified any operation or scenario. Please contact the Author for any questions concering the operations or scenarios!
Well here are all the operations that were listed on the Combat Mission DataBase. If you would like to add your Operations to this listing then please email me here. Also download the information form i have prepared. Include this form and the zipped operation to me. Thanks and happy gaming!!!

            Conditions   Main Troop Types Operation   Author
Operation Name Turns Battles Size Date Type Weather Ground Attacker Allies Axis Type Brief Description Name E-mail
30 8 Huge June Assault Mixed Dry Axis British Heer Fictional 21st Panzer counter-attacks against Juno Beach Gerhard S. Blake blakes@iobox.fi
29 LETS GO ! 20 6 Huge July, 44 Assault Mixed Dry Allied US FJ Histoical 29th Infantry Division campaign for St. Lo Franko Frankrad@pacbell.net
43rd Wessex at Vernon 20 6 Large August Advance Mixed Dry Allied British Heer Fictional 1st Btn Worcestershire Rgt exploits the Seine crossings at Vernon Colin Whittaker cj_whittaker@compuserve.com
A Day In The Cavalry 15 4 Medium February Advance Bad Wet Allied US Heer Fictional It's just another day in the Cavalry Martin "Moon" Turewicz martin@gamesofwar.de
Advance North 25 5 Huge September Advance Good Dry Allied US Heer Fictional American task force advances M. Hofbauer hofbauer@gmx.li
Ardennes - Team DeSobry 15 6 Large December Destroy Bad Damp Axis US Heer Historical Team DeSobry must hold the road from Noville to Bastogne at all costs Wild Bill Wilder bwilder@bellsouth.net
Arnhem - The Red Devils 15 6 Medium September Advance Mixed Damp Axis British Ab SS Historical Whoever controls the bridge at Arnhem will decide Market Garden Wild Bill Wilder bwilder@bellsouth.net
Arnhem Bridge - Multiplayer 10 12 Huge September Destroy Good Damp Axis British Ab Heer Historical Arnhem Bridge operation Jeff Roland jroland2@home.com
Assault on Gutendorf 20 6 Large May Advance Good Very Dry Allied Canadian Heer Fictional   Christov McWilly chris_sniper1@hotmail.com
Baptism at the Riccio 20 2 Tiny Jan, 44 Advance Bad Wet Allies Canadian FJ Historical First action of the Perth Regiment, 5th Canadian Armoured Division Michael Dorosh madorosh@home.com
Battle For Son Bridge 5 10 Large September Destroy Mixed Wet Allied US Ab Heer Historical Campaign for the bridge at Zon and control of the highway to Arnhem Jeff Roland jroland2@home.com
Bloody Buron VF 25 7 Huge June Destroy Good Dry Allied Canadian SS Historical 7 Juin 1944, les Canadiens ens progressent vers l'aerodrome de Carpiquet… Joel Montagu Joel.montagu@wanadoo.fr
Bogged but Deadly 20 11 Huge March Destroy Bad Mud Allied US Heer Fictional The US are pushing towards the Rhine but get caught in bad weather Mikael Sundmark mikael.sundmark@mailbox.swipnet.se
Brandon Rattenkrieg 25 8 Medium June Destroy Good Dry Axis British FJ Fictional Eagles of the Reich attack Bomber Command Freightman Dave@thecage.demon.co.uk
Carentan 20 9 Huge June Advance Mixed Dry Allied US Ab FJ Historical 101st Airborne spearheads the D-Day invasion, linking Utah and Omaha beaches Carlos "Los" Lourenco los@cris.com
City by the Lake 15 7 Large March Destroy Mixed Dry Allied US Heer Fictional   Gene Anglen LSanglen@worldnet.att.net
Counterattack at Sarrebourg 20 8 Large Nov, 44 Advance Good Dry Allies US/French SS Historical PanzerLehr runs into the flank cover of the XVth Corps Hector Guerrero HGuerrero@activision.com
Defence in Depth 20 8 Huge November Assault Mixed Dry Allied British Heer Fictional British penetrate German lines to seize an important height Alan Murphy alanpmurphy@hotmail.com
Driel Ferry 20 7 huge September Destroy Mixed Dry Axis British SS Fictional Driel Ferry, What if the British had used it?? Tim "Rune" Orosz rune@ameritech.net
Drive to Mortain 20 6 Medium August Advance Mixed Damp Allied US SS Historical Race your armor to reach Mortain before it is completely overrun by the SS Martin "Moon" Turewicz martin@gamesofwar.de
Firey Advance 30 20 Large July Assault Good Very Dry Axis US Heer Fictional The Germans attack an Allied batallion in hot dry weather Jeff Pinard jpinard@home.com
First Clash at Stoumont 20 8 Huge December Destroy Bad Damp Axis US SS Historical Stoumont - Pieper's farthest advance ASL Veteran JMart90228@aol.com
Groesbeek Heights 25 11 Huge September Destroy Mixed Damp Allied US Ab SS Historical Can the All Americans hold the high ground until XXX Corps arrives? Eric Tilley skydiver911@hotmail.com
Herrlisheim - Cut Off 15 3 Medium January Destroy Mixed Lt Snow Axis US Heer Historical The 43rd Tank Batallion is cut off and fights for its life Wild Bill Wilder bwilder@bellsouth.net
High Tide Mark 30 4 Large December Advance Good Snow Axis US Heer Historical Replay the high tide mark of the German offensive in the Ardennes Martin "Moon" Turewicz martin@gamesofwar.de
Hit the Coast 20 7 Large June Assault Good Damp Allied Canadian SS Fictional   Christov McWilly chris_sniper1@hotmail.com
Howl of the Timberwolf 25 10 Huge December Assault Mixed Wet Allied US FJ Historical The 104th Infantry Division assaults the citadel town of Lucherburg Frank M. Radoslovich Frankrad@pacbell.net
Kelly's Heroes 10 7 Medium September Advance Mixed Dry Allied US Heer Fictional Kelly's Heroes: The Campaign Robert Kirchner lempereur@aol.com
King Kong - The Last Reich 25 12 Large January Destroy Mixed Mud Allied US SS Fictional The last reich Freightman dave@thecage.demon.co.uk
Last Stand of the II SS 20 20 Huge December Advance Mixed Lt Snow Allied US SS Fictional Last battle of the II SS Panzer Division Niklas Vilsmeier nikvi@gmx.de
Le Pont de Remagen 25 4 Large March Destroy Good Wet Allied US Volks Historical Avance blindee Americaine sur le demier pont intact du rhin Patrick Feyret pfeyret@free.fr
15 20 Huge Dec 1943 Advance Mixed Damp Allied Can FJ Historical The fighting in Ortona was so fierce the press called it "Little Stalingrad." Michael Dorosh madorosh@home.com
McKinley's Battalion 20 6 Huge December Assault Mixed Snow Axis US Heer Historical Ardennes Dec 1944, The Germans advance on Rocherath and Krinkelt… Martin "Moon" Turewicz martin@gamesofwar.de
Misfit Heroes at Wiltz 10 7 Large December Advance Good Damp Axis US Heer Historical Misfits become heroes with Wiltz and surrounding hamlets the stage G.R. "LeBlaque" Mathews mathewsg@earthlink.net
Monte Cassino 25 8 Huge December Assault Mixed Wet Allied US Heer Historical Monte Cassino: Soft underbelly? Eric Tilley skydiver911@hotmail.com
Normandie 44 15 11 Huge June Assault Good Dry Allied US Heer Fictional Operation Overlord - Omaha Beach Patrick Feyret pfeyret@free.fr
Northeim 20 6 Large April, 45 Advance Good Damp Allied US Heer Historical The 3rd AD's only SuperPershing finally sees action. Hector Guerrero hguerrero@activision.com
Omaha East 15 5 Huge June Assault Good Damp Allied US Heer Fictional   Andrew andrewgy@pathcom.com
Operation Goodwood 15 10 Large July Assault Mixed Wet Allied British Heer Historical British VIII Corps attacks the ridge around Bourgebus Ben Lacy b.lacy@erols.com
Operation Meadow Green 15 12 Huge November Destroy Mixed Damp Allied Canadian Heer Fictional Canadian forces advance to take an important bridge Walter R. Strapps wrs13@columbia.edu
Operation Sealion 15 6 Huge June Advance Mixed Damp Axis British SS Fictional Attempting to circumvent D-Day, the Germans launch an invasion of Britain Michael Naragon Sanjuro77@aol.com
Over the Hills Nearby Vienna 20 11 Huge March Assault Mixed Dry Allied US Ab GbJ Fictional Conquer the hills and hold the pass Niklas Vilsmeier Nikvi@gmx.de
Redoubt 15 3 Large May Destroy Mixed Dry Allied US SS Fictional A fictional assault on the imaginary SS national redoubt CrazyCurt curtopia@raidersfan.net
Rest of the Red Devils 20 7 Huge September Destroy Mixed Dry Axis British Ab SS Historical The rest of the Red Devils, Sept 1944, near Oosterbeek Tim "Rune" Orosz rune@ameritech.net
Shanley's Stand 15 6 Large June Destroy Good Damp Axis US Ab Heer Historical The Battle for Shanley's Hill, Normandy Bryan "Marauder" Mel maraudermel@aol.com
St. Athan 20 10 Huge July Advance Good Very Dry Axis British SS Fictional July 18, 1944 German and British batallions fight for St. Athans John Carlson johnnocm@direct.ca
Stolberg - Punching a Hole 15 6 Large September Advance Mixed Dry Allied US Heer Historical Can you break through the mighty West Wall? Wild Bill Wilder bwilder@bellsouth.net
Stoumont 25 11 Huge December Advance Bad Damp Axis US SS Historical The 1st SS Panzer Division attempts to break out of the Ambleve River valley Frank M. Radoslovich Frankrad@pacbell.net
Tag des Nashorns 10 6 Large August Assault Good Dry Allied US Heer Fictional Stop the US 3rd Army as it marches across France Hector Guerrero iron_duke@mindspring.com
Task Force Rose 15 3 Medium December Advance Mixed Lt Snow Axis US Heer Historical Kicking open the door to Bastogne Michael Hunkle mhunkle@bellsouth.net
TF Butler 20 5 Huge September Destroy Mixed Dry Axis US Heer Historical Gen Butler and his ragtag task force must stop the German retreat Wild Bill Wilder bwilder@bellsouth.net
The Battle of Dreeber 15 10 Large March Assault Mixed Dry Axis Canadian SS Fictional A small German advance almost crumbles the Allied line… Chris McWilliam ch0311@quicklinks.on.ca
The Bridge at Arnhem 10 12 Huge September Destroy Good Damp Axis British Ab Heer Historical Arnhem Bridge operation Jeff Roland jroland2@home.com
The Causeway 20 8 Huge October Destroy Mixed Wet Allied Canadian Heer Historical There was only one way to approach Walcheren Island…a mile long causeway Michael Dorosh madorosh@home.com
The Destuction of Caen 15 4 Large July Assault Good Damp Allied British Heer Historical British infantry and armor assault Caen after a massive bombing raid CrazyCurt curtopia@raidersfan.net
The Groch - Kalkar Road 20 16 Huge February Assault Mixed Damp Allied Canadian Heer Historical "A common paved road…" Lt Col W.D. Whitaker, CO Royal Hamilton Infantry Martin "Moon" Turewicz martin@gamesofwar.de
The Guns of Fallstein 20 6 Huge March Assault Good Dry Allied US Heer Fictional The Allied forces desperatly fight towards the airfield in the hopes they'll… Dick Reese warmeister@inetone.net
The Kings Charge 15 5 Small July Assault Good Very Dry Axis US Heer Fictional Ace King Tiger commander Vodonzer leads his group to a small town… Robert Robisme_ca@hotmail.com
The Massif 20 5 Huge July Advance Good Very Dry Allied US FJ Fictional   Mike Heckman kingdomofmike@yahoo.com
Toy Tanks and Steel Men 15 6 Huge June Destroy Good Dry Allied US Heer Fictional Major Will I Getcha goes after Stabsoffizer Schwien E Hund in Normandy Dick Reese warmeister@inetone.net
Trieste 15 9 Huge July Advance Mixed Dry Allied US Heer Fictional Get the 12 O'Clock train Francois van Zyl fvzco@yahoo.com
Usual German Day 20 8 Huge June Assault Mixed Damp Axis French Heer Fictional German troops try to retake a French city and hold the ground they gained Niklas Vilsmeier Nikvi@gmx.de
Utrechtseweg 15 12 Medium September Assault Mixed Dry Axis British Ab Heer Historical The Utrechtseweg is the main road between Arnhem and Oosterbeek Martin "Moon" Turewicz martin@gamesofwar.de
Villers - Bocage 25 3 Large June Destroy Good Dry Axis British Heer Historical The Deset Rats exploit an opening in the German line - Wittmann seals it off Carlos "Los" Lourenco los@cris.com
We fight and Die Here 25 13 Huge December Advance Bad Mud Axis US Heer Historical The Battle of Domane Butgenbach Frank M. Radoslovich Frankrad@pacbell.net
Wilde Berge 25 20 Huge September Advance Mixed Very Dry Allied US Ab GbJ Fictional Advance into the Alpen Udo Schmid Uedel@gmx.de