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          Main Troop Types Scenario   Author
Scenario Name Turns Size Date Attacker Allies Axis Type Brief Description Name E-mail
Saarburg - A Way Out
20 Small January Meeting US Heer Historical Company B, completely surrounded and low on ammo…can they break out? Wild Bill Wilder bwilder@bellsouth.net
20 Small January Meeting US Heer Historical Company B, completely surrounded and low on ammo…can they break out? Wild Bill Wilder bwilder@bellsouth.net
Salerno 70 Huge June Allied US Heer Historical Salerno: A foot in Italy Paco Puig papuig@mx4.redestb.es
25 Small July Axis British SS Fictional Sandig's 2nd SS Panzergrenadiers attack Le Poirer 19 July, 1944 Stephen "Spook" Cleary nepcolake@home.com
Savonlinna - Russian Attack, Part 1 35 Huge June Allied US Heer Fictional Fictional scenario about Russian invasion to Savonlinna, city of Finland, part 1 Hans Eranummi hans.eranummi@pp.inet.fi
30 Small November Axis US Heer Fictional CC2 Schijndel Road Douglas "TeAch" Teachworth d.teach@gte.net
30 Medium December Axis US FJ Fictional Ardennes gorge attack Jeff Roland jroland2@home.com
Schwartzwald 30 Medium February Allied French GbJ Fictional Avance Francaise en Foret noire Patrick Feyret pfeyret@free.fr
20 Small August Allied US Heer Fictional American troops scout for a river crossing Ken "Loki" Selander loki_loki@hotmail.com
30 Small June Allied US Ab Heer Fictional Major Gen Taylor leads paratroops of the 101st inward on D-Day Sgt Eagle paul.cleveland@phoenixdsl.com
Sedan Redux 30 Large August Meeting French SS Fictional Made for TCP/IP 4000 points Tim "Rune" Orosz rune@ameritech.net
30 Tiny April Allied US Heer Fictional Sgt. Rock (comic book hero) and his crack infantry platoon take on the Germans Michael Andress werewolf1326@home.com
40 Medium February Meeting British Ab Heer Fictional English Commando raid deep behind German lines Mitch Taranto tarantos@thebestisp.com
Sherbrooke Fusiliers
40 Huge June Axis Canadian SS Historical Great clash of armor between Battlegroup Meyer and the Nova Scotia Highlanders Darwin "Whiterook" Barnes whiterook@worldnet.att.net
16 Small August Allied US Heer Historical Grandpa Sid gets his first taste of German steel in France. He didn't enjoy it CrazyCurt curtopia@raidersfan.net
20 Medium December Axis US Heer Fictional US rifle company in the Ardennes defends against night attack Chris Sabin armdchair@aol.com
Singling Shootout
25 Small December Allied US Heer Historical 4th Armored Division's attack against Singling, France. Dec 1944 Terry Simo terrysimo@knology.net
Skull Island (Allied) 50 Large November Allied US Ab Heer Fictional Americans attack secret Nazi base in South America Keith Loh keith_loh@telus.net
Skull Island (Two Player) 50 Large November Allied US Ab Heer Fictional Americans attack secret Nazi base in South America Keith Loh keith_loh@telus.net
Slam the Back Door 55 Large Aug, 44 US US Heer Fictional A German KG digs in for rearguard action Terence Nelan Tnelan@greyinteractive.com
Small Gain
14 Tiny October Axis US Heer Fictional US Army Engineers must stop a strong German recon force (Training) Bryan "Marauder" Mel maraudermel@aol.com
20 Small April Allied Canadian Heer Historical ASL Scenario R216 "A Small Town in Germany" Bryce Whitlock bwhitloc@concentric.net
Smokey Mountains 45 Medium August Meeting US Heer Fictional Made for TCP/IP 2100 Points Tim "Rune" Orosz rune@ameritech.net
16 Medium January Axis US Heer Fictional Vosges Michael "Gonzo" Gonzalez GonzoAttacker@prodigy.net
Snowmen 40 Small January Meeting Canadian Heer Fictional Canadians and Heer meet in the snow Tim "Rune" Orosz rune@ameritech.net
Sollies-Ville 25 Small August Meeting French Heer Historical Toulon Series #6: Struggle to control Sollies-Ville Dan Brown (Berlichtingen) dbrown@dls.net
25 Medium September Axis US Ab Heer Historical Do or die struggle for "Hell's Highway", the lifeline to Arnhem Wild Bill Wilder bwilder@bellsouth.net
Son Bridge - Historical Based
60 Large September Allied US Ab Heer Historical Fight to reopen the route to Arnhem Blue Macs rich.t@btinternet.com
South of Sword
25 Large June Allied British Heer Historical Things start getting rougher as UK tanks head towards Caen Wild Bill Wilder bwilder@bellsouth.net
35 Medium April Allied US Heer Fictional GI's battle their way into a small German town Chris Sabin armdchair@aol.com
27 Small September Meeting US SS Fictional SS platoon tries to roust a US company from the fictional town of Le Cour The Toad thetoad@ureach.com
SS vs the Nova Scotias 40 Large June Axis Canadian SS Historical SS Hitlerjugend assaults the North Novas at Authie , 7 June 1944 Brian Topp briantopp@home.com
St Anne's Chapelle
10 Tiny December Axis US SS Historical A tiny group of Americans blocks the only escape route for the Germans Bryan "Marauder" Mel maraudermel@aol.com
St Gertrude 30 Tiny July Meeting US Heer Fictional Map made for TCP/IP Tim "Rune" Orosz rune@ameritech.net
St Joost (Cold Crocodiles) 26 Small January Allied British FJ Semi-Hist. St. Joost Holland 20 January 1945 Gary Barr (Sgt Steiner) sgtsteiner@sgtsteiner.worldonline.co.uk
28 Medium June Allied US Heer Fictional US 4th Infantry Division approaches a small town on the Cotentin Peninsula Schrullenhaft ian_straw@hotmail.com
Steel Fields 35 Tiny June Allied Canadian Heer Fictional   Chris McWilliam ch0311@quicklinks.on.ca
30 Medium June Allied US Heer Historical ASL Scenario CH4 (from Critical Hit mag) June 6 1944 Mike Scano mscano@earthlink.net
120 Huge December Meeting US Heer Fictional Two groups of truckers race for a secret supply dump near St. Vith, Dec 1944 Tomas De Matic IV richmond@fastmail.i-next.net
Stop the Rain 35 Tiny August Allied British Heer Fictional Late in the war, Commandos sneak in to take out a Nazi firebase Colin Richardson car121@softhome.net
Stopping the Rot 50 Small November Meeting British Heer Fictional A small Village in England becomes the focus of attention Simon "Onejob" Page simon@derehamcomputers.co.uk
35 Medium December Axis US SS Historical Rubel's daredevils against Pieper   vordenstein@hotmail.com
15 Small June Axis US SS Fictional   Michael Dorosh madorosh@home.com
String and Bailing Wire 35 Large Dec, 44 Axis US Heer Fictional US rifle company on the Siegfried line deals with a determined German assault. Terence Nelan tnelan@greyinteractive.com
50 Medium July Axis US Heer Fictional   Thomas Hrastansky darksoul@shadowassassins.com
50 Medium July Axis US Heer Fictional   Thomas Hrastansky darksoul@shadowassassins.com
50 Large July Axis US Heer Fictional   Thomas Hrastansky darksoul@shadowassassins.com
50 Medium July Axis US Heer Fictional   Thomas Hrastansky darksoul@shadowassassins.com
30 Small September Axis US Heer Fictional An Allied unit in Southern France is surrounded Michael Andress werewolf1326@home.com
25 Small July Meeting US Ab Heer Historical Col James Gavin's Paratroopers against Tigers in Italy Presently Unavailable Presently Unavailable