Main Troop Types | Scenario | Author | ||||||||
Scenario Name | Turns | Size | Date | Attacker | Allies | Axis | Type | Brief Description | Name | |
Saarburg - A Way Out
20 | Small | January | Meeting | US | Heer | Historical | Company B, completely surrounded and low on ammo…can they break out? | Wild Bill Wilder | bwilder@bellsouth.net |
20 | Small | January | Meeting | US | Heer | Historical | Company B, completely surrounded and low on ammo…can they break out? | Wild Bill Wilder | bwilder@bellsouth.net | |
Salerno | 70 | Huge | June | Allied | US | Heer | Historical | Salerno: A foot in Italy | Paco Puig | papuig@mx4.redestb.es |
25 | Small | July | Axis | British | SS | Fictional | Sandig's 2nd SS Panzergrenadiers attack Le Poirer 19 July, 1944 | Stephen "Spook" Cleary | nepcolake@home.com | |
Savonlinna - Russian Attack, Part 1 | 35 | Huge | June | Allied | US | Heer | Fictional | Fictional scenario about Russian invasion to Savonlinna, city of Finland, part 1 | Hans Eranummi | hans.eranummi@pp.inet.fi |
30 | Small | November | Axis | US | Heer | Fictional | CC2 Schijndel Road | Douglas "TeAch" Teachworth | d.teach@gte.net | |
30 | Medium | December | Axis | US | FJ | Fictional | Ardennes gorge attack | Jeff Roland | jroland2@home.com | |
Schwartzwald | 30 | Medium | February | Allied | French | GbJ | Fictional | Avance Francaise en Foret noire | Patrick Feyret | pfeyret@free.fr |
20 | Small | August | Allied | US | Heer | Fictional | American troops scout for a river crossing | Ken "Loki" Selander | loki_loki@hotmail.com | |
30 | Small | June | Allied | US Ab | Heer | Fictional | Major Gen Taylor leads paratroops of the 101st inward on D-Day | Sgt Eagle | paul.cleveland@phoenixdsl.com | |
Sedan Redux | 30 | Large | August | Meeting | French | SS | Fictional | Made for TCP/IP 4000 points | Tim "Rune" Orosz | rune@ameritech.net |
30 | Tiny | April | Allied | US | Heer | Fictional | Sgt. Rock (comic book hero) and his crack infantry platoon take on the Germans | Michael Andress | werewolf1326@home.com | |
40 | Medium | February | Meeting | British Ab | Heer | Fictional | English Commando raid deep behind German lines | Mitch Taranto | tarantos@thebestisp.com | |
Sherbrooke Fusiliers
40 | Huge | June | Axis | Canadian | SS | Historical | Great clash of armor between Battlegroup Meyer and the Nova Scotia Highlanders | Darwin "Whiterook" Barnes | whiterook@worldnet.att.net |
16 | Small | August | Allied | US | Heer | Historical | Grandpa Sid gets his first taste of German steel in France. He didn't enjoy it | CrazyCurt | curtopia@raidersfan.net | |
20 | Medium | December | Axis | US | Heer | Fictional | US rifle company in the Ardennes defends against night attack | Chris Sabin | armdchair@aol.com | |
Singling Shootout
25 | Small | December | Allied | US | Heer | Historical | 4th Armored Division's attack against Singling, France. Dec 1944 | Terry Simo | terrysimo@knology.net |
Skull Island (Allied) | 50 | Large | November | Allied | US Ab | Heer | Fictional | Americans attack secret Nazi base in South America | Keith Loh | keith_loh@telus.net |
Skull Island (Two Player) | 50 | Large | November | Allied | US Ab | Heer | Fictional | Americans attack secret Nazi base in South America | Keith Loh | keith_loh@telus.net |
Slam the Back Door | 55 | Large | Aug, 44 | US | US | Heer | Fictional | A German KG digs in for rearguard action | Terence Nelan | Tnelan@greyinteractive.com |
Small Gain
14 | Tiny | October | Axis | US | Heer | Fictional | US Army Engineers must stop a strong German recon force (Training) | Bryan "Marauder" Mel | maraudermel@aol.com |
20 | Small | April | Allied | Canadian | Heer | Historical | ASL Scenario R216 "A Small Town in Germany" | Bryce Whitlock | bwhitloc@concentric.net | |
Smokey Mountains | 45 | Medium | August | Meeting | US | Heer | Fictional | Made for TCP/IP 2100 Points | Tim "Rune" Orosz | rune@ameritech.net |
16 | Medium | January | Axis | US | Heer | Fictional | Vosges | Michael "Gonzo" Gonzalez | GonzoAttacker@prodigy.net | |
Snowmen | 40 | Small | January | Meeting | Canadian | Heer | Fictional | Canadians and Heer meet in the snow | Tim "Rune" Orosz | rune@ameritech.net |
Sollies-Ville | 25 | Small | August | Meeting | French | Heer | Historical | Toulon Series #6: Struggle to control Sollies-Ville | Dan Brown (Berlichtingen) | dbrown@dls.net |
25 | Medium | September | Axis | US Ab | Heer | Historical | Do or die struggle for "Hell's Highway", the lifeline to Arnhem | Wild Bill Wilder | bwilder@bellsouth.net |
Son Bridge
- Historical Based
60 | Large | September | Allied | US Ab | Heer | Historical | Fight to reopen the route to Arnhem | Blue Macs | rich.t@btinternet.com |
South of
25 | Large | June | Allied | British | Heer | Historical | Things start getting rougher as UK tanks head towards Caen | Wild Bill Wilder | bwilder@bellsouth.net |
35 | Medium | April | Allied | US | Heer | Fictional | GI's battle their way into a small German town | Chris Sabin | armdchair@aol.com | |
27 | Small | September | Meeting | US | SS | Fictional | SS platoon tries to roust a US company from the fictional town of Le Cour | The Toad | thetoad@ureach.com | |
SS vs the Nova Scotias | 40 | Large | June | Axis | Canadian | SS | Historical | SS Hitlerjugend assaults the North Novas at Authie , 7 June 1944 | Brian Topp | briantopp@home.com |
St Anne's Chapelle
10 | Tiny | December | Axis | US | SS | Historical | A tiny group of Americans blocks the only escape route for the Germans | Bryan "Marauder" Mel | maraudermel@aol.com |
St Gertrude | 30 | Tiny | July | Meeting | US | Heer | Fictional | Map made for TCP/IP | Tim "Rune" Orosz | rune@ameritech.net |
St Joost (Cold Crocodiles) | 26 | Small | January | Allied | British | FJ | Semi-Hist. | St. Joost Holland 20 January 1945 | Gary Barr (Sgt Steiner) | sgtsteiner@sgtsteiner.worldonline.co.uk |
28 | Medium | June | Allied | US | Heer | Fictional | US 4th Infantry Division approaches a small town on the Cotentin Peninsula | Schrullenhaft | ian_straw@hotmail.com | |
Steel Fields | 35 | Tiny | June | Allied | Canadian | Heer | Fictional | Chris McWilliam | ch0311@quicklinks.on.ca | |
30 | Medium | June | Allied | US | Heer | Historical | ASL Scenario CH4 (from Critical Hit mag) June 6 1944 | Mike Scano | mscano@earthlink.net | |
120 | Huge | December | Meeting | US | Heer | Fictional | Two groups of truckers race for a secret supply dump near St. Vith, Dec 1944 | Tomas De Matic IV | richmond@fastmail.i-next.net | |
Stop the Rain | 35 | Tiny | August | Allied | British | Heer | Fictional | Late in the war, Commandos sneak in to take out a Nazi firebase | Colin Richardson | car121@softhome.net |
Stopping the Rot | 50 | Small | November | Meeting | British | Heer | Fictional | A small Village in England becomes the focus of attention | Simon "Onejob" Page | simon@derehamcomputers.co.uk |
35 | Medium | December | Axis | US | SS | Historical | Rubel's daredevils against Pieper | vordenstein@hotmail.com | ||
15 | Small | June | Axis | US | SS | Fictional | Michael Dorosh | madorosh@home.com | ||
String and Bailing Wire | 35 | Large | Dec, 44 | Axis | US | Heer | Fictional | US rifle company on the Siegfried line deals with a determined German assault. | Terence Nelan | tnelan@greyinteractive.com |
50 | Medium | July | Axis | US | Heer | Fictional | Thomas Hrastansky | darksoul@shadowassassins.com | ||
50 | Medium | July | Axis | US | Heer | Fictional | Thomas Hrastansky | darksoul@shadowassassins.com | ||
50 | Large | July | Axis | US | Heer | Fictional | Thomas Hrastansky | darksoul@shadowassassins.com | ||
50 | Medium | July | Axis | US | Heer | Fictional | Thomas Hrastansky | darksoul@shadowassassins.com | ||
30 | Small | September | Axis | US | Heer | Fictional | An Allied unit in Southern France is surrounded | Michael Andress | werewolf1326@home.com | |
25 | Small | July | Meeting | US Ab | Heer | Historical | Col James Gavin's Paratroopers against Tigers in Italy | Presently Unavailable | Presently Unavailable |