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        Main Troop Types Scenario   Author
Scenario Name Turns Size Date Attacker Allies Axis Type Brief Description Name E-mail
Take the High Ground 20 Medium October Meeting US Heer Fictional The Americans and Germans clash for a strategic hill Panzer Man bogart69@hotmail.com
Tanks in the Street 18 Small October Axis US Heer Historical Bardenburg Germany, Panzer Brigade 108 appears out of nowhere in the US rear David Stone dstone01@msn.com
Task Force Baum 70 Large March Allied US Heer Semi-Hist. The return of Task Force Baum Tim "Rune" Orosz rune@ameritech.net
Task Force Blackshear 30 Small December Allied US Heer Historical Task Force Blackshear Attacks Climbach in the Vosges Anthony Cooper cooper131@juno.com
Terror by the Rhone 55 Large August Axis US Heer Historical US 36th Infantry Division blocks the German 19th Army at La Coucourde 8/25/44 Stephen "Spook" Cleary nepcolake@home.com
TF Butler 40 Medium August Axis US Heer Semi-Hist. Blocking the retreat of the 11th Panzer Division in Southern France Andreas "Germanboy" Biermann abiermann@mac.com
The Attempt to Relieve Pieper 20 Small December Axis US Ab SS Historical The 2nd Panzer Grenadier Regiment must break through to rescue Peiper Kevin E. Ford bowman74@hotmail.com
The Battle for Prime Time 40 Medium September Allied US Heer Fictional Rebels revolt in Mexico and it's all live on CNN DeanCo deanco@ifrance.com
The Battle of San Martino 30 Huge July Allied Polish FJ Fictional Italy 1944, Allied troops try to break through the Gustav Line Tom Klimisch thomasklimisch@web.de
The Beast 55 Huge January Allied US SS Fictional American armor & infantry attempt to clear a village guarded by…something Bob Cook bloody.bob@funport.net
The Bitche Salient 30 Medium January Allied US GbJ Historical SL Scenario 8, Bitche, Germany, Jan 14 1945 Mike Scano mscano@earthlink.net
The Bloody Causeway 30 Medium June Allied US Ab Heer Historical The 82nd Airborne forces a crossing of the Mederet River in Normandy Keith Schur kschur@erols.com
The Breaking Wave (MIA) 22 Small December Axis US SS Historical ASL Scenario 97 "The Breaking Wave" Bryce Whitlock bwhitloc@concentric.net
The Bridge 30 Medium January Allied French SS Fictional A small bridge can sometimes have big consequences Philippe Nafteux philippe.nafteux@advalvas.be
The Bridge at Remagen 17 Small March Allied US Heer Historical The Bridge at Remagen Dirty Harry F_T_W@t-online.de
The bridges of Le Luc 30 Medium August Meeting French Heer Fictional Made for TCP/IP 3000 Points Tim "Rune" Orosz rune@ameritech.net
The Clearing 12 Tiny October Allied US Heer Fictional SL Scenario 301, Hurtgen Forest Oct 21, 1944 Mike Scano mscano@earthlink.net
The Crisbecq Battery 40 Medium June Allied US Heer Historical The Crisbecq Battery posed a serious danger to the Allied beachhead Martin "Moon" Turewicz martin@gamesofwar.de
The Devil's Brigade, Monte la Difensa 40 Large December Allied US Heer Historical US-Canadian 1st SSF, The Devil's Brigade, Italy 1944 Michael "Gonzo" Gonzalez GonzoAttacker@prodigy.net
The Fire Brigade 25 Small February Meeting US Heer Fictional The Fire Brigade Jason Cawley jasoncawley@ameritech.net
The Fiery French 25 Large Aug, 44 Meeting French SS Historical LeClerc leads his 2nd Armored Division against the Panzers at Argenten Wild Bill Wilder billw@matrixgames.com
The Forgotten Front 35 Medium February Allied US Heer Historical ASL Scenario G3 ASL Veteran JMart90228@aol.com
The Guns of San Sebastian 60 Medium October Allied British Heer Fictional The Guns of San Sebastian Greg Williams greg.williams@wilcom.com
The Hard Road 40 Small September Meeting British FJ Fictional   Vapour vapour@paradise.net.nz
The Hills are Alive 30 Medium March Allied US GbJ Historical US Assault in the foothills of the Alps Tim "Rune" Orosz rune@ameritech.net
The Island  50 Medium June Axis British Heer Historical ASL Deluxe Scenario A4 ASL Veteran JMart90228@aol.com
The Kids 30 Medium April Allied US Heer Fictional The Kids Jason Cawley jasoncawley@ameritech.net
The Last River 35 Small May Meeting US Heer Fictional As the war closes, the Germans make on last thrust Lord General MB mr_bill_jr_5@hotmail.com
The Last Valley 40 Medium May Meeting Canadian Heer Fictional River valley meeting engagement of Volkssturm / Heer vs. Canadian column Keith Loh keith_loh@telus.net
The Liberation of Tulle 24 Small June Allied French Heer Historical ASL 27 Tulle, France. June 7, 1944 Presently Unavailable Presently Unavailable
The Lion Rampant  40 Huge June Axis British SS Historical The 15th Scottish Division vs the II SS Panzer Corps during Operation Epsom ASL Veteran JMart90228@aol.com
The Mad Minute  40 Small January Axis US Ab SS Historical The Battle for Longchamps ASL Veteran JMart90228@aol.com
The Mad Minute (Historical) 30 Large January Axis US Ab SS Historical US Paratroopers defend the Northern flank of Bastogne vs. the 9th SS Panzer Jim Taylor jtaylor2@flinthills.com
The Mad Minute (Variant) 30 Medium January Axis US Ab SS Historical US Paratroopers defend the Northern flank of Bastogne vs. the 9th SS Panzer Jim Taylor jtaylor2@flinthills.com
The Magnificent Seven 40 Large May Allied US SS Fictional An elite German armor group makes a heroic stand in a small village Michael Naragon sanjuro77@aol.com
The Price of Impatience 17 Tiny June Axis French SS Historical ASL Annual 89 - The Price of Impatience Pat Boivin lori.pat@ns.sympatico.ca
The Road South 30 Small August Allied British Heer Fictional Clear the road, clear the village Anthony Simons anthony.simons@virgin.net
The Road to La Pier 25 Medium July Meeting British Ab Heer Fictional The Allies try to grab a highway in an attempt to free La Pier Lord General MB mr_bill_jr_5@hotmail.com
The Road to Wiltz 90 Medium December Axis US Heer Historical SL Scenario 12 "The Road to Wiltz" Martin "Moon" Turewicz martin@gamesofwar.de
The Royal Regiment 30 Large March Allied British Volks Fictional 3000 Point Britsh Assault Tim "Rune" Orosz rune@ameritech.net
The Sanatorium 90 Huge December Axis US SS Historical The 119th Inf Reg blocks Pieper's exit from the Ambleve River valley Strat wells_j@bellsouth.net
The Seige 40 Large April Allied US Heer Fictional Assault the castle…no matter the cost Steve "Zimbo" Zimmerman szimmer940@aol.com
The Siding 30 Medium March Allied US Heer Fictional March 1945, At dusk the fog rolls in and the Americans attack…The Siding Andy Thomas andyt@pacifier.com
The Sunken Lane 30 Large June Allied British SS Historical 6 Green Howards clash with the 12th SS Pz Division Bil Hardenberger Bil Hardenberger
The Thankless Task 30 Medium January Allied Canadian Heer Fictional Canadian infantry attempt to take a town from Wehrmacht Security Forces Gary Heverly combatmission@emonticello.com
The Thin Red Line 30 Medium August Allied US Heer Fictional Try to hold off an American attack Rob Robisme_ca@home.com
The VOD 30 Large March Allied US Heer Fictional Life in the VOD G Peterson peterson91@earthlink.net
The Whirlwind 14 Tiny April Axis US Heer Historical Recon elements of the US 26th Inf Div vs. Ersatzdivision Stab 471 Harold Mortimer hmortime@nwlink.com
25 Medium August Axis Canadian Heer Historical Canadians of the 48 Rgt. Find themselves in the wrong place, wrong time Wild Bill Wilder billw@matrixgames.com
These Hills Are Alive 50 Huge November Allied US Heer Fictional Hurtgenwald, Thick Fog, Mud, and Booby Traps Michael "Gonzo" Gonzalez GonzoAttacker@prodigy.net
They're Coming! 40 Medium July Meeting US Heer Historical ASL Deluxe Scenario 17 ASL Veteran JMart90228@aol.com
Three Ridge Way 35 Large March Meeting Canadian FJ Fictional TCP/IP Play 3500 Points Tim "Rune" Orosz rune@ameritech.net
Tiger 222 13 Tiny December Axis US SS Historical Attaque de Stavelot par le KG Sandig Guillaume Counio guillaume.counio@free.fr
Tiger Corner 20 Medium December Axis US Heer Fictional Map test Harry Broaddus harryb1@home.com
Tiger Route 11 Small September Allied British Ab SS Historical British Airborne attempt to get Arnhem Bridge. The Germans have other plans Harold Mortimer & Jeff Newell hmortime@nwlink.com
Tiger Trap 35 Medium November Allied French SS Fictional 2000 point premade quick battle (Allied Assault) Chris "Wolfe" Hare chare@erols.com
Tiger Woods 35 Medium January Meeting US SS Semi-Hist. A Tiger is loose in the Bliesbrucken Woods Terry "Groundpounder" Flemming terryf@fast.net
Tightening the Noose 30 Medium August Allied French Heer Semi-Hist. Closing the escape route of the Germans in Hyeres Dan Brown (Berlichtingen) dbrown@owc.net
Tin Tanks 30 Medium August Meeting Polish SS Fictional Polish / SS meeting engagement for TCP/IP play Tim "Rune" Orosz rune@ameritech.net
To the Last Man 35 Medium June Allied British Heer Historical German Grenadiers stop the linkup between Sword and Juno beaches Wild Bill Wilder bwilder@bellsouth.net
Todt Hotel 50 Medium November Meeting British SS Fictional Airborne troops hold mountain resort town vs. British tanks / infantry Keith Loh keith_loh@telus.net
Toll Road 50 Medium March Allied British Heer Semi-Hist. Pay the toll…or no go Steve "Zimbo" Zimmerman szimmer940@aol.com
Too Many Bridges 50 Large June Allied US Ab Heer Fictional Night attack by US Airborne to take and hold 4 bridges Old Salt old.salt@mindspring.com
Toulon Nightlife 30 Small August Axis French Heer Historical Toulon Series #9: French and German troops mix it up in the heart of Toulon Dan 'Berlichtingen' Brown dbrown@dls.net
Toward Hurtgen 40 Large November Allied US Heer Historical 109th Regiment attacks northward towards Hurtgen November 2, 1944 Anthony Cooper cooper131@mindspring.com
Tragedy at Laar 20 Tiny March Allied US Volks Fictional Hypothetical defense of a small crossroads Jim Cobb bismarck@inxpress.net
Train Yard 30 Medium June Allied US Heer Fictional Rail yard battle. The Axis and Allies fight for control of a train yard Philip "Rommel22" Svoboda rommel21@earthlink.net
Trapped! 14 Small June Axis US Ab Heer Historical ASL Scenario 15 "Trapped!" Presently Unavailable Presently Unavailable
Tread Marks in My Lawn 40 Medium April Allied US Heer Fictional Tank treads tear up my lawn during a time warp battle near my house Anthony Cooper cooper131@mindspring.com
Trench Warfare 35 Medium November Meeting British Heer Fictional Trench warfare between German and British troops Philip "Rommel22" Svoboda rommel21@earthlink.net
Triangle of Trouble 20 Tiny July Allied British Heer Historical ASL Scenario JA4 "Triangle of Trouble" Nicolas Counio ncounio@yahoo.fr
Trois Ponts 45 Medium December Axis US Ab SS Historical Spearhead of the relief column Mohnke blunted   vordenstein@hotmail.com
Trojan Horse Not Supplied 60 Medium March Allied British Heer Fictional A strong British force must negotiate a tricky urban river crossing David Aitken david@reckoning.demon.co.uk
Turnbull's Fight 26 Small June Axis US Ab Heer Historical Lt. Turnbull's epic stand near Neuville Au Plain Bryan "Marauder" Mel maraudermel@aol.com
Tutorial 15 Tiny August Meeting US Heer Fictional A training scenario to be used with the tutorial in the game manual Wild Bill Wilder bwilder@bellsouth.net
Twin Farms 60 Medium June Allied US Ab Heer Fictional Bocage fighting in Normandy Michael Hunkle mhunkle@bellsouth.net