Dead cat
Marmalade vat
Frase, watch your hat
Oh drat!!
Ewww,I'm not going in that
(Second verse worse than the first)
Ray on the vat brink
Pushed into the drink
"Fraser,you fink,
What if I sink?"
"Relax, I'll have you out in a blink"
"I'm getting all pink.
I'm beginning to kink"
"Wow, I'm out, I think."
Covered in marmalade, you're all mine wink, wink."
(Third verse: Cat in vat Finis. For Fortitude from Lucysmom
Rhyme scheme all shot to hell)
Marmalade on his nose
Marmalade between his toes
Ray covered in marmalade
Fraser wants to get laid
"Ray, take off your clothes."
Fruit chunks in his hair
There's fruit everywhere
Ray better beware
Oh, what a pair
Fraser approaches with a grin
Ray's fruit-smeared body gives in
Let the good times begin
They're both gonna win
Down and dirty on the floor
There's licking galore
Fraser's a whore
Surely you couldn't ask for more
I hope you're happy. My fingers are sore.